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Modern industrial construction technology has long found a way to build the heaviest and tallest buildings on problematic unstable soils. Foundations on piles have been used in house construction since time immemorial, but the real star of pile construction is

The practice of laying a foundation with bricks is less common than a concrete foundation. But subject to certain conditions, the design has the right to use. Correct load calculation, high-quality material and strict adherence to technological standards

Having your own bathhouse on a personal plot is not only a sign of a zealous owner. It has direct practical applications. A bathhouse built with love with your own hands will always be popular not only with the owners, but also with the guests.

Due to the high cost and complexity of installation on slopes, a new type of foundation appeared - pile-grillage. Its peculiarity is that it is a combination of strip and column type foundations and is used in the construction of buildings on slopes. D

When you decide to have cattle, you need to think carefully about the conditions for keeping them. After all, the future of the entire farm depends on a well-built barn. Despite the laboriousness of the construction process, with patience and certain skills

Chestnut (Castanea Sativa) belongs to the beech family. Its Latin name comes from the city of Castanea in Thessaly (Greece), a city famous for its beautiful trees. What do we know about chestnuts? Chestnut - the nut of the wild chestnut tree or cul

Apartment, office, cottage or maybe a garage? How many square meters are there? How often and for how long do you intend to turn on your acquisition? Is the building in which the device will be located heated? The fact is that the efficiency directly depends on the power.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and slim. But the Almighty does not always reward representatives of the fair half of humanity with what they dream of. So you have to work hard to achieve your desired goal. There are many different ways to lead with

In low-rise construction, foundations on screw piles have become increasingly popular in recent years. Despite the fact that this technology has been used in industrial construction for more than a hundred years, private homeowners became interested in it only at the beginning.

The earth's axis intersects the surface of the planet at the points of the geographic poles. Geographical poles As you know, there are two poles of the Earth: the North (located in the Arctic Ocean in the central part of the Arctic) and the South (located on the continent of Antarctica).

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