home » Facade » Plum, its benefits and health risks. Plums: how are they useful for the body, calorie content? What are the benefits of plums for the woman's body?

Plum, its benefits and health risks. Plums: how are they useful for the body, calorie content? What are the benefits of plums for the woman's body?

Mother Nature generously gives us fruits that help us to improve our health and well-being. We pay special attention to berries and fruits, considering them to be sources of vitamins. Today on the agenda is plums, the benefits of which are amazing. This hybrid of cherry plum and wild thorn is a valuable gift from nature to humans.

Ever wondered what is the use of plums? These amazing berries grow in our latitudes, while in the gardens you can find more than a dozen different varieties. A person is attracted by the extraordinary taste of pulp with light astringency and exquisite sourness. On the basis of plum fruits, juices, preserves, compotes, desserts are prepared. This berry is often added to pastries. But the value of plums has long gone beyond the culinary world.

The described fruits were found wide application in alternative medicine. And all thanks to their wonderful component composition. Plum berries can be conventionally called the abode of vitamins, fiber, acids of various types, micro- and macroelements.

This affordable fruit is enriched with the following ingredients:

  • retinol;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • tocopherol.

But the reserves of nutrients do not end on vitamins. Plum in everyday life is called the storehouse of health.

The component composition of this fruit contains the following elements:

  • food fibers;
  • starch;
  • potassium;
  • organic acids;
  • ash;
  • pectins.

Interesting! Plums are dietary fruits. A 100 g serving contains approximately 40-42 calories. Moreover, most of the mass of plum berries is water. And only 20% is distributed between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The described fruit trees grow on all continents, of course, with the exception of glaciers. In nature, there are about two thousand varieties of these fruits. All of them differ in taste, fruit size, skin color.

One of the most popular species, which is most often found in temperate climates, is the Hungarian plum. The benefits and harms of plum fruits for the human body do not depend on the type of fruit tree. It is important to eat only ripe fruits, otherwise you can harm your health.

On a note! If you have harvested unripe plums, leave them in a warm place for a while until they are fully ripe.

Berries aren't the only ones used in alternative medicine. Inflorescences, bark and even leaves are of particular value.

The useful properties of plum fruits include:

  • improving memory;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • elimination of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening the vascular walls, increasing their elasticity;
  • restoration of normal water-salt level;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • neutralization of the consequences of stressful situations;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • strengthening of the mucous membrane, including the membranes of the eye;
  • stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • increased appetite;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • treating anemia;
  • promoting the speedy regeneration of damaged skin.
  • myocardial infarction;
  • asthma;
  • arthritis;
  • oncological pathologies.

On a note! In the diet of people who are actively involved in sports, there must be plums. The vitamins and elements contained in the fruits help to increase endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Experts advise eating plums separately from other foods. Let it be a delicious dessert or aperitif, but you only need to eat sweet and sour fruits at least half an hour before a meal.

Plum pulp contains sugar, which is classified as a carbohydrate. With insufficient physical activity, unused energy is transformed into fat stores. To prevent this from happening, eat plums separately, or for dessert.

Plums for women

Waiting for the baby to be born is perhaps the most beautiful period in the life of every woman. It was at this time that many are faced with such a delicate problem as constipation.

Plums have a mild laxative effect, and literally a few fruits per day can help normalize your bowel movements. Also, plum pulp is enriched with tocopherol. This vitamin not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but is also necessary for the normal development of the placenta. Plums also contain folic acid. It promotes conception, and also protects the neural tube of the fetus from the development of defects.

Masks can be made on the basis of plum pulp. Such self-made cosmetics help to restore the natural complexion, enrich the skin with the necessary elements and even smooth out fine wrinkles.

Some women add plums to their diet to lose weight. If there are no contraindications, you can safely arrange plum fasting days for yourself, just not too often.

Special attention should be paid to prunes. The calorie content of such a product is prohibitive, but it can be used not only for culinary purposes. Softened prunes help in the treatment of corns and calluses.

On a note! From dried inflorescences and leaves of plums, miraculous decoctions are prepared. They are used to treat kidney ailments and also to strengthen hair.

Oil extracts are prepared from plum seeds. In terms of the number of useful properties and value, such oil is often compared with almond oil. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, lingering coughs.

Please note that you cannot ignore medication treatment. Traditional medicines are just helpers.

The negative side of the plum

As practice shows, the described fruit can cause diarrhea. But this side effect appears only with excessive consumption of the fruit. Doctors advise to eat no more than 5-6 large plums per day. In this case, the fruit will be extremely beneficial.

Overeating plums causes heartburn in some people. This symptom is the result of an increase in the level of acidity in the stomach. You should not discount individual intolerance and hypersensitivity. If this aspect is not taken into account, then plums can cause an allergic reaction.

Accurately and preferably, after agreement with the attending specialist, plums can be introduced into the diet of people suffering from the following ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis.

With excess body weight, you need to be extremely careful about eating such a fruit, because the sugar entering the body can be transformed into fatty deposits. Some diseases of the digestive tract are also considered contraindications, especially if it is associated with an increased level of hydrochloric acid and gastric acidity.

If plums are very useful during pregnancy, then during breastfeeding it is better to refuse this fruit. As mentioned, plums have a mild laxative effect. Together with breast milk, some components will be transferred to the baby, which will cause intestinal colic and diarrhea to appear.

Important! Doctors advise introducing plums into baby foods from the age of three. Previously, you do not need to do this. The exception is plum puree or curd with additives, but only in small quantities.

Pay particular attention to the appearance of plum fruits. If there is damage or mold on the surface of the skin, then in no case should they be eaten.

Under natural conditions, there are fungal microorganisms on the surface of the drain. Before eating, the fruit is thoroughly washed with running water.

On a note! Canned plums with seeds cannot be stored for a long time. If you want to extend the life of the fruit, freeze or dry it better.

Plum is a seasonal fruit with a sweet, tart taste and a very pleasant aroma.

Along with the use fresh fruits, the plum is also dried or canned. Dried plum is called which is covered in detail in a separate issue. This product is equally helpful in preventing health problems.

In total, there are about 2000 varieties of plums, but the most popular of them are the traditional plum, cherry plum, blackthorn and thorny plum. All varieties are low in calories, well known for their high phytonutrient content, so adding this to your diet is beneficial for your health.

What are the medicinal properties and benefits of plums of various varieties (black Hungarian (Ugorka), blue, red, yellow, white) and her relative cherry plum how are these fruits useful for the health of a pregnant woman, is it possible for a person to eat plum seeds, is the plum and its calorie content effective when losing weight and is it possible to recover from it, are valuable substances stored in plum juice and jam, how to properly freeze fresh plums for the winter , does this fruit have any harm and contraindications?

Useful and medicinal properties

Plum is rich in substances that promote proper digestion and good metabolism. Plum fruits have many medicinal properties that affect health and longevity.

Are common beneficial features from eating plums:

  • neutralization of the harmful effects of free radicals that accelerate the aging process;
  • protection against the development of diseases such as asthma, arthritis, heart attack and cancer;
  • improving memory by neutralizing damaged cells;
  • assistance in regulating work digestive system and relief of constipation;
  • diuretic and laxative effect;
  • boosting the immune system;
  • maintaining the health of the eyes, mucous membranes and vision;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • support for healthy work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increase homocysteine ​​levels and reduce the risk of heart attack.

In addition, studies have shown that the consumption of stone fruits such as plums helps in the fight against metabolic syndrome due to the presence of bioactive compounds.

The benefits and harms of white, red, yellow, blue plums and black Hungarian varieties

Plum fruits vary in color and size. Skin color ranges from white, yellow or dark red to blue or black. The fruits contain juicy pulp, the color of which also has an extensive palette from creamy yellow to raspberry red.

A variety of shades indicates the presence of nutrients in the composition of the product:

  • Dark-skinned plums or pulp are more nutritious. The darker the plum, the more beneficial properties it contains. Although dark fruits are relatively low in vitamins and minerals, the presence of anthocyanins (reddish blue pigments) protects the body from cancer by destroying free radicals.
  • Plums with light skin or the pulp has a high content of vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A is important for vision, as well as maintaining healthy skin and muscles. Consuming fruits that contain vitamin A protects against lung and oral cancer.

Fruits with a more intense color contain more anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, therefore, show a higher antioxidant activity than plums with white or yellow flesh. A particularly popular dark variety is called "Hungarian". The fruits of "Vengerka" taste sweet, but not juicy, so they are dried and get prunes.

The benefits and harms of plums for the body of men and women

What are useful for body of women:

  • Regular consumption of plums improves bone health, especially after menopause. The substances in the composition of the plum compensate for the loss of bone mass caused by hormonal insufficiency of the ovaries.
  • Plums are especially good at preventing breast cancer. The antioxidant composition of plums and phytonutrients stops the development of breast cancer by killing unhealthy cells.
  • Plum rich vitamin C, along with other antioxidants, support skin health, radiance and youthfulness. Eating prunes reduces dark spots and wrinkles. The extract is used in a variety of skin care products such as cleansers and compresses.
  • Women who consume plums and prunes regularly will have healthy, strong and thick hair. Plums are a highly pigmented fruit that not only fights hair loss problems, but also maintains its natural color, preventing premature graying.
  • Plums are also an effective treatment for irregular menstruation.

Reliably proven beneficial properties of plums for men's health was not discovered, which, however, did not diminish the incredible benefits of this fruit for the body as a whole.

Thanks to the chlorogenic acid and selenium present in plums, anxiety is reduced and the production of serotonin is increased.

Can pregnant women and lactating mothers eat plums while breastfeeding (HB)?

  • The benefits of plums during pregnancy are dictated by the abundance of numerous vitamins and minerals, this fruit, if consumed wisely, is unlikely to bring tangible harm. expectant mother... These beneficial ingredients are vital for the health of the mother and growing baby. They are involved in improving vision, bone and tissue formation.
  • Plums are involved in the fight against fever, helping expectant mothers to relieve fever without harm to their health.

Is it possible to eat plums for pancreatitis and gastritis

In addition, ripe plum fruits without peel in moderate quantities (3-4 pieces) are harmless for pancreatitis and gastritis, but not on an empty stomach.

Can diabetics eat plums with type 2 diabetes?

The question of whether plum is useful or harmful for diabetics is not so unambiguous in its decision. In general, plums are an excellent remedy for preventing various complications of diabetes... For example, in type 2 diabetes, they slow down the aging of the body and oxidative reactions, and help to cope with a common problem - constipation. Dietary fiber and antioxidants in the drain, they comprehensively help to prevent malignant processes in the digestive tract, they accelerate peristalsis and prevent slag stagnation. However, the plum is like a fruit with high in carbohydrates and low glycemic index must be consumed carefully, avoiding a dangerous rise in blood sugar.

The benefits and harms of plum seeds

Plum kernels, peeled from the shell, are good for health. They contain essential oils, thanks to which you can effectively deal with ascariasis.

The benefits and harms of plum compote and plum jam

Thermally processed plum fruits (compotes, preserves and jams) contain 20% less nutrients.

What is the difference between cherry plum and plum?

Many people confuse plum with cherry plum, but these are completely different fruits. Cherry plum is a better source of dietary fiber than plums, and also contains more vitamins A and C:

  • Vitamin C essential for maintaining skin, ligaments, hair and tendons, and supporting the immune system.
  • Vitamin A essential for eye health.

In addition, cherry plum improves digestion, produces a laxative effect, and activated charcoal is made from its seeds. Compote or cherry plum juice increases appetite, reduces the tendency to obesity, and helps in the fight against gastritis.

Chemical composition, nutritional and energy value of plums

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) are in the plum?

Plums are a nutritious snack that is low in calories (49 kcal - 100 grams) and an impressive amount of fiber. The presence of fiber helps prevent constipation and improves digestion.

What vitamins, macro- and microelements are contained in plums?

Plums have an increased ability to absorb iron in the body. This ability is due to the high content of vitamin C in the fruit. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells, improving blood circulation in the body, and preventing anemia.

Can you eat plums at night?

Plums are eaten only in the morning, as they also contain glucose -. Consuming plums at night will have the opposite effect - excess carbohydrates will be deposited in the body as fat. In addition, the laxative effect of plums will keep you awake.

The benefits and harms of plum juice

Plum juice is the source fiber... Fiber-rich foods are low in calories and fiber makes you feel full. Drinking juice that is rich in fiber will cause you to eat fewer calories, which in turn will promote weight loss.

Excessive consumption of prune juice can cause side effects - the risk of gas, bloating, and constipation.

What plums are combined with

Fresh plums have the greatest health benefits. A handful of plums combined with cottage cheese or whole grains can boost your intake of fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants.

Plums are combined:

  • with fruits (apples);
  • with citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime);
  • with vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, eggplants, carrots);
  • with spices (cloves, ginger, cinnamon);
  • with dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
  • with cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, wheat);
  • with milk and fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream);
  • with honey.

Plum makes very tasty adjika, spicy plum sauces, and the famous sauce is made from "Vengerka" and cherry plum "Tkemali".

How to Pick a Good Product

Plums are available all year round, but the juiciest fruits are sold during the period from May to September... Plums with a slight whitish coating indicate that they are not over-processed. Buying soft bruised fruit should be avoided. Ripe and ready-to-eat plums yield to light finger pressure and have a sweet aroma.

Product consumption rates

It is enough for an adult 3-4 plums a day to get the most of your health benefits. Children can be given 2-3 plums a day.

How to store fresh and dried plums or cherry plums for the winter at home

Unripe plums can be left to ripen at room temperature. Since this fruit tends to ripen quickly, you should test them after a day to make sure they are not overripe. After the plums are ripe, they are transferred to the refrigerator for several days.

Can plums be dried in an electric dryer?

If it is necessary to preserve the plums for a longer period, they can be dried in an oven or electric dryer. Dried plums are stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place, where they will retain their beneficial properties for several months. Storing this product in the refrigerator will prolong the freshness for up to six months.

Is it possible to boil and cover a plum with a bone?

Hydrocyanic acid, which is supposedly a hazard, collapses when heated above 70 ° C. Accordingly, before closing the drain, it is necessary to boil the fruits.

Harm and contraindications

People who suffer from kidney stones should not consume plums as they are high in oxalates (oxalic acid) that contribute to the occurrence of kidney stones.

Plum is one of those products that has a wide range of useful properties with a minimum of contraindications for health.

Which type of plum do you like best? How often do you consume plums? After you've learned about the health benefits of plums, will you include them in your diet?

Many are wondering what plums are good for and how to use them correctly to get the most benefit possible. This fruit is used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

The benefits of aromatic plum pulp are due to the presence of a rich mineral and vitamin complex required for the full functioning of the body.

Plum composition and energy value

Many people are interested in whether plums are useful, as well as what calorie content of these fruits is and whether they can be consumed during a diet. The calorie content of this product is 42 kcal for every 100 g of the product. This fruit belongs to low-calorie foods characterized by cleansing properties.

When losing weight, it is worth remembering that dried fruit much higher in calories than fresh ones. They contain many vitamins and minerals. Depending on the climatic conditions of growing varieties, the content of fructose and glucose in them may vary. In addition, the fruits contain various acids, pectins and tannins. Fresh fruit contains a lot of vitamin P, which has a special value for the body. It helps to reduce capillary fragility and remains even after processing the fruit.

Among the useful properties of plums, the following should be highlighted:

  • normalization of the functioning of the immune system;
  • participation in redox reactions;
  • provides better absorption of iron.

It is recommended to consume plums separately from other foods and drinks, preferably in the morning 30 minutes before eating. The combination of fruits with various cereals, honey, dairy products is acceptable. However, do not consume this product on an empty stomach or drink it with milk.

The medicinal qualities of the plum

The beneficial properties of the plum make this fruit simply an irreplaceable medicine. Due to its unique composition, fresh and dried fruits have the following beneficial qualities:

  • memory normalization;
  • elimination of heat and temperature;
  • cleansing of blood vessels;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • increased visual acuity.

The fruit is used as a prophylaxis for diseases such as malignant tumors, arthritis, asthma. Athletes are advised to include this fruit in their daily diet, as the potassium in plums promotes rapid muscle recovery after vigorous exercise. Knowing how the plum is useful for the body, you can choose for yourself the necessary remedy for therapy.

When carrying out the treatment, all parts of the plant are used, in particular:

  • fruit;
  • branches;
  • bones;
  • leaves.

The beneficial properties of plum leaves are quite pronounced, the decoction of which is used as a lotion for the healing of abscesses, wounds and other damage to the skin. In addition, tincture of plum leaves is used in the treatment of sore throats. It is recommended to regularly gargle with this broth. It is also necessary to take such a tincture for people leading a sedentary lifestyle for the prevention of hemorrhoids.

The benefits of plums for men and women

Knowing how the plum is useful for women and men, you can further improve your health with the help of this tasty product. In folk medicine, special attention is paid to plums. Often used:

  • decoction of flowers as a laxative;
  • decoction of bark and twigs as an anti-inflammatory, astringent and expectorant;
  • plum juice for colds;
  • plant resin for urolithiasis;
  • infusion of flowers and leaves with inflammation of the bladder.

As a medicinal agent, tea made from plum leaves is most widely used. Its benefits are shown as a sedative and sedative. With regular consumption of plums, you can completely relax and eliminate the accumulated stress.

This product helps to normalize the menstrual cycle in women, as well as improve potency in men. In addition, plum is used as an alternative treatment for breast cancer, as it contains antioxidants that help to get rid of malignant neoplasms.

The use of plums during pregnancy

You definitely need to know how the plum is useful for pregnant women and in what form it is best to use it. So, dried plum fruits help fight constipation. It is enough to eat several fruits a day to get rid of this problem.

In addition, these fruits contain vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the placenta and blood vessels. Pregnant women also consume these fruits to reduce bleeding gums. It is a good antioxidant that can remove toxins from the body.

Since the plum contains folic acid, it is simply an irreplaceable product during pregnancy. This vitamin helps prevent fetal neural tube defects.

The use of plums in cosmetology

What are the benefits of plums for the skin of the face? Many women who want to improve the condition of the skin are interested in this issue. In cosmetology, juice and pulp of fresh fruits are used. This mask will be very useful for absolutely any skin type.

To prepare it, you need to knead fresh fruits and apply them in a thin layer on a cleansed face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off. This product will leave your skin soft and smooth. Other products can be added to the mask, depending on the skin type.

Using plum pits

Answering the question of how the plum is useful for the body, it is worth noting that the benefits of this product lie not only in the consumption of fruit pulp, but also in the products prepared on the basis of seeds. Plum tincture shows very good results in the treatment of lingering coughs, bronchitis, and is also used as the prevention of malignant neoplasms.

As with many other stone fruits, plum kernels contain amygdalin. Under the influence of stomach enzymes, the substance begins to produce hydrocyanic acid, which in large doses can be very dangerous for the body. Heat treatment leads to the destruction of hazardous substances.

Plum seeds are used to obtain fatty oils that are consumed in the same way as almond oil... This product has antioxidant properties. This oil has a bitter almond aroma. It is recommended to consume a small amount of nucleoli daily, but this requires prior consultation with a doctor. With the correct use of this product, you can normalize your well-being, as well as cleanse the body.

How to choose the right plum?

To get the best possible benefit from plums, it is imperative to choose the right fruit. You need to give preference to firm fruit with a dense skin. Be sure to inspect the fruit for damage or unripe parts.

You need to choose fruits grown in natural conditions, and not in greenhouses. You should not buy too soft plums, covered with a thin skin.

How to keep plums all year round?

It is important to know not only how the plum is useful for the human body, but also how to preserve it all year round, so that the maximum amount of vitamins remains in the fruits. In order to use the plums all year round, the fruits can be dried. To do this, carefully washed fruits must first be held in boiling water for about a minute, cooled, and then dried in the oven.

With proper drying, juice will not be released from the fruit, and they will become denser. In addition, plums can be canned, frozen, and various preserves and jams can be made.

Contraindications for the use of plums

It is important to know not only what plums are useful for, but also what are the contraindications for using this product. Excessive consumption of plums is especially dangerous, even for a healthy person. Often there is diarrhea, heartburn, increased acidity in the stomach. As a rule, the harm of this fruit to the body is due to its excessive consumption.

It is unacceptable to consume more than 6 large fruits at a time. By following this simple rule, side effects can be avoided. Especially carefully you need to consume plums in the presence of diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • inflammatory diseases of muscles and joints;
  • individual intolerance;
  • while breastfeeding.

You cannot eat a lot of fresh plums, as this leads to intestinal disorders, as well as the occurrence of painful sensations in the stomach. Children under 3 years old are not allowed to consume this fruit fresh. Pediatricians recommend adding only a small amount of plum puree to cereals and curds.

Knowing what plums are useful for, you can achieve very good results in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Plum fruits, and especially jam made from them, are a favorite delicacy for many. But what does the plum do more - good and bad? How does it affect health and to whom is it contraindicated?

First of all, the fruit is famous for its laxative effect. It is recommended to eat it for people suffering from chronic constipation, diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary system, hypertension, edema and anemia. But with increased acidity of the stomach, gout, diabetes mellitus and rheumatism, plum should be used with great care.


Plum fruits are 86% water, 11.1% carbohydrates, 0.8% and 0.3% proteins and fats. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 46-48 kcal. In addition, the plum contains sugars (9.6 grams), dietary fiber (1.5 grams), organic acids (1 gram), vitamins, micro- and macronutrients.

For reference, one medium-sized fruit weighs 30 grams.

Vitamins in plums:

  • C - 10 mg;
  • B4 - 1.9 mg;
  • PP - 0.7 mg;
  • E - 0.6 mg;
  • B5 - 0.15 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.1 mg;
  • B6 - 0.08 mg;
  • B1 - 0.06 mg;
  • B2 - 0.04 mg;
  • A - 17 mcg;
  • K - 6.4 μg;
  • B9 - 1.5 mcg.

Micro and macro elements:

  • potassium - 214 mg;
  • calcium - 20 mg;
  • phosphorus - 20 mg;
  • sodium - 18 mg;
  • magnesium - 9 mg;
  • sulfur - 6 mg;
  • silicon - 4 mg;
  • chlorine - 1 mg;
  • iron - 0.5 mg;
  • manganese - 0.11 mg;
  • zinc - 0.1 mg;
  • copper - 90 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 8 mcg;
  • iodine, chromium - 4 mcg each;
  • fluorine - 2 μg;
  • cobalt - 1 mcg.

If we compare with the daily norms of nutrients, then the most valuable in plums are vitamin C, silicon and molybdenum. Only 100 grams of the product satisfies the body's needs by 11%, 13.3% and 11.4%, respectively.

Why is plum useful?

The use of the fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, intestines, brain, liver, and kidneys. Plum pulp supplies the body with substances that regulate metabolism. It is especially useful for people suffering from chronic constipation, vascular and heart diseases, with exhaustion and frequent illnesses.

Beneficial features:

  • laxative;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • diaphoretic.

Due to the content of antioxidants, plums prevent the appearance of cancer cells. It stimulates the production of collagen and thereby prolongs youth, inhibits the aging process. B vitamins in the composition protect the nervous system, improve mood and sleep. Also, plum fruits stimulate hematopoiesis, help fight anemia. And the content of vitamin C makes the fruit indispensable for colds and acute respiratory viral infections.

If we talk about medicinal properties, plum manifests itself in several ways:

  • relieves fever at elevated body temperature;
  • in the form of juice helps with throat ailments, disinfects mucous membranes;
  • for colds makes cough productive, facilitates sputum discharge;
  • cleanses the intestines and removes excess water;
  • in the form of jam (added to tea) reduces blood pressure;
  • promotes the elimination of radioactive toxins;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice, helps to improve appetite;
  • used to remove dry calluses (external application).

V therapeutic purposes they use not only fruits, but also leaves, flowers, tree bark. They are famous for their diuretic, choleretic, antiseptic properties. Infusions and decoctions help to cure gum disease, metabolic disorders, and immunodeficiency. Plum leaf gruel promotes rapid healing of wounds on the body.

Benefits depending on the variety

There are about 300 varieties of plums in total. They differ quite significantly from each other in color, shape, and taste characteristics.

In Russia, 3 "generalizing" varieties are popular:

  • Hungarian - dark blue plum;
  • renklod - green round-shaped plum;
  • mirabelle - yellow round plum;
  • black plum - black plum, a close relative.

Despite the external differences, all varieties of plums have approximately the same effect on the body: they weaken, cleanse, saturate with potassium and other useful substances. But the differences, although minimal, are still there.

  • Blue fruits contain more anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, they are endowed with maximum antioxidant activity. They are recommended for the prevention of cancer. And the use, which is made from the blue variety Vengerka, allows you to improve your hair and prevent the early appearance of gray hair.
  • Black fruits have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The diuretic and laxative effect of them is stronger. Also, the "thorny plum" variety promotes the rooting of loose teeth, lowering blood pressure. It is good to eat it when the body is exhausted, accompanied by dizziness.
  • Green plums are famous for their sweetness. They have a high nutritional value and rarely cause allergies. Also, these fruits have a milder laxative and diuretic effect, therefore they are recommended for consumption by children. But for diabetics it is unsafe to eat renklod, as it contains more sugar.
  • The yellow varieties harmoniously combine nutritional and medicinal properties... They have a mild laxative effect, strengthen the nervous system and stimulate the brain. Such plums are useful for pregnant women and children with constipation.

Effect on the female and male body

For women, the most valuable are the cosmetic and dietary properties of the plum. With its regular use, weight decreases, edema disappears. The pulp of the fruit is great for preparing rejuvenating and nourishing face masks. Many women use fresh plum juice for acid peeling - cleansing the stratum corneum. Also, the fruit has a beneficial effect on hormonal status, helps to restore the balance of hormones, and prevents the development of breast cancer. If sweet fruits are eaten in the second half of the cycle, premenstrual syndrome will be less pronounced, and menstrual bleeding will be less profuse.

For the health of men, plum is beneficial for its ability to eliminate bad cholesterol and cleanse the liver. It is no secret that the stronger sex is more inclined to consume fatty foods and alcohol. To avoid problems after a feast, it is recommended to eat dishes with plum sauce or drink plum compote. Dried plums (prunes) have a positive effect on potency, helps prevent the development of prostatitis, enhances libido and increases the production of the male hormone testosterone. If the man is an athlete, the plum must be present in the diet to saturate the body with potassium and increase muscle contractions during exercise.


Plum is harmful only if consumed excessively. Overeating results in bowel upset, cramps and abdominal pain. Unripe fruits eaten on an empty stomach have a particularly strong laxative effect. For an adult, 5-7 large plums are considered a safe dose, and for a child - 2-3 pieces.


Contraindications include:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • food poisoning and diarrhea;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • enterocolitis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy.

By the way, an allergic reaction to plums is rare. And if it still develops, then other Rosaceae and birch pollen also cause rejection. This is due to the fact that the proteins in them are identical and are equally perceived by the body - as an aggressor.

Useful and harmful properties of seeds

The core of the fruit deserves special attention. Plum pits, or rather, hidden inside the nucleoli, have an incomparable bitter taste. They are often added to jam or used to prepare alcoholic beverages, various sauces, oils.

The useful properties of plum kernels for the human body are as follows:

  • contain essential oils that help fight ascariasis (worms);
  • relieve cough, are effective in treating bronchitis;
  • eating 10 plum kernels a day is a good cancer prevention;
  • seed oil as a cosmetic product nourishes the skin and hair, prevents their aging.

Despite this, plum seeds can be not only harmful, but even dangerous. They contain the substance amygdalin, which, when it enters the human body, turns into poison. To neutralize it, the nucleoli must be thermally processed before eating (boil or fry at a temperature of at least 75 degrees).

The benefits and harms of plum juice

Plum juice is not always found among fruit juices. It is less popular - and completely in vain. It contains more phosphorus and potassium than apple juice or, and the benefits for the body are simply colossal.

Plum juice works as follows:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • eliminates constipation, weakens;
  • reduces swelling;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • disinfects the mouth and throat;
  • improves mood and appetite;
  • improves the growth and development of cells in the body.

Of course, you cannot drink large quantities of plum juice. A single dose should not exceed 100 ml. You can drink plum juice 3 times a day (after meals). If you exceed the dose or consume the drink on an empty stomach, you can get diarrhea, bloating, heartburn.

The benefits and harms of plum jam

Heat treatment destroys useful substances - plum jam contains about 20% less vitamins than fresh fruits. However, homemade dessert also benefits the body:

  • due to the content of rutin, it normalizes blood pressure;
  • supports the endocrine system;
  • enhances immunity;
  • relieves fever and relieves cough in case of colds;
  • improves memory;
  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • helps to improve metabolism;
  • removes excess salts and water.

However, we must not forget that any jam is a high-calorie product. Plum contains about 247 kcal (in 100 grams). If it is eaten in large quantities, the weight will increase. And for diabetics, such a dessert is completely contraindicated.

The benefits and harms of plums during pregnancy

During the period of carrying a baby, a woman needs a hanged dose of nutrients, and the plum is a rich source of them.

It is useful to eat fruits at any time:

  1. In the first trimester, they help prevent the development of birth defects in the fetus. Thanks to the acidity, nausea disappears if the pregnancy proceeds with toxicosis. In addition, the fruit helps to avoid anemia, improves metabolism and helps the woman's body to adapt to the increased load.
  2. In the second and third trimesters, draining helps fight swelling. It stimulates the bowels, which, due to the pressure of the uterus, are often in no hurry to empty themselves on time. Fruits are useful for jumping blood pressure, hypertension, polyhydramnios.

During pregnancy, women are allowed to eat about 4-5 plums (100-150 grams) per day. Overeating is fraught with diarrhea, which can provoke uterine tone and premature birth. It is not recommended to eat fruits on an empty stomach for heartburn, bloating, flatulence, because they will certainly aggravate the symptoms.

Plum is a storehouse of potassium, ascorbic acid. It contains rare macroelements silicon and molybdenum, which are involved in metabolism. In addition, plum fruits, regardless of the variety, are famous for their laxative and diuretic effects. When overeating, these beneficial properties turn into harm and pose a threat, especially to young children and people with diseases from the list of contraindications. Nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to 5-7 plums a day. Then there will be only benefit from the fruit and no harm.

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