home » Design » Hawthorn: planting and care, description, reproduction. Garden hawthorn: planting and care. Useful properties of hawthorn Chinese large-fruited hawthorn useful properties

Hawthorn: planting and care, description, reproduction. Garden hawthorn: planting and care. Useful properties of hawthorn Chinese large-fruited hawthorn useful properties

Most often, hawthorn in suburban areas is grown as an ornamental or fruit plant. The main characteristics that have won him the love of summer residents are unpretentiousness and a spectacular appearance. In general, this plant is very popular - garden hawthorn. Planting and caring for him - the procedures are not particularly difficult. We will talk about them later in the article.

Description of the plant

The hawthorn is a large tree-like shrub or even a small tree (up to 6 m high) and belongs to its crown is dense, and the branches are covered with long thorns. Thanks to these qualities, the hawthorn is so good in hedges. The varieties growing in Russia, unlike their American and part of European "relatives", do not differ in special "thorniness". The leaves of the hawthorn are large and ovoid. In some varieties, the plate is indented, in others it is even. There are both deciduous and semi-evergreen varieties.

Hawthorn spines are former twigs. In the first stage of growth, leaves even grow on them. The length of the spines in different species can range from three to twelve centimeters. They grow mostly near the fruits and serve as a kind of protection for them. Their distinctive feature is their extraordinary strength. You need to be careful when walking next to this plant, since the thorns of the hawthorn can pierce the sole made of almost any material.

The garden hawthorn blooms, planting and caring for which are not particularly complicated procedures, every year. White buds are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Unfortunately, they cannot boast of a pleasant aroma. The fact is that they contain a substance called dimethylamine, which smells like stale fish.

Hawthorn does not produce fruits every year. If it rains during flowering, a good harvest cannot be expected. The color of the fruit can be different (from pale yellow to red or even black) and depends on the variety. In shape, the fruits are elongated, spherical, pear-shaped, etc. Their size, depending on the variety, can vary from 4 mm to 3 cm.

Using hawthorn

Hawthorn, planting and care (pruning, etc.) for which must be carried out according to certain rules, is mostly used to create hedges. In this case, the formation of the crown is carried out according to certain rules, which we will talk about below. Also, this plant is often used simply as an ornamental plant. The hawthorn is especially beautiful in October, when its foliage takes on a juicy red-orange hue. The flowers of this shrub, as well as its bright fruits, look quite impressive. Since the plant is quite tall, it is usually planted either near the wall of the building itself or along the fence. In large areas, hawthorns of not too tall varieties are sometimes planted in the driveway.

The fruits of some varieties of hawthorn are edible and are used to make jams, marmalades and compotes. They are not only tasty, but also good for your health.

Hawthorn. Planting and care: reproduction

Hawthorn can propagate by seedlings, seeds and by budding. Most often, of course, the first method is used. Two-year-old seedlings are considered best accepted. Seeds for propagation are taken from unripe fruits. Since the hawthorn often has "dummies", they should be planted in several pieces at once. Budding is done in the fall by inserting a high-quality hawthorn bud into a T-shaped cut at the root head of an ordinary wild.

Propagation by seedlings

Planting and caring for hawthorns are not particularly labor-intensive procedures. Almost any soil is suitable for this plant. Only very acidic soils are undesirable. In this case, liming is imperative. It is also a good idea to add some ash to the soil when planting. You don't need to fertilize the hawthorn, but you can use a little humus or compost for better growth. As for lighting, the hawthorn will feel good both in the sun and in partial shade. However, in the first case, it will bear fruit and bloom better.

A young hawthorn, planting and caring for which will be successful only if certain rules are observed, is planted to a depth of about 50-70 cm. The step between individual plants should be approximately 1.5-2 m, depending on the variety. It is necessary to plant the hawthorn so that the root collar is located at the soil level. You can bury it a little into the soil (no more than 2 cm). All roots must be in the ground. When they go outside, the hawthorn begins to lag far behind in development. Having installed the seedling in the hole, you need to cover it with earth and lightly tamp it. Next, the plant is filled with water. The soil under the seedling must be constantly moist until it is fully engrafted.

Planting can be done both in spring and autumn. In the first case, this is done immediately after the soil has thawed and warmed up. In autumn, the hawthorn is planted after the beginning of massive leaf fall and before the onset of frost.

Seed propagation

The seeds can also grow healthy, beautiful hawthorns. Planting and caring for him afterwards will not take too much time. In fact, this wonderful shrub just grows on its own. Its seeds are covered with a very hard shell. Therefore, seedlings appear no earlier than a year and a half after planting. Sow them thickly, having previously soaked in a one percent solution (for a day). In the first year, the seedlings will grow very slowly and will not rise higher than 12 cm. Next year they will need to be planted for growing. In the third year, the bushes (which by this time usually reach half a meter in height) are cut off, leaving 2-3 buds above the soil level. After that, the lateral shoots will begin to actively develop in the plant. To subsequently get a beautiful crown, you need to leave no more than two. The rest are removed.

How to get a beautiful spectacular hawthorn hedge

Thus, we have examined how the hawthorn is planted. Care for the hawthorn will subsequently consist of almost nothing but pruning. When planted around the perimeter of the site, this wonderful shrub forms an unusually spectacular, deaf hedge. To get such beauty in the country, the first step is to dig a trench for seedlings. The markings for it are performed in the same way as for a regular fence. Since the hawthorn of almost any variety is a rather high plant, the width of the trench should be at least 60 cm. The seedlings are planted at a distance of at least half a meter from each other. They need to be placed strictly in the center of the trench. Since the hawthorn grows for a long time, it is advisable to arrange a temporary fence from the side of the street from boards, a picket fence, a slab or a chain-link mesh.

For adult plants, they do not dig a trench, but planting holes. It is best if they have a square shape and strictly vertical walls. Their size should be such that the roots of the planted plants do not reach the main soil on the sides and bottom by 15 cm.

What varieties to choose for a hedge

Hawthorn care

Next, let's look at how to grow a beautiful dense hawthorn. Planting and caring for him, as already mentioned many times, does not take much time. However, some rules must still be followed. The hawthorn is not picky about the soil, but from time to time it is still better to feed it. In the spring, a mixture of "Kemira-wagon" is introduced under the roots in the amount of 120 g per square meter. Before flowering, the hawthorn should be fertilized with manure diluted in water (1 * 10, 8 liters per plant).

Water this plant once a month. Moreover, for each adult bush there should be about ten liters of water. In very dry and hot weather, the number of waterings is increased to two per month.

Fruit hawthorn, planting and caring for which is aimed at obtaining a good harvest, must be fed. Watering in this case is done in the same way as when growing purely decorative varieties.

Preparing hawthorn for winter

Some varieties of hawthorn are not afraid of winter cold at all (varieties "slurry", "cock's spur"). In others, for example, such as "common hawthorn" (planting and caring for which are carried out in the same way as for other varieties), shoots and flower buds may freeze slightly. Of course, covering mature plants is quite problematic. Therefore, in cold regions, it is still better to use frost-resistant varieties. If some shoots still freeze, they just need to be removed in the spring. New branches of the hawthorn will grow very quickly. Young, freshly planted plants are sprinkled with foliage in a layer of about 15 cm for the winter. This will prevent the roots from freezing.

Hawthorn. Planting and care: pruning

Hawthorn is one of the ornamental plants that require artificial crown formation. It is especially important to do this regularly and correctly when it comes to hedges. The lower branches of the hawthorn die off over time, as a result of which the solid green wall is thinned out.

The first molding is done in the second - third year after planting in the spring. The bushes are cut to a height of 10 cm from the ground. This procedure is repeated for two to three years, until the bushes become very thick. Further, the hedges are given a square or semicircular shape. Pruning is desirable every year. In the spring, all diseased and dried branches are cut off from the plants. Next, proceed to the actual formation of the hedge. When performing this procedure, you need to remember that it is highly undesirable to cut off branches and shoots by more than 1/3 of their original length.

Hawthorn disease

This is how the garden hawthorn is grown. Planting and caring for him, carried out in accordance with all the rules, will allow you to get beautiful lush plants. However, it sometimes happens that all efforts come to naught due to some kind of infection. One of the most unpleasant diseases of hawthorn is rust. Found infected shoots should be immediately removed, and the diseased plant itself should be sprayed with a 5% solution of Bordeaux liquid. This procedure can also be performed on healthy bushes in the spring, for prevention purposes.

Another common disease of this ornamental plant is the hawthorn mite. In case of infection, the branches are also pruned (in spring or autumn). The bush itself is treated with colloidal sulfur. In the event that the plant is very strongly affected, the spraying is repeated after flowering.

Thus, we have found out what a hawthorn plant is (description, reproduction, care, planting). As you can see, growing it is not difficult and even enjoyable. All that is needed is to periodically water the bushes and do the correct pruning. If you take a little time to care for this wonderful plant, you can get an unusually spectacular decoration for your suburban area.

About the use of hawthorn for medicinal purposes, in cosmetology and cooking.

The medicinal properties of hawthorn have been used since ancient times to restore health. Infusions, decoctions, extracts, tinctures are prepared from the fruits, leaves and flowers of the shrub. This publication will acquaint you with the useful and medicinal features of hawthorn, its use for cosmetic purposes and in culinary recipes.

Hawthorn indications for use

  • "Heart berry" - hawthorn was widely used by ancient Chinese healers for heart ailments. Russian herbalists also did not bypass the "heart bush", using it for symptoms of heart severity and pain, angina pectoris, neurasthenia
  • Under Peter I, the hawthorn was included in the medical register. It was grown on the "Pharmaceutical garden" and made medicinal drugs in the form of a variety of decoctions, powders, tinctures
  • "Maypole berries", "boyarka", "lady", "glod" are the popular names for hawthorn. Two types of hawthorn are mainly used: blood-red hawthorn (Crataegus sanguinea) and prickly hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha). Large-fruited hawthorn (Crataegus aestivales) is grown in the gardens

Surprisingly, but true: hawthorn is rightfully considered a "natural pharmacy" due to the content of a significant supply of vitamins, minerals, organic acids.

Vitamins in hawthorn

Hawthorn is rich in vitamins and essential trace elements necessary for life support. It contains vitamins:

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin P
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K

In addition to these vitamins, an important plant pigment, beta-carotene, is found in hawthorn, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the immune system from free radicals.

Iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium are important macronutrients present in the plant.

Hawthorn fruits contain a large amount of trace elements: cobalt, copper, molybdenum, zinc, chromium, boron, manganese, aluminum. According to some quantitative indicators of these elements, hawthorn is the leader among other fruit and berry bushes.

Hawthorn contains flavonoids that affect the active state of enzymes in the body. Scientists have proven the positive effect of flavonoids on the walls of blood vessels, their elasticity and permeability. The main flavonoid in hawthorn is hyperoside. It is he who has a soft and targeted effect on the main motor in the human body, supporting and strengthening the heart muscle.

This thorny shrub contains fatty and organic acids, tannins, sugars, saponins. Choline has been found in the fruit, which affects memory.

Useful properties of fruits and berries of hawthorn

  • Hawthorn is not inferior to apples in the amount of pectin. Pectin is a natural adsorbent that absorbs toxins from the intestines. Pectin affects metabolism and bowel function, therefore use of hawthorn for obesity effectively and successfully used by dietitians in weight loss techniques
  • Hawthorn berries have long been used to treat heart pain and high blood pressure. Moreover, decoctions, teas, tinctures from fruits increase the strength and heart rate. Hyperozide - a flavonol glycoside of hawthorn, expands the lumen of the coronary vessels, improving blood circulation
  • Preparations from hawthorn berries gently affect the heart without increasing the excitability of the heart muscle

  • Ursolic acid in hawthorn fruits has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial effects. used to treat prostatitis
  • The natural components of the medicinal shrub prevent blood stagnation, relieve inflammation and relieve pain. The use of hawthorn decoctions serves as a good prevention of prostatitis.
  • Hawthorn tincture is effective for dizziness, coronary insufficiency, abnormal metabolism, insomnia, cerebral stenosis
  • The use of hawthorn oil has a positive effect on heart diseases, high cholesterol, regulates the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, removes shortness of breath and dizziness
  • Hawthorn berries gently affect the liver, improving its functional state. In addition, hawthorn causes a choleretic effect, increasing the motility of the biliary tract.
  • Hawthorn preparations relieve headaches and rheumatic pains, are effective in unpleasant climacteric manifestations. Cases of the use of hawthorn for the prevention of epileptic seizures have been described.
  • Hawthorn Normalizes Blood Sugar, Benefits In Diabetes Mellitus- undoubtedly with a positive dynamics of the course of the disease. When using hawthorn for diabetic patients, consultation with the attending physician is required.
  • Infusion of hawthorn fruits for allergies widely used by traditional healers

Important properties of hawthorn for men

Hawthorn is effective and indicated for a number of diseases of various etiologies. All parts of the shrub have medicinal properties and are suitable for the manufacture of medicines. Hawthorn is used for the following indications:

  • neuroses and mental disorders
  • heart failure
  • angina
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • swelling of the legs
  • angioneuroses
  • hypertension
  • arrhythmia
  • post-infarction rehabilitation
  • high sugar
  • allergic conditions

Contraindications to the use of hawthorn

  • Hawthorn is considered a medicinal plant, therefore it is recommended not to resort to uncontrolled intake of tinctures from fruits, infusions and decoctions. People with severe heart disease and pressure fluctuations need medical advice before taking hawthorn medications.
  • A hundred-gram glass of fresh hawthorn berries is the daily intake of a healthy person. Exceeding the dosage can negatively affect well-being.
  • Do not use hawthorn tincture for motorists. Even small doses of the drug can reduce concentration and cause drowsiness in the driver.
  • Contraindications to the use of hawthorn are traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, hypotension, hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to certain ingredients of hawthorn-based drugs.

Hawthorn recipes for pressure

With increased pressure, complex medicinal preparations in the form of infusions are effective.

  • Adonis - part 1
  • hawthorn flowers - 1 part
  • birch leaf - 1 part
  • motherwort - 2 parts
  • dried crustacean - 2 parts
  • horsetail - part 1

2 tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap it well and leave for 5-6 hours. Take 0.5 cups of infusion warm 3 times a day before meals.

  • Chopped Hawthorn Fruit
  • hawthorn flowers
  • crushed rose hips
  • motherwort grass
  • dryweed grass
  • basil herb

All herbal ingredients are used in equal proportions. 4 tablespoons of the collection are steamed with a liter of boiling water. Insist 8 hours. Take 0.5 cups of infusion 3 times a day one hour after meals.

  • Hawthorn fruit - 3 parts
  • hawthorn flowers - 3 parts
  • horsetail herb - 3 parts
  • mistletoe herb - 3 parts
  • minced garlic cloves - 3 parts
  • arnica flowers - 1 part

A tablespoon of the mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 6-8 hours. Take 1/4 of a glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

How to brew hawthorn for the heart?

There are different recipes for making hawthorn infusions for the heart.

Hawthorn tea tonic

Fresh hawthorn leaves are consumed in the form of tea. 2-3 green leaves of the plant are steamed with boiling water and insisted. Tea has a pleasant specific taste and aroma. This herbal elixir has a stimulating effect on the heart.

An old recipe for hawthorn berry decoction for heart palpitations

10 hawthorn berries are boiled for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water over low heat. Decoct is taken cooled down 100 ml 2 times a day.

Infusion for heart failure

1 tablespoon of hawthorn berries are steamed with a glass of boiling water. Stand for 2 hours. Directions for use: 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

The benefits of hawthorn bark

The bark and leaves of hawthorn are used by herbalists as a fixative. In ancient times, a decoction of the bark, leaves and roots of the shrub was used as a red, brown or yellow dye to dye fabrics.

The bark of the plant is steamed with boiling water and used for fever, diarrhea and shortness of breath.

Hawthorn in cosmetology

Hawthorn is successfully used for cosmetic procedures. Ursolic acid promotes skin regeneration and collagen regeneration. Hawthorn fruit mask rejuvenates, nourishes and evens out the skin surface.

Hawthorn mask

  1. In a blender, grind two tablespoons of fresh hawthorn berries
  2. The mixture is diluted with a tablespoon of olive oil
  3. The mass is spread over the face and kept for 20 minutes
  4. The mask is removed with warm water and the face is smeared with cream

Tincture of hawthorn for hair

The use of hawthorn tincture in cosmetology holds for. Shampoos, masks, lotions with hawthorn remove dandruff, restore hair and prevent hair loss.

Homemade egg shampoo with calendula and hawthorn tinctures

  • Chicken yolk - 2 pieces
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • calendula tincture - 2 tablespoons
  • hawthorn tincture - 2 tablespoons. spoons
  • purified water - 2 tablespoons. spoons
  1. The yolks are thoroughly mixed with lemon juice. Add tinctures and water. The resulting shampoo is heated in a steam bath to a state comfortable for the scalp.
  2. Moisten the head with warm water and apply shampoo, rubbing into the scalp. Then the shampoo is washed off and the hair is rinsed with water and lemon juice

Lotion that strengthens hair follicles

  • Tincture of red pepper - 2 tablespoons. spoons
  • hawthorn tincture - 1 table. spoon
  • extract of Eleutherococcus - 1 tablespoon

The tinctures are mixed and applied with a piece of sponge to the partings. Tie the head with plastic wrap and insulate with a towel. Withstand 30-40 minutes and wash off the lotion. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week. For dry hair, add a spoonful of castor, olive or burdock oil to the lotion.

Anti-dandruff hawthorn lotion

  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • hawthorn tincture - 2 tablespoons
  • castor oil - 1 tablespoon

The hair roots are treated with lotion one hour before shampooing.

Anti hair loss mask

  • Aloe leaves - 30 g
  • hawthorn berries - 30 g
  • vodka - 100 ml
  1. Aloe leaves, kept in the refrigerator for biostimulation, are crushed. Hawthorn and aloe berries are placed in vodka. The solution is kept for a week in a dark place.
  2. The scalp is thoroughly treated with lotion, massaging the hair roots
  3. Put on a shower cap and insulate it on top with a towel
  4. The mask is kept on the head for 40-60 minutes.
  5. Then wash your hair without shampoo
  6. The hair restoration procedure is carried out every other day for a month.

Foot bath with hawthorn

Infusions of leaves, fruits and flowers of hawthorn in combination with other herbal ingredients are used in foot baths. Such procedures are pleasant, legs become well-groomed, blood circulation improves, painful cracks disappear.

Foot baths with hawthorn to improve blood circulation in the feet

  1. 50 g of hawthorn flowers are steamed with a liter of boiling water
  2. The infusion is cooled and filtered
  3. Alternately keep their feet in a warm decoction of hawthorn flowers, then in cold water
  4. Duration of procedure 10 minutes

Foot baths with "heat" in the legs

  1. Chamomile flowers, nettle leaves, string grass, hawthorn flowers, St. John's wort, calendula flowers are mixed in equal proportions
  2. Two tablespoons of the mixture are steamed with a liter of boiling water and kept for 30 minutes
  3. Tired legs are lowered into a warm infusion for 20 minutes

Foot baths from cracks

  1. Chopped hawthorn fruits, chamomile flowers, pine needles are taken in equal parts
  2. 3 tablespoons of the collection are steamed with 1.5 liters of boiling water and kept for 20 minutes.
  3. Legs are dipped in a warm infusion for 15 minutes
  4. Wipe your feet dry, lubricate with nourishing cream and put on socks

Pregnant women and children: the use of hawthorn

Infusions, teas, decoctions of fruits and flowers of hawthorn have a mild cardiotonic and calming effect. Therefore, the question often arises: “ Is it possible to drink a decoction of hawthorn for pregnant women and nursing women? "

Hawthorn preparations are used to relieve nervous tension and stress in pregnant and lactating women, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. The doctor individually selects the dosage form (decoction, tea, infusion, extract), dose and course of therapy.

Can hawthorn be given to children?

  • Often, parents resort to treating their children with medicinal herbs as an alternative to pharmaceutical preparations. Herbal decoctions and infusions are widely used in children's practice and help in the treatment of many ailments. But it should be remembered: all medicinal herbs should be given to children according to the doctor's prescription and in a dosage calculated for the child's age.
  • Hawthorn medications are used in pediatric practice to relieve hyperactivity in a child, heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias. As a rule, pediatricians prescribe hawthorn decoctions as an additional agent to drug treatment and in a dosage that takes into account children's age.

The annotation of hawthorn tincture contains a strict contraindication for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

When to start giving children hawthorn decoction at what age?

After the age of three, children can be given compote from fresh garden berries of hawthorn. Decoctions should not be concentrated. Fruits for compote are selected fully ripe and undamaged. The drink is consumed freshly brewed. This compote is very useful for the child's body.

Folk recipes with hawthorn

Traditional healers use a variety of hawthorn-based recipes. Herbalists willingly use flowers, leaves, fruits, and the bark of a medicinal plant in their medicines.

Video: Rosehip and hawthorn on guard of health

Hawthorn and Rosehip Tea Recipe

Tea made from hawthorn and rose hips is considered the "gold standard" of traditional medicine. The fruits of these plants complement each other very well and enrich the tea with wonderful taste and aroma. And what is the use of such tea !. This herbal elixir will strengthen the immune system, strengthen the heart and spirit, and saturate the body with vitamins.

Place 1 tablespoon of fruits in a thermos flask. Steamed with two glasses of boiling water and left overnight. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Collection for relieving cardiac severity and anxiety

  • Hawthorn fruit - 4 parts
  • motherwort herb - 4 parts
  • dried crustaceans - 4 parts
  • chamomile - 1 part

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

Recipe for recovery after myocardial infarction

Place a tablespoon of hawthorn berries, rose hips, red rowan berries, raisins, etc. in a thermos. Pour a liter of boiling water. Night insist. The whole portion of the infusion is taken in parts per day. The course of admission is 3 months.

Hawthorn in cooking: fruit drinks, compotes, pie fillings, hawthorn jams

Hawthorn fruits have valuable nutritional qualities. In cooking, fresh hawthorn berries are mainly used, but dried fruits in a crushed form are used in baked goods. They give the dough a unique fruity flavor.

The benefits of hawthorn juice obvious and unquestionable. The fruits contain a lot of pectin and making hawthorn juice is not easy. In cooking, they usually resort to making nectar from hawthorn berries.

In a blender hawthorn is chopped and spring or purified water is added to the puree until the consistency of nectar. If desired, the taste of the drink can be improved by adding honey and lemon.

Refreshing Hawthorn Juice

  1. Two cups of fresh hawthorn fruits are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled at low boil until the fruit is soft
  2. The hawthorn is rubbed, sugar or honey is added to taste. Lemon juice is added to add sourness.
  3. Pour the mashed hawthorn puree with chilled broth
  4. Fruit drink served with ice cubes and a mint leaf

Hawthorn compote with quince for the winter

  • Hawthorn fruit - 500 g
  • quince - 500 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • water - 1 l
  1. Prepared seedless hawthorn fruits and peeled quince slices are placed in sterile jars along the shoulders
  2. Dissolve sugar in boiling water and boil the syrup for about 5 minutes
  3. The syrup is poured into jars with fruits and sterilized

Hawthorn jam

  • Hawthorn berries - 1 kg
  • cranberries or black currants - 1 glass
  • sugar - 1 kg per kg of mashed berries puree
  1. The berries are sorted out and washed with running water. A little water is added to a saucepan with berries and boiled over low heat until the fruits are soft
  2. The berries are grinded
  3. Sugar is poured into the mixture and boiled until the consistency of jam
  4. Ready jam is laid out in sterile jars

Filling for hawthorn and apple pies

  • Hawthorn berries - 500 g
  • apples - 500 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • nuts - 50-100 g
  1. Hawthorn and apple slices are boiled until soft with a little water
  2. Puree is grated through a colander
  3. Cover with sugar and boil for 10 minutes, stirring so that the puree does not burn
  4. Chopped nuts are added to the fruit mass after cooling

Hawthorn paste

A healthy dessert is prepared from hawthorn - marshmallow. This delicacy will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. Since hawthorn contains a lot of pectin, this dessert does not need thickeners.

  1. Fresh hawthorn fruits are ground in a blender and a little sugar is added to the mixture (about 10% of the resulting mass)
  2. Cover the baking dish with paper and spread a thin layer of hawthorn puree with sugar
  3. The pastila is kept in the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees until dry
  • The benefits of hawthorn cannot be overstated. The plant has deservedly received recognition in medicine, cosmetology, cooking.
  • Medicines from the fruits and flowers of hawthorn are especially popular among men and women over 50. This is evidenced by numerous reviews. A positive and mild effect on the work of the heart is the main feature of this natural healer.
  • Cultivated varieties of hawthorn with large fruits allow you to prepare many healthy dishes with excellent taste from them.
  • Finally, I would like to remind you: although the medicinal properties of hawthorn have been tested for centuries, one should not forget about timely consultation with a doctor if you have to resort to treating your ailments according to the recipes of traditional healers.

And be healthy!

Video: Hawthorn: benefits, uses and recipes

Hawthorn is used as one of the main ingredients in the treatment of VSD with herbal preparations. What are the benefits and harms of hawthorn?

Why is hawthorn useful?

There are many types of hawthorn, but only its blood-red type is used for medicinal purposes. The hawthorn is blood red, a wild tree that has a fairly strong healing effect on the human body. Moreover, all parts of this plant have such an effect - flowers, fruits, leaves, bark, branches and root. But most of all, flowers and fruits are effective and used in the treatment. Especially many medicinal substances, minerals and vitamins are contained in the fruits of hawthorn.

Hawthorn really expands the blood vessels of the whole body, including the heart and brain, while lowering blood pressure. It improves the functioning of the heart, tones and strengthens the heart muscle, increases the strength of the heart contractions and reduces their frequency, that is, the pulse. But a decrease in heart rate is good when it is elevated. And if it is normal, or lowered?
Hawthorn has a calming effect on the nervous system, scientifically - sedative. Sleep improves, nervous tension is relieved. Therefore, doctors strongly advise taking it for the treatment of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) and panic disorder.

Large-fruited garden hawthorn.

Recently, the large-fruited garden hawthorn has become very popular. It has very large fruits, several times larger than those of wild hawthorn. The tree has a beautiful appearance and endows its owners with delicious fruits. But be careful! According to the content of medicinal substances, large-fruited garden hawthorn is equal to the wild one. Therefore, the attitude towards these two plants in terms of using their parts in treatment should be the same.

Infusion of hawthorn.

Hawthorn flowers together with leaves are harvested during flowering, in late May - early June, and dried in the shade. Flowers smell like cow dung or worse. Then an infusion is prepared from them (water extract from medicinal raw materials) - a certain number of flowers (fresh or dried) are poured with boiling water. After cooling, filter and take in the required dose. This dose is strictly individual for each patient. The hawthorn leaf also has medicinal properties, although less in comparison with flowers. You can also make an infusion from it. Therefore, there is no need to pick off leaves from flowers when collecting them. It makes no sense to prepare a tincture (alcohol extract) from hawthorn flowers - you can always brew them like tea. In addition, not all people can take alcohol-based medicines.

Hawthorn cooking.

Hawthorn fruits ripen at the end of September, but continue to hang on the tree, without falling, for a very long time. Harvesting hawthorns is best done after the first frost, then they become sweet and tasty. It is necessary to collect the fruits of the hawthorn when the leaves fall from the tree and only the fruits remain.

After harvesting fresh hawthorn fruits, you can:

Freeze and store in the freezer;

Dry at a temperature not exceeding 55 ° С;

Prepare a tincture or decoction;

Prepare culinary dishes (jam, jam, marshmallow).

Hawthorn properties.

But not everything is as good as they say about the hawthorn. It has a very strong effect on the human body. Therefore, for many people, hawthorn and preparations from it are contraindicated for taking. You need to be very careful about the hawthorn. In what quantities and who should not take it at all, I will tell you a little later. And now about how to make hawthorn tincture.

Cooking hawthorn tincture.

Tincture is an alcoholic extract from plants. You can make a tincture with vodka and alcohol. Only alcohol should not be pure medical grade 96 degrees. In this case, some useful substances from the plant may be destroyed, and the effect of the tincture will be incomplete or even harmful. Alcohol of 70 degrees can be used as much as possible.

For the preparation of hawthorn tincture, you can take both dried fruits and fresh ones. The ratio of dried fruits to alcohol is 1:10, that is, 1 part of fruit and 10 parts of alcohol. It is in this proportion that hawthorn tincture is prepared at the factory. It is necessary to pour the fruit with alcohol and seal the container hermetically. Insist for 3-6 weeks in a dark place. The infusion time depends on the ambient temperature and the integrity of the fruit. If the fruits are crushed, and the room is warm, then the tincture will cook faster. After insisting, strain the contents of the container and the tincture is ready.

Fresh hawthorn fruits need to be washed and spoiled ones discarded. Fill a glass container with fruits, pour alcohol or vodka so that their level completely covers the fruits. Close the container tightly with a lid and put in a dark place for 3-6 weeks. I do not grind the fruits - then it is very difficult to strain the tincture. I also do not see the point in daily shaking during the preparation of the tincture. After about a month, you need to strain the contents of the container and the hawthorn tincture is ready. Homemade hawthorn tincture should be stored in a dark glass container and in a dark place.

How to brew hawthorn?

A decoction can be made from the hawthorn fruit. How to brew hawthorn correctly? If you just pour boiling water over the fruits and insist, you get an infusion, in which there are very few medicinal substances of hawthorn. Too few nutrients, with this method, will pass from the fruit into the water. Therefore, to prepare a decoction of hawthorn, you need to pour the fruits (dry or fresh) into a thermos, pour boiling water, close tightly and leave for 6-10 hours. You can also pour boiling water over and boil for 5 minutes. Then, after cooling, strain. The resulting broth is usable within 24 hours. The shelf life of dried fruits is 3 years.

Hawthorn harm.

The hawthorn fruit tincture is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in large quantities. It is made from dry fruits in a ratio of 1:10. Alcoholics, because of the cheapness of alcohol for medicines, buy and drink it not in drops, but in bottles. There is an opinion among the people that hawthorn tincture is harmless and only has a positive effect on the heart! Is it so?
Hawthorn can be very harmful to the body. It is imperative to treat hawthorn as a medicinal plant, and not as a food product. This is especially true for fruits - after all, you will not chew flowers and leaves. Hawthorn berries, both fresh and processed, must not be eaten uncontrollably! At one time, a completely healthy adult can eat no more than 50 grams of fresh hawthorn fruits, and even then not every day.

I'll tell you one story.

We have a luxurious hawthorn tree near the river. At the beginning of summer, it emits an unpleasant odor, from a distance, very beautiful flowers. And in autumn, the whole tree is covered with bright red fruits. A couple of years ago, I went out into the yard and saw that my 60-year-old neighbor was dragging his legs as he moved around his garden. I asked him about his health. He said that he felt a strong general weakness, extrasystoles, interruptions in the work of the heart, an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia). It's spring outside, you need to work, but there is no strength. The wife has the same condition as his.

I started asking him questions and found out one interesting detail. It turned out that in the fall he collected and dried hawthorn fruits. Since he and his wife have high blood pressure, they decided to constantly drink a decoction of hawthorn fruits in order to lower it. Rosehip fruits, chamomile, etc. were added to it. In short, they were preparing a health drink. We drank for several winter months. The blood pressure really dropped, but there was a strong weakness and problems with the work of the heart. I advised him to stop taking this drink immediately. After 2 weeks, the health of the neighbors was restored. In gratitude, in the fall, the neighbors gave me 3 sacks of potatoes. Now they bypass the hawthorn tree.

What happened? They took the best medicine for the heart, and the effect was reversed.

Hawthorn contraindications.

Hawthorn preparations should be taken carefully with normal blood pressure and heart rate (HR), avoiding overdose. Be sure to take a 10-day break after 20 days of taking it.

It is categorically contraindicated to take hawthorn preparations, even to eat fresh fruits, with bradycardia - low heart rate and low blood pressure. This applies primarily to patients with hypotonic VSD. In addition, if you have a rapid heartbeat only at the time of attacks, and between attacks, the pulse is normal, then you also need to take hawthorn with caution.

It must be remembered that hawthorn preparations lower blood pressure and pulse. My neighbors had high blood pressure with a normal pulse. With a decrease in the pulse below normal, they have arrhythmia, extrasystoles.

A mixture of valerian tinctures of motherwort hawthorn.

With VSD, it is advised to take such a mixture of tinctures of motherwort valerian and hawthorn in equal amounts at a dose of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day (about 30 drops). But it must be remembered that hawthorn, and in such a mixture of tinctures, retains its basic properties.

Therefore, patients with normal blood pressure and pulse, such a mixture should be taken with caution. And with low blood pressure and pulse rates (hypotension and bradycardia), such a mixture is categorically contraindicated. In this condition, only valerian preparations can be taken.

Blood red hawthorn is a very good medicinal plant, but it must be used wisely.

Are of great importance. But they are not a panacea and only help in the case of a minor disorder of the nervous system. In the presence of panic attacks, and especially during the attacks themselves, it is useless to take medications from medicinal plants. They will not be able to help the patient - you need to switch to taking stronger psychotropic drugs.

The benefits and dangers of large-fruited garden hawthorn have been known for a long time, and now the fruits of this plant are used not only in the preparation of remedies according to traditional medicine recipes, but also in the creation of drugs at pharmacological enterprises.

Useful properties of garden hawthorn

  1. For the cardiovascular system... It has been proven that the squeeze from the fruits and flowers of this plant helps to reduce pressure, strengthens the heart muscle, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, therefore, the obvious benefit of the remedy with garden hawthorn will bring those who are in the so-called risk group for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Doctors recommend taking hawthorn tincture for men over 45 years old (they are the ones who most often suffer from heart attacks and strokes), hypertensive patients and those who are worried. This remedy helps reduce the risk of health problems and improves overall well-being, as it fights the symptoms of VSD and reduces blood pressure.
  2. For the nervous system... The squeeze from the fruits and flowers of this plant also has one more property, the compositions with it have a sedative effect on the nervous system of our body. The disappearance of anxiety, the normalization of sleep, the reduction of the negative consequences of the stress suffered - this is what is useful for fresh hawthorn and tincture of its dried fruits and flowers. The tool is considered relatively safe (in some cases it is prescribed even for children), since there are practically no side effects after its use.
  3. For the prevention of colds and raising immunity... Another property of hawthorn tincture is that it contains a lot, so taking it, you strengthen your immune system, protect yourself from colds and infections. Of course, this is not the main advantage of the tool, but you must agree, it is very important.

Of course, in addition to useful properties, hawthorn flowers and fruits have contraindications.

  1. You should not drink tincture with them for those who already have hypotension, the pressure may decrease even more, which will lead to fainting or headache.
  2. The tool can cause allergies, so when using it for the first time, you should take a very small dose and see if signs of this ailment appear.
  3. It is not advisable to combine the reception of the tincture with the treatment prescribed by a specialist without permission, the consequences can be the most unpredictable, so do not forget to consult a doctor.

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