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Metals mean a group of elements, which are presented in the form of the simplest substances. They have characteristic properties, namely high electrical and thermal conductivity, positive temperature coefficient of resistance, high

Andrei Fedorovich Deryabin, founder of the Izhevsk arms factory, was born in 1770 in the Perm province. He received his initial education at the Tobolsk Theological Seminary, and in 1787 he left for St. Petersburg and entered the mining school. Having graduated successfully

It seems to me that there are no people who don’t like cutlets. My son especially likes breaded chicken cutlets; fortunately, breading is now sold for every taste, color and budget. Lately I've been buying seasoned white bread breading - kurk

Who would have been interested in some princess Dolgorukova (who knew how many princesses there were in Rus'?), if not for the great love that intertwined her fate with the life of Emperor Alexander II? Ekaterina Mikhailovna did not become a favorite who would spin the Sovereign as she wanted.

Sometimes situations arise when there is a need to transfer real estate to your relatives, close people or other heirs. Most ordinary citizens are not aware of all the intricacies of a legal matter and may get lost in the process

Your excellent personal qualities listed in are unlikely to impress an employer. Words mean nothing until they are backed by actions. If you want to make your own professional reference convincing, back it up with a good

What makes the 1965 Nobel laureate, American physicist Richard Phillips Feynman (1918–1988) great? The shortest answer is that Feynman created “Feynman diagrams” - the intellectual apparatus of quantum electrodynamics (QED). Feynman diagram symbolically

Although mathematics seems difficult to most people, it is far from true. Many mathematical operations are quite easy to understand, especially if you know the rules and formulas. So, knowing the multiplication table, you can quickly multiply in your head. The main thing is p

A portfolio is a selection of one’s own works necessary to demonstrate the candidate’s professional level. These can be the best articles, design layouts, paintings, photographs and other projects. Why do you need a portfolio? The main purpose of creating a portfolio is

Bolat Nazarbayev's ex-wife Mayra Kurmangaliyeva was taken to Kazakhstan and is under house arrest. The newspaper ADAM bol writes about this. The publication writes that a trial is ahead, and “even today we can safely say that the trial will beat all ratings in terms of scandalousness

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