home » Foundation » Raw foodists pros and cons. All about the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet for the body. Heat treatment leads to the appearance of harmful and even carcinogenic compounds in food

Raw foodists pros and cons. All about the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet for the body. Heat treatment leads to the appearance of harmful and even carcinogenic compounds in food

Is it worth trying a raw food diet, how the body will react to it and how it will end. About this in our article.

Is it worth becoming raw foodist?

Each year, more and more people join the raw food cult who are convinced that a raw food diet is the surest road to "immortality" and the best way to eat. Is it really so? What are the harm and advantages of this method? Let's figure it out!

In such a system, products are by no means processed using thermal methods: fruits, berries and vegetables are the TOP-3 products that come to mind when a raw food diet is mentioned. Also, people of similar beliefs consume dried fruits, various legumes, seeds and nuts. Some raw foodists use a "sparing" regimen of jerky, eggs and unpasteurized milk, but the true followers of this lifestyle are replacing meat with soy and beans.

Raw foodists are allowed to consume fresh honey, cold-pressed oils, juices and clean water.

Natural natural energy

According to raw foodists, such a lifestyle will help get rid of any disease and live in complete harmony with nature. Is this so, and does such nutrition really benefit the body?

The lion's share of nutrients in food does not lend itself to destruction by heat exposure and enter our bodies. And the fiber in such products improves digestive processes and helps cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful elements.

It is also worth noting that a raw food diet is one of the best ways to lose weight, since all foods are low in calories and have almost no harmful carbohydrates.


You also need to remember about the dangers of switching to a raw food diet.

First of all, the rapid transition to a new eating habit can cause fatigue, nervousness, and even diarrhea.

Nutritional deficiencies are also worth mentioning. Vitamin B12, which is found only in foods of animal origin, will negatively affect the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. Hence the anemia and irritability.

It is difficult to say unequivocally whether it is worth switching to a raw food diet - this is everyone's personal business. But, the transition to such a diet is possible only under the strict guidance of a specialist. Have you made up your mind? Be sure to be examined by a doctor!

The main idea of ​​a raw food diet is that in the process of cooking a certain amount of nutrients is lost, and if a person eats only raw vegetables and fruits, then he receives the energy of the sun with them. Therefore, all the nutrients from raw foods are assimilated more efficiently, and fire, according to raw foodists, is the enemy, since it destroys all the nutritional value of the food.

A raw food diet is one of the fashion trends of this century. With this type of diet, people exclude from the diet some part of the food, mainly meat and fish, and the rest of the food is eaten raw. What is a raw food diet - a unique method of losing weight or harm to the body?

There are several types of raw food diets.

Mono-raw food diet - a person consumes one type of food at one meal, for example, for breakfast - only apples, for lunch - only tomato salad, etc.

Mixed raw food diet- a person consumes several types of food in one meal. But at the same time, there are clearly defined laws for mixing products. For example, fruits can only be eaten with vegetables.

Omnivorous raw food diet- a person allows mixing raw food with one that has undergone minimal processing.

As for the benefits of a raw food diet, it is believed that raw foodists are less likely to get cancer, a raw food diet is the best remedy for constipation and hemorrhoids. Raw food is beneficial for a variety of skin conditions. Uncooked food fills the stomach more quickly, so a raw food diet can help you get leaner.

Cons of a raw food diet: a sharp transition to this type of food is dangerous to health, a raw food diet can exacerbate pancreatitis or gastritis. A raw food diet should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly.

There are two groups of arguments against the raw food theory.

The first group of disadvantages of this type of nutrition is associated with the foods that enter the body. There are a number of nutrients that are poorly absorbed when eaten raw. For example, carotene from raw carrots is very well accepted by the body in combination with fat. If you just eat carrots, then carotene is absorbed only by ten percent, and if carrots, grated on a fine grater, are eaten with sour cream, then the absorption percentage will be much higher. And a substance like lipoken, which is found in tomatoes, is better absorbed from a thermally processed vegetable. And some plants have developed in their composition certain substances that protect them from being eaten by humans and animals. Therefore, their fruits during heat treatment become safe for humans.

The second group of shortcomings is associated with the person himself... The foods that a person consumes while adhering to such a diet contain a lot of dietary fiber and starch, as well as fiber. And this is a fairly strong load for the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a raw food diet is contraindicated for people who have problems with the pancreas.
If you are a beginner raw foodist and are confused about how to eat properly, you can try sticking to such a menu.

The first breakfast can consist of an orange, grapefruit, an apple and two pears, and about ten more figs and a piece of melon or watermelon. All this can be eaten not all together, but one product at a time.

The second breakfast can consist of a vegetable salad with a small amount of unrefined oil, you can also eat a hundred grams of nuts or seeds.

You can also have a salad for dinner.

At first, the digestion of a raw foodist can be uncomfortable, as it is not yet accustomed to new food. The transition to a raw food diet should be gradual, while slowly increasing the intake of live food.

First of all, a person must decide whether he needs to switch to a raw food diet.... Does it make sense to change your usual diet to extreme. If you nevertheless decide to try, then you should take into account the observance of several conditions: the person must be absolutely healthy, the age should be within thirty to fifty-five years, you should not give up animal products (cottage cheese, milk, fish and meat). Very often, raw foodists try to compensate for the lack of animal protein by eating vegetable protein. However, vegetable protein also has a cellulose membrane, so it makes it difficult for it to be absorbed. In addition, vegetable protein is not complete in its composition, and this can cause imbalances in the body.
If you decide to switch to a raw food diet, you need to consult a doctor, analyze your health status, work schedule, diet and physical activity.

You should not blindly follow any type of food, it is much more correct to extract a rational grain from each. For example, you can learn from a raw food diet that you can and should include raw foods in your diet, but in a certain ratio: there should be more raw foods than processed foods, but cooked food is also necessary for the human body. The main thing is that food does not harm your body, but helps it.

(Photo: Gina Sanders, JuTi, shutterstock.com)

A raw food diet - eating exclusively raw foods - is very fashionable these days. Admirers of this food trumpet with might and main about its benefits: a raw food diet helps to lose weight, and relieves of diseases, and improves health, and even develops intuition. The raw food diet, meanwhile, has both pros and cons. Why is such food useful and in what cases is it better to refuse it?

The crux of the raw diet is that most foods should be eaten raw without being cooked. Thus, they retain all their nutrients and valuable properties, plus they are better absorbed by the body. These are a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, sprouted grains, herbs, as well as spices and herbs. You can also use cereals, among which buckwheat and oatmeal are especially useful, but not cooked, but simply soaked in water, with honey and fruits.

Raw food diet: a bit of history

A raw food diet - eating exclusively raw vegetables and fruits - was promoted by the American scientist Gervard Carrington at the beginning of the 20th century. It is he who is considered the "father of raw food". However, if you look at it, a raw food diet has been present in Slavic cuisine from time immemorial. Even in the days of Kievan Rus, vegetables, berries, mushrooms and fruits were traditionally harvested without using heat treatment - salting, drying, drying and pickling. And according to the Orthodox calendar, about 200 days a year are fast. On these days, the consumption of meat and dairy products is prohibited, as well as, for the most part, fish and oils.

Raw food diet: what is it

A raw food diet is a food system in which food is eaten that did not lend itself to heat treatment - cooking, frying, smoking, baking, etc. The list of permitted foods includes raw vegetables and fruits, seeds, nuts, cereal grains, cold-pressed vegetable oils, dried foods without any spices added (dried fruits).

A raw food diet is often called a more rigid form of vegetarianism, but the main factor in such a diet is the preservation of the nutritional value of the foods consumed, since they are not heat-treated.

Types of raw food

Omnivorous raw food diet

This type of raw food diet allows the addition of any type of food to the diet, including meat, fish, seafood, milk, eggs (but only raw or dried). Sometimes milk is excluded, leaving only raw meat, fish and plant foods.

Vegetarian raw food diet

This raw food diet completely excludes meat and fish, but allows raw eggs and / or milk, and sometimes dairy products.

Vegan Raw Food Diet

This raw food diet excludes any animal products and allows only raw plant foods to be consumed. This raw food diet is the most common.

Carnivorous raw food diet (raw meat diet, raw food diet of the Paleolithic era)

This raw food diet is based on the consumption of raw fish, seafood, raw meat, game, eggs and animal fat. Fruits and vegetables in the diet are minimized. This type of raw food diet is the least common.


This food is only raw fruits. The diet includes fresh fruits and berries. It differs from the raw food diet itself in that there are no vegetables in the diet that are not fruits (for example, carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage, radishes), and cereals.

Many raw foodists believe that eating exclusively raw foods is optimal for anyone. Let's see if this is really the case.

Raw food: pros and cons

The benefits of a raw food diet are based on the opinion that since fried and cooked food (which does not exist in nature), as well as animal meat and milk, did not initially appear in the human food chain, it is raw food that is the most biologically natural.

But like any food system, the raw food diet has its pros and cons.

Pros of a raw food diet

1. A raw food diet cures disease
Some raw foodists say that they have adopted this diet, fleeing disease. There are cases when, having switched to a raw food diet, people got rid of arthritis, hypertension and headaches.

31-year-old from Kiev Taras GAVUR, a computer support specialist, has been eating raw food for more than 5 years. His transition to such a diet lasted another 5 years. “It all started after problems with the intestines and sharp pains in the spine,” Taras tells Smachno.ua. “The doctors recommended me to eat right, so I started a war with myself: I removed fried meat, potatoes, sweet waffles from the diet, and started drinking fruit and vegetable juices.”

Taras was pushed to a raw food diet by his wife - thanks to this nutrition system, she cured chronic asthma. Taras has not been sick for about 10 years.

2. A raw food diet saturates the body with energy
People who become raw foodists find that they have a lot of energy. “After switching to a raw food diet, I felt just an unprecedented burst of energy,” says Artem VOLOSCHUK, a raw foodist, cook at the Kiev literary and vegetarian cafe “Ginger”. - For example, you run around, work, redo a bunch of things, then come home - and you still feel that you have so much strength that you could move mountains! "

In addition, Artem notes, thanks to a raw food diet, the head becomes enlightened, thoughts become clearer, and even intuition develops.

3. A raw food diet helps you lose weight
As for losing weight - indeed, 1.5-2 months after switching to raw food and giving up bread, buns and other grain products, that is, by reducing the number of calories, a person loses weight. Therefore, in recent years, the raw food diet has begun to be used as a diet. True, adherents of such a weight loss system use the principles of a raw food diet temporarily and do not always adhere to them - they can, for example, eat something that has undergone heat treatment.

The manager of the Kiev live food bar Nebo’s, 29-year-old Yuri VOLKOV, at one time weighed more than 100 kg. After switching to a raw food diet 2 years ago, he lost weight very quickly, and now, according to him, he feels good.

At the same time, losing weight on a raw food diet is a rather controversial point. For example, it may be that after some time, after the body adapts to a new way of eating, the weight returns again.

4. A raw food diet allows you to sleep less
Raw foodists sleep less than others. For rest, raw foodists need only 5-6 hours, and some even less. “The coolest thing now is to sleep 4-5 hours a day and get enough sleep, it’s easy to get up in the morning,” says Yuri Volkov.
His words are confirmed by other raw foodists - 5 hours of sleep is enough.

Cons of a raw food diet

1. A raw food diet leads to vitamin deficiencies
When switching to raw food, if the diet is unbalanced, the body is often deficient in vitamins and minerals. In particular, calcium and magnesium. Due to their shortage, after switching to raw food (somewhere around 3 weeks), numbness is sometimes felt in the arms and legs.

Due to the lack of vitamins in the body, newcomers to raw food, for example, may find it difficult to heal wounds. “When I switched to a raw food diet, my stomach ached, I had no strength, and a terrible chronic allergy manifested itself,” says Yuri Volkov.

Such crises lasted for Yuri for the first 3 months, then disappeared.

2. A raw food diet can provoke indigestion
Many raw foodists don't know how to combine foods and eat anything that is raw. “This is fundamentally wrong,” says Artem Voloshchuk. - Some foods are not digested together and are harmful to the body. For example, you cannot mix proteins with carbohydrates, vegetables with fruits. For example, the combination of nuts and honey is not allowed. "

3. A raw food diet causes aggression
It turns out that not only meat lovers are aggressive. Very often, newly-baked raw foodists show aggression towards others. “When switching to a raw food diet, a person refuses grains - for example, cereals, bread, baked goods, and this, in turn, leads to a shortage of B vitamins in the body, which are responsible for balance,” says Artem Voloshchuk. Aggression among raw foodists can also manifest itself in relation to non-raw foodists - as to representatives of the enemy camp.

4. A raw food diet becomes a must
Beginner raw food eaters sometimes break off - and eat something from the cooked food. And then they cannot get rid of the feeling of guilt for what they ate. “In this case,” advises Artem Voloshchuk, “you should always remember that you are eating raw food primarily for yourself, and not for someone else. Therefore, you should first of all listen to your body, and not to the opinion of others. "

“If my friends and I are in a sushi bar, I can even eat sushi - I have no strict restrictions,” says Yuri Volkov. - If you want a shish kebab - eat a shish kebab, although this has happened three times in the last 2 years. The most difficult period on a raw food diet is the first six months. My last frontier was crossed in the form of giving up my favorite bagels. "

Taras Gavur occasionally allows himself, if he really wants to, a little raw fish or milk - an omnivorous raw food diet allows such a diet. But, as the raw foodist says, he is less drawn to such food.

Is it expensive to be a raw foodist

A raw food diet is not a cheap pleasure. According to Artem Voloshchuk, a person who lives in the city and eats exclusively food from the store will cost 2-3 times more than a regular food. For those who have their own vegetable garden and their own crops, on the contrary, being a raw foodist is cheaper than buying meat.

As for raw food restaurants and cafes, there is a lot of overclocking here: for example, even in Kiev there are just one or two such establishments.

A word to an expert
gastroenterologist, nutritionist, neurologist, ultrasound diagnostics:

“Raw vegetables, fruits, nuts are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, proteins - all of these are certainly good for health. On a raw food diet, there is never overeating, cholesterol, blood sugar does not rise, and the diet can be made quite varied.

But not everyone can eat raw. If we talk about people who carried, gave birth and raised a child, they can. For those who have not yet acquired offspring, it is undesirable to eat a raw food: proteins and fats of animal origin are needed for a full-fledged egg and sperm, so you can switch to a raw food diet only after completing the "father's function".

It is not recommended to eat raw food for children and adolescents: they need a complete diet to build internal organs, for the proper functioning of the glands. If such a diet is absent, the child is delayed in growth and development. Cooked porridge is an excellent source of energy for mobile children.

But people after 40 years old, suffering from obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, can get fat for a month or more - until complete recovery.

Contraindications to raw food: insufficient digestion of raw food, gastritis, colitis. "

How to properly switch to a raw food diet

Do not become a raw foodist just because it is fashionable - only harm your health. The decision to become a raw foodist should be conscious, and not because so many do so and someone said it was great. Before deciding to completely change the way of life - and it will not work in another way - you need to weigh the pros and cons, consult with experts and then make a decision.

You need to become a raw foodist only at the call of the body: if the body requires it. Yuri Volkov switched to a raw food diet very abruptly - within just two weeks - and admits that for the correct transition a person needs at least a year, since the body needs to completely rebuild to consume a new type of energy.

1. Having decided to switch to a raw food diet, first of all you need to consult with your doctor. Each person's body is different, and what suits many - even if it is very useful - may not suit you.

2. When switching to a raw food diet, you need to leave porridge and warm drinks for 7-10 days, advises dietitian Larisa Boychenko. Then exclude porridge and drink.

3. It is necessary to increase the amount of water in the diet, advises Artem Voloshchuk. It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters per day.

4. Gradually you need to increase fiber in the diet - eat more vegetables and fruits. This is necessary so that the intestinal microflora is rebuilt.

5. Become a raw foodist is best in June-July. At this time, fresh vegetables and fruits already appear and the transition will be less painful. The most difficult period for raw foodists is the first winter.

6. The main thing to remember: the diet should be balanced in protein and carbohydrates.

7. Diet is very individual. Someone needs to eat 2 times a day, others eat 5-6 times. By the way, on a raw food diet, heat treatment of food is allowed at temperatures up to + 43 ° C.

A few rules for combining foods for a raw food diet:

1. Do not mix fatty and sugary foods
This is the most important rule. The combination of fats or proteins with sugar causes fermentation in the stomach. Examples of combining fat with sugar: dates - with nuts, dried fruits - with avocado, avocado - with sweet fruits, fruit salad - with coconut.

In some cases, a combination of sour fruits (for example, orange) with fat (nuts, avocados) is allowed. The implication is that the acidity of these fruits promotes the digestion of fats, and they contain little sugar.

2. Do not mix acidic and starchy foods
The acid stops the breakdown of starch in the mouth or makes it very difficult (sometimes with painful symptoms).

Examples of this combination: tomatoes - with potatoes, a classic sandwich - with a tomato, bananas - with oranges. Oranges are sour, and bananas, even ripe, contain starch. Bananas work best with less acidic fruits like sweet apples, mangoes, etc.

3. Do not mix different types of fatty foods at one time.
Fatty foods are difficult to digest. When different types of fats are combined in one meal, digestion slows down significantly. Examples of such a combination are: nuts - with avocados, nuts - with vegetable oil, coconut - with avocado, coconut - with nuts.

4. Greens can be combined with any food.

5. Sweet fruits are combined with sweet fruits and berries, sour - with sour fruits and berries.

6. Vegetables should only be combined with vegetables.

7. Sprouted grains should be eaten separately from other foods. The same goes for sprouted legumes.

8. Soaked for several hours (revived) nuts should be eaten separately from other foods.

Our expert - nutritionist Marianna Trifonova.

So, maybe throw out the pots and pans and join the slender and energetic ranks of raw foodists? Let's try to figure it out, weighing all the "pro" and "contra".

Argument # 1

PER. All vitamins and minerals, as well as special live energy, are preserved in raw food in their original form.

AGAINST. Indeed, heat treatment significantly lowers the level of many vitamins. Especially a lot of vitamin C is lost. But there are also substances that, on the contrary, only benefit from culinary processing. For example, the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which is rich in tomatoes, is better absorbed not from fresh, but from stewed tomatoes. But even this is not the main thing. Worse, a limited selection of foods robs the body of many important nutrients. After all, a person needs not only fiber and vitamins, but also fats, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids. Therefore, the ideal balance of raw and cooked food is 60% to 40%, not like most people: 10% to 90%.

Argument # 2

PER. Raw foodists do not eat industrially prepared food full of preservatives, flavors and other "chemicals", and thus reduce their risk of developing all diseases of civilization.

AGAINST. Yes, but not all foods are healthy to eat raw. Sometimes it is even dangerous. This applies primarily to water (in particular, spring water), fresh milk (risk of brucellosis and mad cow disease), raw eggs (salmonellosis), fish and meat (bacteriological, infectious and helminthic diseases).

Argument # 3

PER. Raw food contains a lot of fiber, which removes toxins, improves immunity and intestinal motility, and prevents excess fat from accumulating. And there is little salt, which is good for the cardiovascular system.

AGAINST. An abundance of coarse vegetable fiber can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such a food system can increase allergic reactions, because heat treatment of food reduces both the aggressiveness and the number of many allergens. In addition, consuming exclusively raw foods can cause anemia and thyroid problems. An illiterate raw food diet is fraught with exhaustion, disruption of the brain and the body as a whole.

Argument # 4

PER. A raw food diet promotes the elimination of toxins and uric acid, therefore it has a therapeutic effect for acne, gout, rheumatism.

AGAINST. Nearly all of the benefits of a raw food diet are temporary. When you switch to a normal diet, all the old sores come back again. And it's good if there are no additional diseases. In addition, raw foodists have severe erosion of tooth enamel and very low levels of B12 in the blood (which promotes hematopoiesis and improves the state of the nervous system).

Argument # 5

PER. All that a person needs is in plant foods. The deficiency of animal protein is easily replenished with protein from leguminous plants. Lack of calcium - sesame seeds.

AGAINST. Consuming large amounts of raw legumes all the time is not safe! In addition to nutrients in beans, there are so-called inhibitors that interfere with the absorption of vital amino acids. So that they do not have time to harm the body, before cooking, many legumes, and especially soybeans, need to be soaked for at least 12 hours, and then, pouring fresh water, boil, bringing the water to a boil. Red beans should not be eaten raw at all, as they contain toxic substances, which can only be neutralized by heat treatment. Sesame is an excellent source of calcium, but it cannot be absorbed without vitamin D, and since this vitamin is not found in plant foods, a raw food diet can significantly worsen the condition of teeth, hair, nails and bones. In addition, when eating sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, the amount of even absorbed calcium can be reduced. In addition, the oxalic acid in these raw plants causes kidney stones.

Argument # 6

PER. A raw food diet gives an incredible boost of strength, a feeling of lightness and good mood.

AGAINST. Such euphoria is temporary. In addition, there are side effects. The most common - a constant feeling of cold (one has to freeze even in warm clothes) and the skin of the hands cracking to blood. Many raw foodists also complain of hair loss, nerve problems, and cessation of menstruation in women.

Argument # 7

PER. A raw food diet fosters discipline and respect for your body. Having started this practice, a person will learn to distinguish real hunger from food licentiousness and will follow moderation in food - after all, small amounts of food make it easier to digest. He will also get used to chewing food thoroughly (otherwise raw food will simply not be absorbed) and not drinking before and immediately after eating to avoid gurgling in the stomach.

AGAINST. As a short-term measure, such a power supply system is fully justified. But it can be used no more than 2-3 weeks, and not in winter. But a raw food diet, like any sharp dietary restriction, is categorically unsuitable for children, people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases and the elderly.

Personal opinion

Nikita Dzhigurda:

“From 1995 to 2002, I was a strict vegetarian, I lived without meat, without fish, without dairy products, without food cooked on a fire. This is all good as temporary cleansing procedures for body and soul. But switching to a raw food diet is not worth it forever.

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