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The use of herbs and root of burnet medicinal. Burnet medicinal: properties, application, contraindications, recipes Burnet medicinal description

For the treatment of certain diseases, people prefer to use traditional medicine recipes. Burnet is of great benefit to the body, which has been used since ancient times as an aid to get rid of a number of diseases.

Burnet medicinal - chemical composition

In folk recipes, you can find another name - hernia herb. For treatment, roots, moldings, flowers and other parts of the plant are used, which are rich in tannins, starch, essential oils, beneficial acids, saponins and sterols. Burnet grass contains carotene and. The plant is rich in mineral elements, for example, there is potassium, copper, magnesium, iron and other macro- and microelements in the roots.

Burnet medicinal - application

The presented plant has a large list of useful properties, so it stops bleeding well, fights viruses and microbes, promotes wound healing, has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect. This is just a small list of the benefits that can be obtained from the use of decoctions and infusions. Burnet rhizomes and roots are used in the treatment of various diseases, using the means externally and internally.

Burnet with an ulcer

In the presence of a peptic ulcer, an infusion prepared on the basis of medicinal burnet is effective due to a number of its properties: it reduces the inflammatory process, promotes the production of enzymes, fights bacteria and envelops the walls of the stomach. Burnet plant promotes mucosal healing. Long-term treatment is required to achieve good results.


  • the leaves and stems of the burnet - 3 tsp;
  • cold water - 0.5 l.


  1. It is imperative to use pre-boiled water in the recipe. Pour the crushed raw materials with it and leave for eight hours.
  2. After that, strain and drink up to four times a day, 50 ml.

Burnet with diarrhea

A huge number of people confirm the fixing effect of the roots of the medicinal burnet, so the infusion can be used as a first aid for diarrhea. In addition, the plant destroys bacteria, removes toxins and stabilizes work. digestive system... Burnet for diarrhea in adults has been used since ancient times for its enveloping and protective effect.


  • burnet - 1 pc .;
  • boiling water.


  1. Take a whole plant, which should be dry, and chop it up. You should get about 50 g of raw material.
  2. Pour it into a 1L glass jar and pour boiling water over it. Close the lid and let sit for 30 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to take the infusion every two hours for 0.5 tbsp. When the liquid is over, the plant can be poured with boiling water again, but it needs to be insisted for two hours.

Burnet grass in gynecology

Decoctions and infusions are effective in the treatment of female diseases, and this is due to the ability of the plant to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and soreness, and also fight microbes. In addition, burnet is an excellent general tonic. It is used in the treatment of erosions and uterine bleeding, problem menstruation and uterine fibroids. Burnet in gynecology is used as follows:

  1. If menstruation causes severe discomfort, it is necessary to mix in equal amounts the root of burnet, knotweed and licorice, shepherd's purse herb, plantain leaves, etc. Take a large spoonful of the collection, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos at night. Drink 50 ml up to five times a day before meals. Treatment should continue for 2-3 months.
  2. With uterine fibroids, douching is effective. Mix equal amounts of celandine, willow and oak bark, and burnet root. Take only 4 teaspoons of the collection and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Let the mixture sit on the steam bath for half an hour. Strain and use a warm douche broth. You can repeat the procedure up to three times a day.
  3. Cervical erosion. For the broth, pour 200 ml of boiling water over two large tablespoons of chopped roots. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Then cool, strain and add more water to end up with 200 ml of broth. Drink the finished volume before meals at a time. It is allowed to store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Burnet with bronchitis

For diseases of the respiratory system, it is recommended to use folk recipes with burnet. With this treatment, you can reduce swelling, relieve cramps, and even destroy germs and bacteria. Burnetus officinalis is widely used in the treatment of bronchitis and lung diseases, as it cleanses the respiratory system and has a softening effect. It is also worth noting the presence of a tonic effect.


  • medicinal burnet - 20 g;
  • vodka or alcohol 40% - 200 ml.


  1. Combine the tincture components and place it in a cupboard so that the sun's rays do not fall on the bottle.
  2. Insist for several days and take 1 teaspoon up to five times a day.

Burnet from hemorrhoids

Folk remedies in the treatment of this disease are effective and safe, with the exception of existing contraindications. Burnet medicinal for hemorrhoids is useful due to its ability to stop bleeding and relieve inflammation. In addition, the plant relieves puffiness and has a bactericidal and wound healing effect. After several procedures, you can see how they have decreased in size. Microclysters give good results in treatment.


  • burnet root - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 500 ml.


  1. Combine the ingredients and place in a steam bath. Cook over low heat for 1-1.5 hours.
  2. After that, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place to infuse for 24 hours. It remains to drain, and you need to store the finished product in the refrigerator.
  3. The medicinal herb burnet is used as an enema at bedtime after having a bowel movement. First, heat the cooked oil so that its temperature is 36-37 ° C.
  4. You can moisten a clean bandage in heated oil and apply it to the anus for 20 minutes.

Burnet from lamblia


  • roots - 2 tsp;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.


  1. Pour the chopped roots into boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. After that, remove the broth from the stove and cool without removing the lid. Strain and drink 120 ml every day. The duration of treatment is seven days.

Burnet with vomiting

In most cases, vomiting occurs as a result of poisoning, and many doctors recommend using traditional medicine. Burnet removes toxins and prevents bacterial growth. It helps to normalize the digestive system and relieve inflammation. Burnet in folk medicine used as a decoction.


  • the leaves of the medicinal burnet - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Send the plant to the stewpan and fill it with water.
  2. Place on the stove and keep on low heat until boiling. After that, turn off the heat, and leave for another 10 minutes.
  3. It remains to figure out how to drink burnet, so after straining it is necessary to drink 50 ml up to four times a day.

Burnet with dysbiosis

Problems with the intestinal microflora are observed in both children and adults. With dysbiosis, the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria is disturbed. In such cases, Burnetum medicinal will become an affordable and effective remedy, which helps to restore the intestinal microflora and has a positive effect on the functions of the digestive system as a whole. It is also worth noting that the plant has an antimicrobial effect. For treatment, it is necessary to prepare a decoction.


  • root - 15 g;
  • hot water - 200 ml.


  1. Pour the chopped roots with hot water and put on a small fire. Boil for 15-20 minutes, and then leave for another hour.
  2. Traditional medicine indicates how to drink burnet with dysbiosis, so the remedy must be filtered and taken in 1 tbsp. spoon up to six times a day.

Burnet - contraindications

In some cases, the medicinal plant is illegal because it can harm the body. There are a number of contraindications that should be considered:

  1. Some people may have an allergy to burnet, which occurs due to individual intolerance to the components of the medicinal plant.
  2. Can not use folk remedies with blockage of blood vessels, hypertension and severe and frequent headaches.
  3. It is forbidden to carry out plant treatment for constipation and liver problems, as well as women in position and while breastfeeding.
  4. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged use of medicinal burnet, blood clotting may increase.

Burnetus officinalis is a perennial plant with a well-developed root system, therefore, remedies based on its root are often used in medicine. It extends close to rivers or small streams, as the grass loves moist soil. The plant is distinguished by a long, thin stem up to 80 cm with basal leaves similar to feathers and numerous brown-red flowers located on one leg. There is also another name for the plant - blackhead or redhead.

Burnet: description

Medicinal Burnet has long been prized for its unique medicinal properties, therefore it is used both in folk medicine and in pharmacology in the production of syrups and tinctures for various intestinal ailments, such as:

  • diarrhea of ​​varying degrees;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • chronic and acute enterocolitis;
  • intestinal, stomach and uterine bleeding;
  • in gynecology with heavy menstruation.

Also, the medicinal plant has a positive effect on non-healing wounds, burns, stomatitis, tonsillitis, and also as an additional treatment for varicose veins.

Medicinal properties and contraindications for use

Thanks to its healing medicinal properties and rich composition, the medicinal perennial has a pronounced hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, bactericidal and astringent effect. The roots contain in their composition a whole complex of trace elements useful for humans, namely:

  • tannins;
  • organic acids gallic, ellagic and oxalic;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamin C, high content of carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other elements.

Despite the many beneficial properties of the medicinal plant, there are some contraindications.

It should be taken with caution during pregnancy, hypertension and diseases of the blood vessels, since the action of the herb is aimed at narrowing them.

The use of medicinal blackhead has an antiseptic and astringent effect on the human body, as a result of which digestion processes are improved, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews of patients.

After long-term use of products based on the root or flowers, the general condition improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored and strength returns even after severe poisoning.

When using microclysters during the treatment of hemorrhoids, patients note an improvement in the general condition and a significant decrease in the inflammatory process of hemorrhoids. Douching or using tampons treats cervical erosion.

Burnet medicinal: use in traditional medicine

Medicinal burnet is widely used in folk medicine due to its unique property - to quickly stop various bleeding, both internal and external. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, for the contraction of the uterus and various external skin lesions: wounds, abrasions, cuts, burns. The boron uterus also actively treats the disease.

Burnet application in gynecology

Due to the hemostatic and anti-inflammatory action and medicinal properties, the medicinal burnet is used in gynecology in the treatment of women, namely:

  • with uterine bleeding;
  • profuse menstruation;
  • with inflammation of the appendages and ovaries;
  • in the post-abortion period;
  • with uterine fibroids and cervical erosion.

Also, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used for douching.

Treatment of diarrhea in children

Burnet grass is recognized as an excellent remedy for diarrhea in children due to its medicinal properties. Possessing a pronounced antidiarrheal and bactericidal effect, the substances that make up the herb are able to quickly restore the intestines, thereby improving the patient's condition after poisoning.

A decoction and tincture of the herb have a bactericidal effect on E. coli, therefore they are used in the treatment of dysentery as an additional remedy. Both adults and children can be treated.

Burnet broth for bleeding

Pharmacy burnet, or as it is also called Menzies tincture, is able to stop any bleeding. With internal bleeding, a pharmacy plant extract is taken, 30-50 drops 3 times a day. When outside, dressings are applied soaked in a decoction of herbs.

In case of uterine bleeding, tampons soaked in a solution of burnet or douching are additionally used.

At home, the broth is prepared quite simply: take 2 tablespoons of chopped root and pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for 2-3 hours. If you need to quickly prepare the broth, you need to: pour 2 tablespoons with a glass of water and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes, then cool and use. Take the ready-made broth in a quarter of a glass 4 times a day, that is, drink the prepared mixture during the day, since it does not last longer than 12 hours.

How to drink a decoction during pregnancy?

Burnet root is used with extreme caution during pregnancy. Despite the contraindication when using tinctures of the plant during pregnancy, its external use is allowed for various skin lesions or in those cases when the doctor allows the drug to be taken in small doses. In any case, a doctor's consultation is always necessary.

What does Burnet tincture treat?

In pharmacology, Menzies's tincture is widely used, which is sold in any pharmacy. But it is easy to prepare at home too. For this, there is a special recipe: take 20-30 grams. crushed plant roots and filled with a glass of vodka or diluted alcohol. The resulting mixture is infused for two weeks, after which it is taken strictly as directed, following the instructions, that is, 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day, but no more, so as not to harm the body. This tincture treats various bleeding, and is also used for rinsing the mouth and throat in case of inflammatory processes.

Burnet root: benefits and harms

In medicine, for the production of medicines, roots and rhizomes are mainly used, in which all useful substances are concentrated to a greater extent. Even an insignificant use of infusions and decoctions of root or burnet extract benefits the entire gastrointestinal tract, restores disturbed intestinal motility, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. With prolonged use of funds based on blackheads, an increase in blood pressure and vasoconstriction can be observed.

Planting and leaving

The plant does not require special care and is frost-resistant, therefore it is grown on any soil in the garden or summer cottage. In nature, it propagates by seeds; for industrial purposes, seeds are sown in early spring in damp soil. It grows in all weather conditions.

The procurement of raw materials is carried out in the fall, mainly the root and rhizome are used for the preparation of balsams and tinctures. Flowers are more often used for making tea, which in small doses has no contraindications, therefore it is suitable for young children in the treatment of even minor disorders of the digestive processes.

Holland is home to the most popular postmodern designer of the 21st century, Pete Udolph. It was thanks to him that the direction in the creation of flower beds, which began in Germany and received the name "new wave" there, became a leader in urban landscaping and among advanced gardeners. Herbs, cereals and simple perennial flowers began to enter the garden fashion, which no one would have considered as an object of garden design two decades ago. And with one of these plants, let's call it conditionally "simple", but charming, I would like to acquaint you better. Burnet (Sanguisorba) quickly and rapidly entered the flower gardens in a natural style and is in demand by landscape designers like never before.

What's so special about burnet?

Burnet does not differ in large bright flowers and dense foliage, its charm is in lightness, airiness and elegance. If you plant it in the foreground, then with its openwork foliage it will create a translucent screen through which the flower garden will be viewed. Due to the long and thin, almost imperceptible peduncle, the inflorescences seem to float in the air, creating an additional frame for the plantings.

Due to the long and thin, almost imperceptible peduncle, the inflorescences seem to float in the air, creating an additional frame for the plantings.

Burnet meets all the basic requirements of designers for "Dutch" or "new wave" flower beds:

1. beautiful foliage and modest, dim, but original flowers - dense small inflorescences have a varied shape, from small bumps to long spikelets or drooping earrings;
2. flowers of a beautiful color - white, pink, red, depending on the species;
3. flowering period is long, up to two months;
4. does not lose its attractiveness throughout the year - in autumn the foliage turns yellow and orange, and dried inflorescences on tall peduncles do not fall off even in winter and look very beautiful;
5. keeps its shape well; some species, however, fall apart, but they still look good, you just need to choose the right place for them;
6. reproduces well by self-seeding and rhizomes, but not aggressive, you can not control planting.

burnet with perennials

Ideal plant for the "lazy"

This perennial is unpretentious: a lot of sun, moist fertile soil, weeding and loosening - that's all it needs. If the soil is very poor, in early spring and a couple of times during the season, you can carry out standard fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. Apply fertilizers carefully - the powerful rhizome is located shallow, it is easy to damage it when mixing the fertilizer with the soil. Weeding and loosening can be replaced by mulching with any organic material such as cut grass. Very hardy, not affected by pests, does not get sick.

Burnet is easily re-pollinated, resulting in very interesting hybrids. If you need to propagate a varietal burnet or a plant of the original species, propagate in divisions, and cut off the inflorescences immediately after flowering.

Reproduction by seeds. The seeds are sown in the fall. The sowing depth is about 1 cm. The seeds are evenly distributed and sprinkled with a layer of peat. Until the next autumn, the seedlings grow, then they are planted in a permanent place at a distance of 0.5 m. In the 2-3rd year, the plant begins to bloom.

Reproduction by rhizome. To obtain divisions, a plant not younger than 5 years of age is carefully dug out, pieces of rhizome with growth points are cut off, the cuts are sprinkled with ash and planted in a new place in May or August.

The genus Sanguisorba is not numerous - only about 20 species. They differ mainly in size, foliage color, as well as in the shape and color of inflorescences.

The tallest of the common among gardeners are (S. officinalis) and (S. canadensis). Plants grow up to 1.5 m and higher, differ in the color of the inflorescences - in the medicinal burnet they have the form of small cones of a dark red color, in the Canadian - white spikelets.

(S. obtusa) and Menzies' burnet(S.menziessii) are more compact, about 1 m tall. Both plants are loved by designers for the elegance and beauty of large, up to 7 cm, pubescent inflorescences of a bright pink color, in a dull one - drooping, similar to alder catkins, in Menzies - erect. Menzies' bloodworm is the only early flowering one, blooming in May, the rest in August-September.

Menzies' bloodworm is the only early flowering one, blooming in May, the rest in August-September.

Burnet is magnificent(S. magnifica) is very similar to a bloodworm, dull in color and shape of inflorescences - pink pubescent drooping catkins, but the bush is low, up to 0.5 m in height.

Very attractive breeding variegated burnet... Particularly good is the Little Angel variety - a small, up to 0.4 m tall plant with beautiful bluish leaves with a white border around the edges and oval cones of dark red inflorescences.

Popular varieties

Varieties of medicinal burnet: tall powerful Red Thunder with small, almost round burgundy inflorescences, short compact Tanna with small red balls of inflorescences and Pink Tanna with pink drooping earrings.

Blunt burnet varieties: variegated Lemon Splach with irregular yellow spots on green leaves, Alba with white catkins is the most unpretentious, grows on any soil, and Lilac Squirrel with drooping pink inflorescences unusually large for burnet, up to 10 cm long.

How to make bloodworm "work" in your garden

Of course, creating a "new wave" style flower garden on your site is not easy. But a small plot in a natural style is a task for an enthusiastic gardener. Plant the site in small groups of burnet, or any, and you get an unusual flower garden that resembles a natural meadow. Moreover, it is absolutely not scary if all the plants are not in growth, as is usually the case in classic flower gardens.

Botanical characteristics of medicinal burnet

Near rivers and streams, in large glades and vast meadows, you can find such a medicinal plant as a burnet. Burnetus officinalis is a perennial plant with powerful roots. This plant has very thin and very long stems, they reach one and a half meters, and its leaves resemble feathers in shape, they are called so - feathery. The terminal inflorescences of Burnetus officinalis are either drooping or spike-shaped; a lot of small flowers bloom on them.

Burnet tolerates winter well. Previously, plants attracted attention only for beautiful flowers - take, for example, a rose bush or lilies. In our time, plants are valued for stately leaves, graceful stems and, in general, for the harmony between the elements of the plant. From now on, the burnet is recognized not only as a medicinal, but also as a rather interesting ornamental plant. Breeders do not sleep and breed more and more new and very beautiful species of this plant.

Burnet application

We remind you that the broth prepared from the roots of the burnet is taken not only internally, but also externally. The broth, which should be taken orally, has bactericidal properties against Escherichia coli, all kinds of microbes of the dysentery and paratyphoid groups, and also has a protistocidal effect. A decoction made on the basis of burnet root should be used for diseases such as diarrhea of ​​various etiologies, ulcerative nonspecific colitis, chronic enterocolitis, intestinal, gastric, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, renal and uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation.

Mainly in folk medicine, burnet is used as a highly astringent, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drug. Outwardly, burnet is used in cases of long-term healing wounds, such as stomatitis, tonsillitis, burns,.

In what types can burnet be consumed? If you have a disease such as intoxication or gastrogenic or enterocolitis, then the plant is used in the form of a decoction and a liquid extract. Burnet-based products have a hemostatic effect on gastric, intestinal, uterine and renal bleeding. With stomatitis and gingivitis, the broth is taken with the purpose of rinsing. For external use, the plant is used as an extract.

To stop a headache or, tuberculosis, to stop bleeding, it is necessary to take a decoction of burnet. Also, the broth is drunk with heavy menstruation or diarrhea. To help Burnet to help you as a wound healing agent, use the decoction topically. Such methods are very common in traditional medicine in countries such as China, France, Russia and Poland.

Burnet leaf decoction is very famous in China. It is used in folk medicine as an analgesic and hemostatic agent for bloody vomiting, pulmonary, intestinal and uterine bleeding, polymenorrhea.

The near-earth part of the burnet, namely the part of the stem located almost at the base of the plant, is used as an astringent, bactericidal, protistocidal and hemostatic, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent for ulcerative colitis and dysentery.

Burnet preparation

To prepare a decoction based on the rhizomes of the burnet, it is necessary to calculate the ingredients as follows: for two teaspoons of the roots of the burnet, use one glass of water. After that, the composition is put on low heat and boiled for about 15 minutes. The water will gradually boil away, fresh water is added to its place, to the same volume. Drink the broth should be one or two tablespoons three to six times a day half an hour before meals.

The properties of the medicinal burnet

So, let's talk about the beneficial properties of the medicinal burnet. Basically, rhizomes are used for decoctions. The roots grow up to twenty centimeters in length, they should be harvested in September, when the plant begins to dry out. The root tastes astringent, and the smell is almost not felt.

Burnet rhizomes contain about 13% of tannins from the pyrogall group; in the roots, their content reaches 20%. Burnet roots also contain several acids. These are oxalic, ellagic and gallic acids. But this is not the whole list of elements found at the root of the burnet. There are also starch, pigments, sterols, vitamin C, essential oil, calcium oxalate, gallotannins, carotene, sanguisorbin saponin. Burnet leaves contain 1.8% ascorbic acid and essential oil.

Now let's talk about the medicinal properties of the plant. Burnet roots and rhizomes have hemostatic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and protistocidal properties.

Several tests have been carried out on this plant to find out exactly how it affects human recovery. The results are as follows: medicinal burnet, or rather the extract contained in its root, has such medicinal properties as vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory, if taken orally, it inhibits intestinal motility.

Studies on nutrient media have shown the antiseptic effect of the extract in relation to E. coli, it is worse expressed in relation to typhoid, dysentery and paratyphoid bacilli.

Burnet collection and drying

The roots and rhizomes are recognized as the most important part for decoctions in the medicinal burnet. They are harvested at the time of fruiting of the plant. During this period, the burnet stands out from the rest of the range of grasses due to its dark red inflorescences.

The plant should be dug out with shovels, and in no case should it be pulled out of the soil by the stems. Shovels should have grooved, rounded blades. In order to preserve the thickets, some of the plants should be left for renewal (1 or 2 plants per 10 square meters). You can repeat the workpieces in the same place after a ten-year period. After the rhizomes have been dug up, it is necessary to shake them off the ground, after which the stems are cut off and washed in water, always cold.

After cutting off the stems and washing the plant, it is laid out for incomplete drying. After the plant is more or less dry, it is necessary to cut off the remaining stems located near the base of the rhizomes. Then the rhizomes are cut into pieces equal to 20 centimeters. Spread the rhizomes in the fresh air so that they wilt a little, and then put them in the sun to dry completely. Raw materials can be dried in the attic, in an oven at 45 ° C, or in dryers. Never put raw materials on metal trays or wire racks. Because of this, the burnet can turn black and lose all its medicines. Finally, you can understand that the roots have dried up, then, when they, instead of bending, break. You can store this raw material for about five years. We remind you that the burnet has practically no smell, and the taste is astringent. The most significant burnet crops are in Tatarstan, the Urals and Siberia. It is there that the abundant harvesting of medicinal burnet is carried out.

Contraindications to the use of burnet

Burnet broths are prohibited for pregnant women.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapist

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after NI Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Peoples' Friendship University of Moscow (2008).

The healing properties of this medicinal herb were known many centuries ago. Its name - burnet - only sounds scary in appearance, in fact it denotes one of the main properties of the plant - to stop any internal bleeding. This plant has many names: button, hernia, black herb, common redhead.

Burnet is a perennial medicinal herb from the Rosaceae family. The smell of this perennial, as well as the taste, are reminiscent of cucumbers. The shoots of this perennial are small in thickness, elongated, they can grow in height up to 1.2 - 1.5 m. The flowers are not large, red with a dark shade. Shoots are solitary, erect, begin to branch only in the upper half of the plant, glabrous, slightly ribbed, empty inside. Foliage - not wide, similar to feathers, connected together by 7 - 20 leaves. The upper side of the leaves is shiny, dark emerald in color, the lower part is green with a bluish tint, dull. Leaves are oval, oblong, edges are sharply serrated. The root system is powerful. This plant begins to bloom in the fourth - fifth season., flowers appear from the first decade of June to the third decade of August. Fruits appear from late August to September. The fruits of this herb look like small brown nuts.

Burnet is a perennial medicinal herb from the Rosaceae family.

Burnet loves wet soil very much, therefore, it can be found on the banks of water bodies (rivers, streams, lakes, ponds), on lawns and meadows. Prefers the following climatic zones: steppes and forest-steppes, but sometimes even in the steppes.

Burnet is especially actively used for the treatment of various diseases in the Siberian regions and the Far East, so the population of this medicinal plant is rapidly declining there. Unfortunately, in many regions of our country, the burnet is even listed in the Red Book as an endangered plant.

Gallery: medicinal burnet (25 photos)

Where burnet is used (video)

Medicinal properties and contraindications

One of the main substances that determine the medicinal properties of this herb are tannins. Depending on where the plant grows, the amount of these substances ranges from 11% to 16.5%. In the roots, other active compounds are synthesized, which have an astringent effect.(catechins, ellagic acid, etc.). Burnet-based preparations significantly expand the field of application, because the roots contain flavonoids.

The main medicinal qualities of this herb are astringent, enveloping effect, it also transfers blood protein from one state to another, thereby stopping bleeding.

Burnet-based medicines have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It was found that the active substances that make up this medicinal plant successfully fight against pathogenic bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular with E. coli). Bacilli, which are the cause of diseases such as typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, are quite resistant to decoctions and alcoholic tinctures from this medicinal plant. However, in combination with other medications, burnet can be used to treat such diseases. Children with diarrhea are also prescribed decoctions from the rhizomes of this herb (albeit in combination with other medicines).

One of the main substances that determine the medicinal properties of burnet are tannins.

This herb successfully fights against some fungal diseases, the causative agents of which are lower fungi, and also successfully copes with lamblia and Trichomonas. Using drugs based on this medicinal plant, enterocolitis, diarrhea (gastrogenic and intoxication) are quite successfully treated.

Possessing astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, burnet is used in the treatment of stomatitis and gingivitis, in inflammation of the tonsils, in the treatment of angina of a different nature. Outwardly, preparations from this herb are used to treat purulent wounds, ulcers (trophic), washings in the treatment of erosions, hemorrhoids, etc. Rhizomes are charred to a black state, rubbed and sprinkled on burns.

Side effects and obvious contraindications for the use of drugs based on burnet were not identified... There is no overdose when taking such medicines, if only the stomach is slightly upset. But it must be remembered that any internal bleeding, to stop which this herb is used, begins due to some serious disease, which often cannot be cured only with a burnet. Therefore, in the initial stage of such bleeding, it is imperative to seek medical help.

Burnet roots synthesize active compounds that have an astringent effect

Collection and storage of burnet root and flowers

V medicinal purposes most often the roots of this perennial are used, less often - flowers. The rhizomes are harvested during the fruiting period, when the inflorescences become darker.

Parts of the plant should be collected and dried correctly, otherwise some of the medicinal properties may simply disappear. Basic rules for collection and drying:

  • In order to preserve some of the plants when collecting roots, at least 3 to 4 flowers are left on 7 - 8 m2 of area.
  • It is possible to re-harvest medicinal plants in one place no earlier than after 9 - 10 years.
  • A shovel should be used to dig up the burnet along with the roots. You cannot pull it out of the ground by the stems.

Burnet in folk medicine (video)

  • The rhizomes of the plant should be removed all the ground, cut off the stems. Then rinse the raw material thoroughly under running cold water. Clean roots are laid out to dry. Then the remnants of the shoots are removed.
  • The dried roots should be cut into strips about 18 - 20 cm long and left to wither in the fresh air. The raw materials are finally dried in direct sunlight. But you can dry the rhizomes in the oven or in special dryers, the temperature in which should be about 45 ° C.
  • Raw materials for drying should not be laid out on baking sheets or metal grates, since the roots begin to blacken from contact with metal parts and lose their healing properties.

Determine whether the medicinal roots are dry, judged by whether they break or not. If the roots only bend, this indicates that they are not dead. Completely dried raw materials are broken. Completely dried roots have a brown color on the outside (and the inside at the break is light yellow), their taste is astringent, there is no smell at all.

Dried medicinal raw materials are stored in canvas bags for no longer than 5 years.

Burnet rhizomes are harvested during the fruiting period, when the inflorescences become darker

The use of the beneficial properties of burnet in folk medicine

For a long time, people have used preparations based on this herb for:

  • stopping various bleeding (uterine, in the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, etc.)
  • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by infections and accompanied by inflammatory processes, in particular, diarrhea and dysentery;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes of the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, vagina;
  • in the treatment of certain diseases in gynecology, dentistry, ENT - diseases.

The main drugs made on the basis of the burnet rhizome are a decoction and tincture of alcohol. But just boil the roots of this herb with boiling water and just not insist. In such an infusion, useful active substances from the rhizome simply do not enter.

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