home » Walls » Folk ways to combat late blight. How to deal with late blight on tomatoes? Prevention. Folk remedies. Preparations for phytophthora. Video: late blight - the epidemic has begun

Folk ways to combat late blight. How to deal with late blight on tomatoes? Prevention. Folk remedies. Preparations for phytophthora. Video: late blight - the epidemic has begun

Late blight can destroy the entire crop in a matter of days. Therefore, it is so important to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and to take preventive measures in time. The fight against late blight should be started already at the stage of seed and soil preparation. And at the first signs of illness, use chemicals and folk remedies.

What is late blight

The causative agent of phytophthora is a fungus, the spores of which can be in the soil or carried by the wind. The rapid spread of the pathogen is facilitated by cold rainy weather, sudden changes in temperature, fog, and poor ventilation.

Phytophthora is a dangerous disease of tomatoes, the incubation period of which is from 3 to 14 days

Phytophthora reduces the quality of tomatoes, causes the death of plants, leads to damage to seed material and the accumulation of infection in the soil. Phytophthora on tomatoes can be recognized by its characteristic features:

  • Dark spots appear on the leaf plates; on the back of the leaf, along the edge of these spots, a white bloom is visible - these are the mycelium of the fungus. Then the leaves dry out and fall off.

    When blighted by late blight, dark spots appear on the leaves.

  • The same dark spots appear on the stems of plants. The affected areas begin to dry out.

    Dark and then black spots appear on the main trunk, tomato shoots

  • Tomato ovaries turn black and fall off.
  • Subcutaneous dark spots appear on the fruits, eventually turning into rotten spots.

    Infected fruits become covered with dark spots and begin to rot.

Video: how to save tomatoes from late blight?

Spraying tomatoes from late blight

Preventive treatment will help to prevent the defeat of late blight. If the tomatoes still show signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently take measures to cure it, using chemicals and improvised means.

To protect against late blight, tomatoes are sprayed with antibacterial solutions

Biological preparations

Biological agents based on bacteria destroy pathogenic fungi and restore infected plant tissues.

Table: the use of biological products for late blight

A drug Consumption rate Application
  • 2 tab. \ 10 l;
  • 1 tab. \ 1 l;
  • 2 tab. \ 10 l;
  • 2 tab. \ 10 l.
  1. Tillage before planting.
  2. Introduced into a planting hole (200 ml).
  3. Root watering 2 weeks after planting, again - after 14 days (1 l \ 1m 2).
  4. Three-time treatment with a weekly break of affected plants (1 l \ 1m 2).
  • 1 tab. \ 1 l;
  • 10 tab. \ 10 l.
  1. Application to the wells (200 ml / plant).
  2. Three times processing of tomatoes (before budding, subsequent - after 10 days).
  • 2 tbsp. l. \ 10 l;
  • 4 drops \ 200 ml;
  • 15 drops \ 10 l;
  • 15 drops \ 10 liters.
  1. Soil processing before planting.
  2. Seed soaking.
  3. Preventive spraying before flowering, again after 15 days.
  4. Therapeutic spraying is carried out at the first signs of illness, then every 10 days.

Photo gallery: biologics from phytophthora

Alirin B does not accumulate either in the plant itself or in its fruits
Gamair is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for combating fungal diseases Fitosporin-M is an effective drug for the prevention of tomato diseases

To treat the soil in the greenhouse, I use the biological product Baikal EM1, which suppresses soil pathogens and increases the number of beneficial bacteria. I dilute the concentrate with water (1: 1000), leave for 6 hours and spill the soil (3 l / m 2).

Baikal EM1 preparation improves soil microflora by suppressing pathogens

Video: how to dilute the drug Baikal EM1

Bactericides are used for the prevention and treatment of plants in open and closed ground. They are not dangerous to humans and do not accumulate in soil and plants. But their protective effect lasts no more than 2 weeks.


Chemicals are very effective and last longer. But they are toxic, they cannot be sprayed with plants during flowering, so as not to harm the bees. The last treatment should be completed 3 weeks before harvesting.

Spraying tomatoes in the greenhouse is carried out early in the morning.

Table: the use of chemicals for late blight

A drug Consumption rate Processing period
25 g \ 10 lPreventive spraying of seedlings, then, if necessary, every 7 days (60 ml / m2 for open ground and 200 ml / m2 for greenhouses).
  • 10 g \ 10 l;
  • 20 g \ 10 l.
  1. Preventive treatment after transplanting.
  2. Foliar treatment at the first signs of infection, two repeated - at weekly intervals.
  • 10 g \ 4 l4
  • 25 g \ 10 l.
  1. Preventive spraying of seedlings 2 weeks after planting in the ground (200 ml / m 2).
  2. Therapeutic 2-3 treatments with a break of 10-14 days (1 l / m2).
40 g \ 10 lTriple spraying (1 l / 10 m 2) during the growing season with a 10-day break.
600 g \ 10 lEarly spring tillage.

Photo gallery: chemical means of protection

The composition of Ordan contains 2 bioactive substances that provide a high antifungal effectiveness of the fungicide Copper sulfate is a fungicide designed to destroy pathogens of fungal diseases Two-component fungicide Ridomil Gold is produced in granular form Hom - a broad-spectrum preparation used when spraying plants to combat phytophthora pathogens. Bordeaux copper mixture is an excellent prophylactic agent against late blight, and for already damaged tomatoes - an effective medicine

Video: Trichopolum - a super remedy for late blight and tomato diseases

When preparing the greenhouse in spring, it is advisable to treat the soil with biological preparations. Chemicals are best used in the fall. Useful soil microorganisms, destroyed by the use of chemistry, will have time to recover by the spring planting of tomatoes.

Folk remedies

To obtain an environmentally friendly harvest, many gardeners use folk remedies instead of chemistry.

Spraying tomatoes should be carried out at a non-sunny time of the day (in the morning or in the evening) in the absence of wind and rain using a sprayer.

Iodine solution

The fungicidal properties of iodine make it possible to protect tomatoes from late blight. In addition, the plants are saturated with iodine, as a result their immunity is strengthened. The first treatment with an antibacterial solution is carried out after planting the seedlings (1 drop \ 3 l), the subsequent ones every 10 days with a more concentrated solution (10 drops \ 10 l).

Iodine, which has fungicidal properties, protects tomatoes from late blight

I use iodine-soaked tea bags to disinfect tomatoes indoors. I hang them on strings in a greenhouse, 1 piece per m2. Iodine vapors, evaporating, block the spores of the phytophthora fungus, which allows you to grow healthy plants and get a good harvest.

After brewing, tea bags are soaked in iodine and hung in a greenhouse with tomatoes

Lactic acid products

Pathogens of phytophthora are afraid of an acidic environment, therefore, fermented milk products are used to process tomatoes.

Kefir is used for the prevention and treatment of late blight

Antibacterial solutions are prepared from:

  • 1 liter of kefir and 10 liters of water;
  • 2 liters of whey and 10 liters of water.

To increase efficiency, 30 drops of iodine or greenery are added to the liquid. The soil and tomatoes are cultivated in the open field and in the greenhouse with an interval of 14 days.

Video: late blight - the epidemic has begun!

Garlic infusion is effective and safe for fruits. After the formation of ovaries, when it is better not to use chemical preparations, the plantings are sprayed with garlic infusion every 2 weeks (200 g of chopped garlic and 1 g of potassium permanganate are poured into 10 liters of warm water, insisted for a day).

Processing with garlic infusion can also be carried out when tomatoes are ripe.

An antibacterial solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. soda and 10 liters of water. For better adhesion to the leaves, add 2 tsp. soap. You can also use a more concentrated liquid (500 g / 10 L), to which 10 g of manganese and 10 ml of iodine are added.

Soda solution has an antibacterial effect on plants

Found application in the garden and the familiar greenery due to its fungicidal effect. 10 ml of greenery is dissolved in 10 liters of water and tomatoes are sprayed every 10 days. You can add 10 Furacilin tablets to the solution.

Pharmacy greenery is used by summer residents for spraying tomatoes against late blight

Video: iodine + brilliant green from late blight and tomato diseases

Using yeast

Yeast solution, while effectively suppressing disease-causing microbes, is also a source of beneficial bacteria. The following compositions are used for spraying:

Yeast fungi are active only at temperatures not lower than + 20 ° С, therefore, processing should be carried out in dry warm weather.

Phytophthora often affects tomatoes when agricultural technology is violated or in damp cold weather. To prevent the spread of the pathogen, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis. If the plants are already affected by a fungal disease, spraying with antibacterial solutions will help save the crop.

Every gardener who was involved in growing tomatoes in his backyard was faced with such a common disease as late blight. We will tell you in more detail what late blight is, how to deal with folk remedies with this common disease

In contact with


Description of plant disease

Late blight or late blight is a fungal disease that most often affects plants belonging to the nightshade family, including tomatoes. It is not difficult to determine the appearance of late blight. On leaves, stems and ripening fruits small brown spots appear, which increase in size, and the leaves quickly dry out and fall off. Dark spots may appear on the shoots, and on the tomatoes, areas of gray-dark stains, which soon turn black. The causative agent of late blight is ubiquitous in nature; under suitable conditions, this disease develops, which affects tomatoes.

Most often, late blight appears in the month of August, when the heat has already subsided, and the average daily temperature is about 20 degrees. It was also noticed that one of the conditions for the appearance of late blight is high humidity, so if the summer is cool and rainy, then such a pathogenic fungus can appear already at the beginning of summer, and the disease rages throughout the growing season.

In dry and hot weather, the fungus that causes phytophthora quickly dies, and the spread of the disease slows down. Also, quite often such brown and dark spots from fungus appear on the beds, in cases where gardeners do not provide appropriate care for the plantings, they are watered incorrectly, or vegetables are planted on the beds, not taking into account the minimum permissible distance between plants.

Signs of late blight

If we talk about the signs of phytophthora, then we can note the following:

  • The appearance of black areas on the fruit.
  • The shoots darken and soon turn black.
  • Dark spots appear on the underside of the leaves; soon the foliage dries up and falls off.

How to treat phytophthora on tomatoes

The success of the fight against this fungal disease largely depends on how quickly the treatment is started, which will not only save the future harvest, but also quickly get rid of the manifestations of the pathogen. In this case, you can use folk remedies for late blight on tomatoes, and spray the planting with various fungicides.

Important. Phytophthora on tomatoes, the treatment of which is carried out incorrectly, or not in a timely manner, will quickly destroy the entire crop.

If we talk about purchased store products, we can note the following fungicides from phytophthora:

  • Bordeaux mixture.
  • Tiovit Jet.
  • Horus.
  • Topaz.
  • Speed
  • Fitosporin.
  • Fundazol.
  • Previkur.

However, many gardeners are skeptical about the use of such fungicides, claiming that the use of such chemistry, although it allows you to cope with late blight, has a negative effect on the yield and taste characteristics of the grown crop. Therefore, do not be surprised at the popularity. various folk ways to combat this disease. Such protection of tomatoes from late blight will be effective and at the same time completely safe for the grown crop.

Phytophthora on tomatoes, how to deal with folk remedies

There are various effective folk ways to get rid of late blight on tomatoes. One of the advantages of using such folk remedies for combating this fungal disease is their complete environmental friendliness, which excludes the accumulation of nitrates, nitrites and other microelements and chemicals hazardous to human health in ripening tomatoes. ... We offer you the most common and effective folk methods that will allow you to cope with the fungal pathogen and grow an excellent harvest on your personal plot.

Garlic-manganese infusion

The fight against late blight on tomatoes in a greenhouse consists in regularly spraying the plantings with various infusions. We can recommend you a garlic-manganese infusion. It will not be difficult to prepare such an infusion on your own. You will need the following:

  • Potassium permanganate - 1 gram.
  • - 100g.

Used cloves of garlic should be chopped in a meat grinder, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for a day. After that, filter the resulting infusion, dilute it in 10 liters of water and add 1 gram of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to water the ground with the prepared solution and irrigate the affected bushes.

Straw tincture

To prepare such an infusion straw from late blight on tomatoes, you need one kilogram of straw or rotten hay, which is filled with 10 liters of water. Add a small handful of urea and leave for four days. All that remains is to strain the infusion and process the tomatoes with the resulting composition.

Yeast from late blight

Yeast is a universal top dressing and an excellent opportunity to get rid of various fungal diseases. To prepare such a medicinal solution, you will need to dissolve about 80 grams of yeast in a bucket of water. Immediately after the complete dissolution of the yeast with the resulting solution, water the tomatoes.

Copper wire as a great way to fight late blight

An excellent alternative for spraying tomatoes with various agrochemicals is the so-called copper piercing. Experienced gardeners know very well that copper wire, if cleaned with sandpaper and calcined in a fire, is excellent against various fungal diseases. The wire must be heated in a fire, and then pierced the stem of a tomato bush with it at a height of about 10 centimeters from the ground. The ends of the wire should be bent down. Remember not to wrap the wire around the stem.

Copper wire contains various trace elements that enhance oxidative processes, stabilize the production of chlorophyll in plants, strengthen the immunity of tomatoes, which makes such plants resistant to various infections, including fungal phytophthora.

Iodine from phytophthora

Excellent results are shown by processing tomatoes, on which the first signs of late blight are noticed, with a solution based on iodine. We all are well aware of the antimicrobial properties of iodine, therefore, spraying tomatoes with a prepared milk-iodine composition, you can quickly get rid of phytophthora on plantings. To prepare such a medicinal solution, you will need:

  • Water - 10 liters.
  • Low-fat milk - 1 liter.
  • Iodine - 20 drops.

The resulting solution should be gently stirred, after which the green mass is sprayed with infusion and the soil is spilled on the beds.

Ash solution for late blight on tomatoes

Such treatment is effective, but only with full compliance with the technology for carrying out such spraying. Processing is carried out in three stages, so it will be necessary to process the seedlings that have started to grow with the prepared ash solution, the second treatment is performed before flowering, and the third spraying - when the first ovaries appear.

To prepare such a solution, you need half a bucket of wood ash, which is poured over with 10 liters of water. Insist the solution for 3 days, stirring the tincture slightly from time to time. After 3 days, the liquid is drained, after which the volume of the liquid is brought to 30 liters, 30 grams of liquid soap is added to the tincture. The resulting ash solution should be sprayed on the plants and slightly moistened the ground.

Curdled milk serum

Excellent results are shown by the use of whey on curdled milk, which is used when the first signs of phytophthora appear on tomatoes. To prepare such a medicinal solution, it is necessary to dilute the serum in water in a one-to-one ratio. Also, such a prepared serum solution can be used as an excellent prophylaxis.

Prevention of late blight on tomatoes

Every gardener knows very well that it is much easier to prevent the formation of late blight than to try to fight this disease in the future. That is why it is recommended to carry out the appropriate agrotechnical measures and regularly spray the plantings with various tinctures prepared according to folk recipes.

An excellent way to prevent late blight in a greenhouse when growing tomatoes will be their treatment with a solution of sodium chloride. To prepare such a medicinal solution, dissolve a glass of table salt in 10 liters of water. Brine is used to treat green fruits and growing tomato bushes. Such a composition forms a protective film on the stems and leaves of tomatoes, which does not allow infection to penetrate the plants, preventing late blight on tomatoes. Such salt protection, despite its simplicity, is extremely effective and can be used by all gardeners.

Also in the open field and in the greenhouse, the use of kefir solution shows excellent results. To prepare such a solution, it will be necessary to dilute one liter of kefir in 10 liters of water. The prepared composition is insisted for 2 days, during which the kefir will begin to ferment, after which several sprays of seedlings and tomatoes planted in the open field are performed.

Agrotechnical work for the prevention of late blight

It is the provision of proper care for the plantings and the appropriate agrotechnical work that will protect the tomatoes from late blight. Such events include:


Phytophthora is a common fungal disease that often affects tomatoes, causing a lot of trouble for gardeners. The fight against this fungal disease consists in treating the plantings with fungicides or various folk remedies. In this article, we told you how to spray tomatoes from late blight, and what agrotechnical measures must be taken, which will be an excellent prevention of the appearance of fungus on tomatoes.

Probably every gardener knows this serious disease. Phytophthora is a popular brown rot. This is a fungal disease, a real scourge of tomatoes. It affects plants both in the greenhouse and in the open field. At the same time, it is caused by a special infection that persists in the soil for a very long time. The only thing that can restrain its development is copper, so if there are enough salts of this metal in the soil, the fungus will not rage. Today we will talk about how to treat tomatoes from late blight. This will help the gardener to take the necessary measures in time and prevent the development of the disease.

Conditions conducive to the development of phytophthora

Heat and moisture are essential for the development of any fungus. That is why outbreaks of the disease most often occur in protected ground, under a film or in a greenhouse. Under the covering material, there are strong changes in day and night temperatures, this leads to the formation of large drops in the greenhouse, which means that the humidity rises. Therefore, in the spring, when the tomatoes are still under the film, and the rapid growth of the fungus is observed. At this time, summer residents are looking for answers to the question of how to process tomatoes from phytophthora. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, it is enough to know which drugs to use.

Symptoms of late blight

The disease is widespread throughout Russia. That is why today we will consider how to treat tomatoes from late blight. The first crop to be affected by this disease is potatoes. From him, the disease spreads to other plants, in particular tomatoes. In some years, especially when the summer is humid and warm, it captures almost all plantings. The pathogen is very difficult to completely destroy; it tolerates wintering well. At the same time, spores are easily carried by the wind, washed off with irrigation water and transported with clothes and pollen.

As already mentioned, the largest outbreaks are observed in greenhouses, so the summer resident should always be ready and know how to treat tomatoes from late blight. First, brown spots appear on the leaves, the leaf turns yellow and dries up. Then hard brown scabs appear on the green fruits. Diseased fruits turn black, rot and die off. When harvesting, this is also very noticeable. Outwardly, tomatoes may look healthy, but if they are already infected with a fungus, they will turn black after a couple of days. This is how late blight manifests itself on tomatoes. We will consider how to deal with this formidable disease a little later, but for now let's talk about preventive measures.

What to do to prevent infection

No wonder they say that the most important thing is to carry out prevention correctly. The best protection of tomatoes from late blight is the correct planting location. Tomatoes should not be planted next to potatoes, as this is the very first breeding ground for phytophthora. It is imperative to observe the crop rotation. If eggplants, peppers, tomatoes or potatoes grew on the garden bed, then you cannot plant tomatoes on it the next year. If the plants have undergone an outbreak of late blight, then the site should not be used for at least 4 more years.

It is very important not to plant very densely. To prevent planting from forming a continuous jungle, you need to remove the lower leaves. In addition, weeds also contribute to the fact that the disease begins to spread, so no one canceled weeding. Improper watering is also a step towards disease. Therefore, it is impossible to abuse watering in rainy and cloudy weather. In addition, irrigation should be carried out strictly at the root, without wetting the leaves, and always in the evening, when the heat subsides. The soil must be loosened more often, not to apply a large amount of nitrogenous fertilizers.

An effective preventive measure is the planting of hybrids that are resistant to the development of late blight. In addition, during flowering, it is recommended to spray the plants with boric acid and ventilate the greenhouse well, carefully remove dead and infected plant parts.

Preventive treatment

While it is not a question of treatment, these measures are good before late blight appeared on tomatoes. How to deal with already developing symptoms, read on. Seedlings must be well treated with a weak Bordeaux liquid (no more than 0.5%). After about two weeks, you can repeat the treatment. In this case, you can already increase the concentration of the solution by 2 times. Before drilling the fruit, you can repeat the treatment at intervals of 12 days.

The second method is the treatment of tomatoes with copper chloride. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons and dilute them in a bucket of water. It must be remembered that harvesting of fruits is possible three weeks after processing. It should be remembered that such treatment is good only until the pathogen has penetrated deep into the fetal tissue. If late blight has already appeared on tomatoes, the treatment should be much more serious.

Folk ways to deal with the problem

First of all, if you notice typical symptoms, it is necessary to break off any darkened leaves or fruits. Don't forget to destroy them. Now you already know for sure that late blight appeared on tomatoes. Treatment will consist of treating the bush with saline. To do this, you need to dissolve a glass of table salt in 10 liters of water. Once dry, the salt forms a protective film that helps contain the spread of infection.

Ordinary garlic will help to cope with the disease. This is another popular remedy for late blight on tomatoes. If you spray the plants with a garlic solution every two weeks, then the crop can be saved. To do this, twist the garlic heads in a meat grinder (1.5 cups) and insist in 10 liters of water. You need to process abundantly, about 0.5 liters per one bush.

Amazing nearby

Kefir turns out to be useful not only for the stomach, it is also a remedy for late blight on tomatoes. He will be your best assistant in the problem at hand. Take a liter of kefir and leave it to ferment for two days. Now dilute with ten liters of water and process the plantings every two weeks. The fungus will bypass the side of the garden.

We have already said that copper is the worst enemy of phytophthora. This is why gardeners use thin copper wire. It is cut into short pieces, 3-4 centimeters each, with which the trunk is pierced. The ends are simply folded over without twisting around the barrel. The wire must release the required amount of copper, which will be sufficient for protection.

The tinder fungus is another gardener's assistant. Its popularity has grown today. The dried mushroom is chopped with a knife and poured over with boiling water. This infusion is used at the first appearance of the disease on the leaves. To avoid the appearance of late blight, gardeners use the power of other plants, in particular the horsetail. Such treatments help to maintain the immunity of the plant itself. To do this, you need to boil 100 grams of dry grass in a liter of water, dilute the broth in five liters of water and spray the plants.

Chemistry in our garden

If you are now thinking about how to spray tomatoes from late blight, then most likely this disease has already appeared in your garden. Hence, it is better not to risk using not always reliable folk remedies, but to resort to the achievements of modern industry. There are many drugs on the market that can easily cope with this ailment. We will give a brief overview of the remedies, each of which will easily rid your garden of late blight.

The drug "Oxyhom"

This tool, which has been on the shelves for a long time, has managed to fall in love with gardeners. Its effectiveness is undeniable, it removes even strong defeats instantly. Therefore, if you are looking for how to spray tomatoes from late blight, you will not find a better option. One tablet is diluted in five liters of water, the drug penetrates deep into the tissues of the plant and destroys the disease from the inside. For four days, the fruits should not be eaten. You can repeat the treatment in two weeks, but no more than three times per season. If it rains within 6 hours after treatment, the procedure must be repeated.

New - the drug "Profit"

Late blight delivers the most troubles on tomatoes in a greenhouse. How to deal with the disease, we will consider right now. It is for these purposes that a new drug called "Profit" has been released. Its advantage is that it does not penetrate into the fruits and tissues of the plant. Processing is carried out at the first signs of the disease. At the same time, the drug is quite toxic, so the number of treatments is limited. Maximum of them can be carried out two. After processing, the fruit cannot be harvested for 20 days. It helps much better than copper sulfate from late blight on tomatoes, but its toxicity is much less.

The least toxic drug "Kartotsid"

This is the most modern remedy that gardeners are just beginning to master, so one cannot but mention it when considering how to spray tomatoes from late blight. The package contains 40 g of powder, which is diluted in 10 liters of water. The drug does not penetrate into plant tissues, but at the same time it very effectively helps to defeat the disease at its various stages. The maximum number of treatments per season is four. At the same time, you can harvest the fruits within a week after processing. The effectiveness of the product is very high.

Let's summarize

Chemicals are the best way to fight if late blight appears on tomatoes in a greenhouse. We have described in sufficient detail how to deal with this ailment, it remains only to choose the most acceptable method for you. Using these tips for preventing the disease, you can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence and development. However, if you notice the first signs, then do not hesitate, immediately start processing the bushes.


How to treat tomatoes from late blight: a review of funds

The period of active invasion is in August, but this does not mean that tomatoes are safe before that. Dense plantings are most vulnerable, as the spreading leaves of tomatoes create a thick shadow, which contributes to the appearance of fungus.

The first cultivation of the soil must be carried out even before planting the tomatoes, so that young seedlings can calmly take root and grow. Subsequent treatments should be carried out every two to three weeks as a preventive measure until harvest.

A week after planting in the open field, you need to start treating the beds with ash or iodine. At the very beginning of July, you need to process the tomatoes with whey, repeating the procedure for a week. The frequency of treatments depends on the weather: the rainier the summer is, the more often you need to process tomatoes.

Preventive treatment

Preventing a disease is much better than treating an emerging disease. In the case of tomatoes and late blight, this statement is more relevant than ever. Preventive treatment of plants should be carried out in dry weather, in the first half of the day, when the sunlight is only gaining strength.

First of all, pay attention to substances that strengthen the immunity of tomatoes, since late blight affects weak plants. A solution of wood ash or iodine, yeast feeding does a good job. Considering that they can be alternated with each other, you will get a harmless medicine for the entire growing season of a tomato. Before the fruit is formed, chemicals such as Trichopolum, copper sulfate can be used.

Remember that you need not only to develop immunity in plants, but also to disinfect the surrounding soil.

Thinning of tomato beds also acts as a preventive measure. Grazing in this case helps a lot to create space for each bush, reducing shading and increasing ventilation.

Methods of dealing with late blight

How to treat tomatoes from late blight, when it is too late to carry out prevention? Conventionally, methods of combating late blight can be divided into two large categories: folk remedies and chemicals.

Ingredients for making products according to folk recipes are always at hand. These are garlic, table salt, kefir, milk whey, rotten straw, yeast. Preparing a solution for processing tomatoes will not take much time, and the result will not be long in coming.

We offer you 10 popular and proven remedies.

First recipe: garlic tincture. Grind shoots and heads of garlic into gruel, add 2 grams of potassium permanganate, dilute in 10 liters of water. The infusion must be allowed to stand for a day before it can be used. Apply it at intervals of 13-15 days.

Second recipe: saline solution. Dissolve 1 cup of coarse salt (iodized) in 10 liters of water. Process the tomato leaves with the resulting solution when you expect the processing time with basic medicinal mixtures. The salt film will prevent fungal spores from multiplying on the tomato leaves.

The third recipe: kefir shower. Dilute 1 liter of kefir in 10 liters of water, leave the mixture to ferment (it usually takes 2-3 days). When the solution is ready, you can spray the tomatoes. Treatment frequency is every week.

The fourth recipe: iodine solution. The antiseptic properties of iodine save not only people, but also planting tomatoes. Dilute 20-30 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water and immediately start spraying the plants. This treatment can be carried out every week.

Fifth recipe: ash infusion. In a large container, mix half a bucket of wood ash and 10 liters of water. Leave the mixture to infuse for 3-4 days, stir regularly. When the ash completely saturates the water with useful microelements, dilute the mixture to 30 liters, add 40-50 grams of laundry soap, dissolve it and start saving the beds.

Sixth recipe: rotten straw. You will need 1 kilogram of rotten straw and 10 liters of water. Pour in straw, squeeze well, add 10-15 grams of carbamide, and then leave in a warm place for 4 days. This tincture can be used to process tomato bushes every 2 weeks.

Seventh recipe: yeast. For 10 liters of warm water, take 100 grams of live yeast or 20 grams of dry, stir the mixture thoroughly, leave to ferment for 24-30 hours. When you notice the symptoms of late blight, immediately spray the bushes with a yeast solution.

Eighth recipe: soap. Dissolve 1 cup of grated or liquid soap in 10 liters of warm water, add half a glass of lime, 1 tablespoon of Bordeaux. Stir the mixture and treat damaged bushes in the evening.

Ninth recipe: copper sulfate. Usually, a solution of copper sulfate is used before planting to disinfect the earth. But even when infected with late blight, it can be used. 2 tablespoons of vitriol are dissolved in 10 liters of water, and then the infected tomatoes are treated, after removing the infected leaves.

Tenth recipe: Fitosporin. The powder is diluted 2 hours before the start of treatment. To prepare the product, dissolve 5 grams of powder in 10 liters of water, and then treat the affected bushes. The procedure must be repeated every 2 weeks. If you purchased a paste, then 100 grams of paste should be diluted in 200 milliliters of water. Before use, dilute 3 teaspoons of the mixture in 10 liters of water. There is also a ready-made solution, it is also liquid Fitosporin. Take 10 drops of liquid in 200 ml of water and then spray on the diseased tomatoes.

Remember that chemicals must be used with care and intelligence. If a tomato has entered the fruiting stage, it cannot be treated with chemicals so as not to damage the fruit.

Video "Protection of tomatoes from late blight with Fitosporin"

Take a close look at the master class on the use of the biological product Fitosporin to protect your tomatoes from late blight.


How to spray tomatoes from late blight

Tomatoes or tomatoes are grown by all vegetable growers. This vegetable is appreciated for its taste and health benefits. They are grown in open ground and greenhouses. Unfortunately, the hopes of gardeners for a rich harvest of tomatoes are not always justified. This is due to plant diseases. One of the most insidious is tomato late blight. If you do not start fighting the disease in a timely manner, you can forget about the harvest. Not only beginners, but also experienced gardeners are interested in how to properly process tomatoes from late blight and by what means.

Gardeners about late blight

Before talking about the processing of tomatoes from late blight, you must first find out what kind of disease it is, by what signs to distinguish it.

What is late blight

Late blight (late blight) is a fungal disease, most often seen on nightshade crops such as potatoes and tomatoes. There are a huge number of varieties of the disease. Phytophthora fully corresponds to its Greek translation, destroys and destroys plants. It is not necessary that the soil of your garden can be infected with late blight: it can fly from a neighboring area.

The disease develops rapidly, if it is not prevented, then it can destroy the entire crop of tomatoes. It manifests itself in all parts of the plant. Brown spots appear on the green leaves, stems, and subsequently on the fruits, similar to a burn.

Causes of occurrence

Why late blight develops on tomatoes and other nightshade crops:

  1. Summer residents deacidify the soil by adding lime to them. The phytophthora fungus loves to settle and multiply on calcified soils.
  2. The reason for the development is the thickening of the plantings. Air circulation in this case is difficult, moisture accumulates in large quantities. Phytophthora spores are lovers of high air humidity.
  3. Another reason is temperature drops. As a rule, the peak of phytophthora development occurs at the end of summer. Tomatoes growing outdoors are especially affected. The sun burns them during the day, and cold dew falls at night.
  4. Plants that have good immunity rarely get sick. But weakened plants rarely manage to avoid late blight.
Attention! Most often, late blight suffers from tomatoes, lacking in trace elements, such as iodine, manganese, copper, potassium.

Signs of the disease

Even a novice gardener is able to determine the presence of the disease, because the symptoms are pronounced. The main thing is to appreciate your work and inspect the planting of tomatoes from time to time.

How to diagnose late blight:

  1. Whitish or brownish spots appear on the leaves below. The leaves turn brown very quickly and begin to dry out.
  2. The stems are also covered with dark spots. Blackened shoots are not able to feed the plant, it becomes weak.
  3. If you do not declare a fight against phytophthora, the fungus will transfer to the fruits and continue to multiply.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to prevent the appearance of late blight at the stage of growing seedlings when processing soil, containers and seeds. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely eliminate the fungus.

Advice! If signs of a fungal disease appear on the seedlings, the infected plants need to be burned with a rhinestone.

The soil must be treated with Fitosporin-M. The best option is to completely replace the substrate. The remaining seedlings, even if there are no spots on it, are treated with the same Fitosporin or other means.

The second time, as a preventive measure, tomato seedlings are treated from late blight after planting in the ground. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the plants constantly.

Attention! Late blight on tomatoes progresses when the first mushrooms appear in the forest.

Even if the plants do not get sick, preventive measures will not hurt.

How tomatoes are processed

Today the market is represented by a large number of drugs to combat late blight. The range of chemicals is expanding every year. Unfortunately, coping with adversity is not so easy. Phytophthora quickly becomes accustomed to treatment products if used constantly. At the slightest sign of illness, it is necessary to urgently start processing tomatoes from late blight.


Treatment of tomatoes from late blight is carried out with chemicals, since they are the most effective.

Advice! Do not use the same drug so that late blight does not have time to get used to it.

What means can you use:

  • Previkur and Fundazol;
  • Fitosporin and Quadris;
  • Ridomylos and Switchm;
  • Quickly and Topaz;
  • Horus and Fundazim;
  • Tiovit Jet and Hom;
  • Bordeaux liquid and copper sulfate;
  • Copper chloride, Trichopolum and other means.

As you can see, the list is quite long. Before choosing a remedy for late blight, you need to carefully read the instructions. In addition, the processing must be carried out with the use of protective equipment. We will not discuss chemicals. And let's talk about those that are safe for humans.

Trichopolum for processing

Many gardeners use drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy. One of the pharmacy antimicrobial agents Trichopolum (Metronidazole). They began to use it not so long ago, but found its place in the arsenal of the fight against late blight. Why be surprised, since it helps a person, it means that it will help the plant, because it is also a living being.

What are the advantages of the drug:

  1. Trichopolis is inexpensive, but its effectiveness in processing tomatoes against late blight has been tested by experienced gardeners: the drug was highly appreciated.
  2. This is not a chemical preparation, therefore, destroying phytophthora spores, it does not remain in the fruit, it is safe for humans.
  3. Tomatoes can be processed before harvesting. Vegetables are washed with running water and can be eaten.

Now let's figure out how to use Trichopolum. A package of tablets (20 pieces) must be crushed and dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour into a sprayer and process the tomatoes well, from all sides, without missing a single centimeter. This treatment of plants must be repeated after ten days.

Iodine is a faithful helper

No matter how good Trichopolum is for treating tomatoes from late blight, but, as already noted, one remedy is not so effective due to the addiction of the fungus. What other medicines can I use?

Many vegetable growers do not forget about iodine when growing tomatoes. For beginners, this may seem strange, but iodine is an excellent antiseptic, tested by many summer residents. Any putrefactive processes stop after iodine treatment. In addition, it stimulates fruit setting if tomatoes are sprayed with this composition: add 7 drops of solution to a ten-liter bucket.

Advice! Spraying can be done fearlessly weekly.

There are many recipes using this substance to treat tomatoes from late blight:

Take a liter of skim milk, 4 liters of water and 15 drops of iodine. It is difficult to find natural milk in the city; you can use sterilized milk. Milk-iodine processing of tomatoes can be alternated with whey.

Attention! To treat tomatoes from late blight with compositions containing milk, their good fermentation is required.

The older the composition, the better the fight against late blight.

Tips for processing tomatoes from late blight on video:

Zelenka or brilliant green

Brilliant greens are used to treat wounds. She found her application among gardeners to combat late blight of tomatoes. After all, this is also an infection, only in plants.

Forty drops are enough for a ten-liter bucket of water. You can spray tomatoes from late blight several times per season. This safe remedy works effectively. It can be used not only during the period of fungus rampage, but also as a prophylaxis. You can also add whey, kefir, reverse to the solution.

Potassium permanganate

With the help of potassium permanganate, the fight against late blight of tomatoes can be started at the stage of preparing seeds for sowing. Seeds, soil, tools, boxes are treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The greatest effect is obtained if boric acid is added.

To treat tomatoes from late blight, a pink solution of potassium permanganate is prepared. They are sprayed with plants from top to bottom.

You can safely process tomatoes against late blight with pharmaceutical preparations without worrying about the quality of the fruits. Solutions of iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate and boric acid need to be alternated for greater effect. Processing tomatoes from late blight can be carried out in a week or ten days. In addition to destroying fungal spores, such processing increases the taste of tomatoes and their keeping quality.

Attention! When using pharmaceutical preparations for late blight, you do not need to wear protective equipment.

Soil processing and greenhouses

Spraying only tomatoes from late blight will not give the desired effect, since the spores of a fungal disease calmly overwinter in the open field, in a greenhouse. To be sure that late blight will not cause the death of the tomato crop, a global attack on the fungus is needed.

What should be done to get rid of late blight? First of all, before planting tomato seedlings, cultivate the soil in prepared beds in the garden or in a greenhouse. For this purpose, you can use copper sulfate, Fitosporin-M or Arilin. If there are no such funds, you can spill the soil with hot water with potassium permanganate and close the greenhouse.

Secondly, you will need to rinse the greenhouse surface with any detergent.

Warning! Even in the fall, it is necessary to remove all plant residues from the ridges so as not to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of spores of fungal and other diseases of garden crops.

Some gardeners fumigate the greenhouse with pieces of natural wool: they put it on the coals and close the room for a day. You can use smoke bombs. They also kill fungal spores. They are afraid of phytophthora spores and the smell of iodine. Dots can be set at a distance of 50 cm throughout the greenhouse. You can spray with Baikal EM or Fitosporin preparations.

Warning! When processing with chemicals, protective equipment must be used.

After work, wash the exposed parts of the body with warm water and soap.

Tomato processing rules

Tomatoes growing in a greenhouse and open field are subject to treatment from late blight with the selected means. The rules are almost the same:

  1. Processing is carried out early in the morning before sunset.
  2. Plants are sprayed from all sides.
  3. The solution must be diluted exactly according to the instructions.

But there is also a difference in air humidity: in the greenhouse it is much higher, and this is a favorable environment for phytophthora, therefore, processing in the greenhouse is carried out more often.

Attention! If tomatoes grow in open ground, then you cannot process them before the rain or immediately after it - the effect will be zero.

You need to choose calm weather so that the drops of the product do not scatter around the sides, but fall on the tomatoes.

Features of processing tomatoes from late blight in greenhouses:

  1. Do not plant tomatoes where potatoes or other nightshades were grown last year. And it is not recommended to plant tomatoes next to potatoes.
  2. If there is a lot of lime in the soil, add peat, compost, sand.
  3. Sow green manures in the fall or early spring for future tomato plantings.
  4. Observe agrotechnical standards when planting and growing vegetables.
  5. Do not neglect the rules of crop rotation.
  6. Water the plants in the morning, then most of the water will have time to go into the soil, evaporation will be less.
  7. If the tomatoes are grown indoors, remember to ventilate the greenhouse.
  8. The lower leaves on tomatoes must be cut off so that there is no thickening, the air can circulate freely.
  9. If the weather is cloudy, keep watering to a minimum. In this case, carry out "dry" watering - loosening. The drip irrigation system has shown itself well in the fight against late blight of tomatoes.
  10. Spraying with preparations, as well as feeding, should be regular.
  11. Buy tomato seeds that practically do not suffer from late blight.
  12. Do not strive to immediately use chemical preparations for processing vegetables, first try folk remedies.

Let's summarize

Growing a good harvest of tomatoes is simple and difficult for beginners at the same time. You need to know a lot of secrets in caring for your culture. Do not hesitate to ask for advice from people with rich experience. At one time, they also faced diseases of tomatoes, including late blight.

If you follow our recommendations and carefully monitor the plantings, we can assure you that you will get healthy and tasty tomatoes. You should not despair if you have not completely managed to defeat phytophthora. You can try other methods next year. The main thing is to influence the disease from the first minutes of its onset. Perhaps you yourself will be able to invent your own methods of dealing with late blight spores. Don't forget to report them.


The better to process tomatoes from late blight in a greenhouse

Hello dear friends!

Today we will talk about pressing problems, or rather about one of them called late blight, which causes a lot of trouble for our brother summer resident. And also about the choice of an effective strategy in the fight against this fungal disease, which does not bypass the side, including greenhouse tomatoes.

Preventive measures, as you know, are always in the first place, and if it is hardly possible to prevent the disease by one hundred percent, then it is in our power to reduce the scale of the lesion.

  1. Causes of late blight infection
  2. Greenhouse cleaning and disinfection

So, how to protect plants and how to treat tomatoes in a greenhouse from late blight in order to get a strong and healthy harvest? How justified is the treatment of plants with folk remedies or is it worth, without delay, to connect heavy artillery in the form of chemicals?

When to process plantings and soil, how many times and what conditions do late blight-resistant tomatoes prefer? Today we will reflect on this and many other important nuances of caring for greenhouse tomatoes. Join us!

Attention threat: causes of late blight infection

The causative agents of this ill-fated scourge are the spores of the fungus Phytophthora infestans, which, in conditions of high humidity, a significant difference between night and day temperatures and insufficient ventilation in the greenhouse, often affect the planting of tomatoes.

The carriers of the disease can be both seeds and the soil itself, with an insufficient content of copper salts in its composition. And also our unintentional carelessness when we use contaminated garden tools in the greenhouse or bring this infection on the same shoes in which we walked around the area near the potato beds. This is especially dangerous in rainy and damp weather, when zoospores are especially active.

The most common causes of late blight in greenhouse tomatoes include the following errors in agricultural technology:

  • thickening of plantings and insufficient ventilation create favorable conditions for the development of fungal spores;
  • improper watering with wetting of the lower leaves contributes to the rapid penetration of spores into plant tissues, provoking the development of the disease;
  • the damp, wet, topsoil before evening is also a risk factor for the development of late blight;
  • violation of the rules of crop rotation: growing tomatoes in the same greenhouse for several seasons in a row, planting tomatoes after potatoes;
  • joint cultivation of potatoes and tomatoes "under one roof" increases the risk of late blight, since potatoes are the first to suffer from this disease;
  • tomatoes overfed with nitrogen fertilizers are more often victims of phytophthora;
  • regular outbreaks of fungal infections are facilitated by non-compliance with planned measures for disinfecting the greenhouse and greenhouse soil at the end of the summer season;

In general, everything is obvious, and the first signs of phytophthora on tomatoes in the form of a whitish fluffy bloom and rusty-brown spots on the surface of the lower leaves signal that it is time to move on to active hostilities.

Otherwise, fungal rot will instantly transfer to the stems and green fruits, showing characteristic brown spots on their peel.

We will talk about how to save the planting of tomatoes in a greenhouse from the extermination of late blight later. First, about the measures that can prevent this disease.

Prevention of late blight on tomatoes in a greenhouse

Despite the fact that growing tomatoes indoors reduces the risk of phytophthora spores, there are still chances of catching the infection.

Treatment of seeds before planting with phytosporin, warming up at a temperature of 46-48 degrees and soaking them in potassium permanganate, as well as a selection of breeding varieties that have proven themselves not only with stable yields, but also with resistance to diseases - these are the basics for beginners.

However, according to gardeners who have been practicing for more than one year on their plots, tomatoes that are 100% resistant to late blight are nothing more than a myth. Rather, a tempting marketing ploy, indicated on the bright packaging of the planting material.

There is no magic vaccination - everyone gets sick, the question is different. How strong the plants turn out to be depends on many factors, including our practical experience in this area. First of all, it is attentive care of plants, timely response to problems and maintenance of a healthy microclimate in the greenhouse.

Here you can get acquainted with an overview of the best varieties of tomatoes intended for growing in greenhouses, and choose the suitable options for your taste.

So, the main preventive measures in the fight against late blight are as follows:

Healthy, properly treated seed and early maturing tomato varieties will minimize the risk of disease;

Removing the lower old leaves from the bush (up to the second and third brush) and timely pinching of plants also reduces the chances of infection of plants with a fungal infection;

Watering greenhouse tomatoes should be carried out in the first half of the day so that by the evening the topsoil is already dry. In that sense, it is necessary to daily ventilate the greenhouse and mulch the soil under the tomato bushes;

Immediately before planting seedlings, nitrogen fertilizers and fresh manure should not be applied to the greenhouse soil, this reduces the resistance of plants to late blight. Feeding enriched with copper, phosphorus and potassium will be more effective;

When planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, it is recommended to add the bio-fungicide "Trichodermin" to the hole at the rate of 5 ml per plant or 5 gr. 5 liters of soil, after which the plantings are mulched with straw. This will protect them not only from late blight, but also from black leg, gray and fusarium root rot. The active substance of the biological product is the mycelium and spores of the fungus Trichoderma lignorum, which is an antagonist to pathogenic cultures. The same means produce periodic spraying of the leaves as the plants grow: during flowering, setting and ripening of fruits;

An effective prevention of fungal infections will be spraying the leaves of tomatoes every 2 weeks with a solution of "Fitosporin". This microbiological preparation, thanks to the active bioculture of Bacillus subtilis, has the ability to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi;

A traditional means of preventing fungal diseases, in addition to the above biological products, is the Bordeaux mixture, which is sprayed with growing tomatoes every 10-12 days from the day of planting;

And, finally, the advance preparation of the greenhouse for the planting season, measures for its disinfection and soil treatment should be carried out in the fall. More on this in our next section;

Greenhouse cleaning and disinfection: prevention of late blight

General cleaning to restore cleanliness and order in the greenhouse should not be postponed until spring. Careful processing of all supporting structures, surfaces and equipment, spilling the soil with fungicides and pre-winter laying of green manure in the soil will help to avoid many problems in the coming season. Including from phytophthora.

Greenhouse cleaning begins with the removal and subsequent burning of all plant residues: tops, roots, weeds and other bio-waste, as well as used garters.

The surface of glazed greenhouses and polycarbonate greenhouses is thoroughly washed with a concentrated detergent based on laundry soap (1 briquette, grated on a fine grater, stir in 2 liters of water) or a solution of bleach.

Not forgetting about the joints and other structural elements, on which traces of the vital activity of harmful microorganisms may remain.

For the final disinfection of the inner space of the greenhouse and equipment, treatment with fungicides, Bordeaux liquid, sulfur checkers and phytosporin is used. The latter is used at a positive air temperature of at least 10 ° C, otherwise its action will be meaningless.

The inner surfaces are sprayed with appropriate preparations, and the soil is shed from a watering can for processing the soil to the full depth. They fumigate the room with set fire to sulfur bombs, having previously plugged all the cracks, tightly closing the ventilation vents and doors. After two days, the greenhouse is opened and ventilated for 2 weeks.

If, despite all your efforts, late blight outbreaks recur with enviable regularity, it makes sense to partially replace the soil in the greenhouse. To do this, remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 200 mm and replace it with a new one, which in turn is spilled with a solution of phytosporin.

To heal and improve its fertile qualities, green manures, marigold and calendula stems are buried in the ground. This procedure is recommended every 2-3 years.

How and how to treat tomatoes with signs of late blight?

There is simply no single answer to this question, as well as where to buy the best remedy for one hundred percent protecting plants from fungal infections. The quality of the soil and the balanced composition of fertilizers, the various varieties of tomatoes and their habitat conditions that we create for them require an integrated approach to solving emerging problems.

In one case, it is enough to regularly use the Bordeaux mixture and periodic spraying with folk remedies in the form of baker's yeast diluted in water, infusions of garlic, potassium permanganate and laundry soap.

In the other - timely treatment with bioactive "Fitosporin" and "Trichodermin" in combination with preparations based on copper (oxychom, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride) to prevent the spread of phytophthora in your greenhouse.

Chemical fungicides such as Ridomil Gold, Profit Gold, Bravo, Quadris, Ditan and other inventions of the chemical industry will come to the rescue if you missed the first signs of late blight on tomatoes, and a powerful massive volley of zoospore colonies threatening your greenhouse tomatoes is required.

Read the instructions carefully and follow the tips for using them. Too frequent and excessive use of contact-systemic poisons is likely to save your crop from late blight, which cannot be said about the health of those who will eat these tomatoes.

In addition, fungal zoospores are remarkably adaptable to pesticides, and therefore it makes sense to alternate treatments with drugs that have different active ingredients. But without fanaticism and out of necessity.

Another important point that should be addressed when spraying plants is the timing of the last treatment before removing the fruits from the bush.

Oxykhom - 4 days before harvesting;

Copper oxychloride (HOM) - no later than 20 days;

Ditan - at least 20 days;

Ridomil gold - in 14 days;

Copper sulfate - no later than 25 days;

Bordeaux mixture - in 5 days;

It must be said that the action of any type of fungicide is aimed at protecting plants from damage by fungal and bacteriological infections, and not at treating them. Therefore, during the entire growing season, they are used multiples of 3-4 times per season, repeating treatments every 10-12 days, depending on the degree of risk of late blight.

More detailed advice on how many times and when to treat greenhouse tomatoes with this or that fungicide can be found in the accompanying instructions.

Apply them in a complex manner, alternating spraying with bioactive and chemical preparations, maintain a healthy microclimate in the greenhouse, observe the irrigation regime and your tomatoes will delight you with a generous and healthy harvest.

Tomatoes are grown in garden beds or summer cottages. Like other vegetables, tomatoes are susceptible to diseases that arise from the spread of fungi and bacteria. Phytophthora is one of the most common and dangerous diseases. It causes a lot of inconvenience. Consider in this article why late blight on tomatoes and how to deal with it.

How to recognize a disease

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • the lower part of the leaves is covered with brown spots;
  • leaves fall;
  • shoots and fruits of the plant turn black;
  • the vegetable becomes hard, and then softens and rots. Often all fruits on the bushes suffer from damage.

Phytophthora distributed as on tomatoes in a greenhouse, so and in the open field.

Why does it appear

To determine how to more effectively fight an insidious disease, you should know why it spreads and occurs. Understanding the causes of the disease, preventive methods can be carried out in advance to prevent its occurrence.

So, there are several reasons for the appearance of late blight:

  • close planting with potatoes, which are more often sick;
  • thickening of plantings, as a result of which, the bushes do not receive enough air;
  • profuse dew in the morning and insufficient air temperature;
  • a large contrast between air temperature during the day and at night;
  • excessive moisture, which is caused by excessive watering or heavy rainfall;
  • high nitrogen content and excess lime;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil: potassium, copper, iodine or manganese.

How to treat tomatoes from late blight?

Use of chemicals

There are the most common remedies that summer residents use to combat late blight on tomatoes.


It is a contact fungicidal agent that does not penetrate into leaves and fruits. The active ingredient in the composition is copper oxychloride. It does not accumulate in plants, therefore it does not cause addiction of fungi to the active substance.

Important! The drug has a good prophylactic property and protects tomatoes from disease manifestations. But it is useless to use it to treat already infected bushes.

The bushes are treated with this tool up to 5 times per season, but no later than 3 weeks before harvesting. The substance works for 14 days, but it washes off in the rain.

The preparation of the solution should be carried out according to the instructions:

  • 40 grams of the drug;
  • 10 liters of water.

The solution is used in the evening or in the morning, immediately after preparation. Spraying is carried out in protective clothing, taking into account safety precautions.


Although furacilin is used as an antibacterial drug for humans, many have successfully used it as a remedy for late blight on tomatoes.

They are treated with a solution:

  • 10 crushed tablets;
  • 10 liters of water.

They are processed 3 times per season:

  • before flowering;
  • when the ovaries begin;
  • when the first fruits begin to ripen.

The drug does not harm people and can be stored for a long time due to its antibacterial properties.


Phytosporin is a pesticide that penetrates plant tissues to kill bacteria that cause disease.

Although the drug is actually considered safe for humans, its fruits should be eaten only after thorough washing.

The tool is used both for prophylaxis and for the treatment of already infected plants. The spray agent is diluted as follows:

  • 2 tsp phytosporin;
  • 10 liters of water.

If necessary, the drug can be combined with other drugs.

  • The substance dissolves in warm water, but not higher than 35 degrees.
  • Do not use metal containers for cooking.
  • Before spraying, leave the solution in the sun for several hours to activate beneficial bacteria.

Bushes are cultivated throughout the season, every 10 days and after rains. Analogs drugs:

  • Baikal-EM;
  • Planriz;
  • Fitoftorin.

They have the same composition and method of application.

Trichopolum or Metronidazole

Trichopolum is an antimicrobial and antifungal agent with the active ingredient metronidazole. Recently used for such purposes.

To use the solution in order to combat late blight, take:

  • 2 tablets of medicine;
  • 1 liter of water.

The bushes are treated with a solution every 10 days or after rain.


Ordan is a fungicidal agent that contains copper oxychloride and cymoxanil.

As a prophylaxis, the substance acts for 2 weeks, in medicinal purposes up to 4 days. The peculiarity of the drug is that it penetrates inside and remains a little on the surface of the plant.

Spraying is carried out in accordance with the instructions, making a solution from:

  • 25 grams of substance;
  • 5 liters of water.

If ripe fruits are sprayed, you must refrain from eating them for the next 5 days.

Traditional methods

Those who do not use chemicals use equally effective folk remedies.

Milk whey or kefir

Dairy products contain lactic acid bacteria that can fight the bacteria that cause phytophthora.

  • serum is used in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • or one part of the serum is dissolved in two parts of water if the lesion is small.

You can use kefir:

  • for 10 liters of water;
  • 1 liter of kefir.

Kefir can be replaced with milk and add 20 drops of iodine and diluted in the same amount of water. After preparation, the solution should be left for several hours. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure from day to day until the disease disappears completely.


To prepare the solution, use:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp soda;
  • 1 tbsp of soap, so that there is an effect of adhesion to the leaves.

The solution is used every 7 days or after rain.

Using salt

Saline solution is used to prevent disease. It is taken:

  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 10 liters of water.

The solution is used if necessary and after rain. It is used to spray the entire plant.

Table vinegar


  • 0.5 cups of ordinary 9% vinegar;
  • a bucket of water.

The solution must be completely sprayed on the bush. This remedy can be alternated with other preventive measures.


Also an unusual and relatively new type of processing. The bactericidal properties of the toothpaste will also help against late blight. Use:

  • small tube of toothpaste;
  • 10 liters of water.

Advice! To make it more practical to dilute it, first dilute the contents of the tube with a small amount of water to stir until a homogeneous consistency, and then combine with the remaining liquid to the required volume.

Use after rain and alternate with other products.

Aromatic garlic tincture

Due to its specific smell and bactericidal properties, garlic has many useful properties... For prevention, it is planted next to tomatoes and in the aisle.

To defeat the disease, a solution should be prepared from:

  • 1.5 cups of crushed arrows;
  • 10 liters of water.

This tool should stand for a day, and then be used to spray the bushes completely. After rain, the procedure is repeated.

Hot water

It is a budget tool that is readily available, but must be used with caution.

Tomatoes should be watered with hot water from a shower head, raising them as high as possible so as not to damage the plant. You can do this once every 7 days.

Proven! Fungal spores die at temperatures above 30 degrees.

Ash application

Make a solution:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 5 kilograms of ash;
  • Mix everything and leave to infuse for 3 days;
  • after that, water is added so that the total volume is 30 liters;
  • it is worth adding 3 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid soap, so that the solution "sticks" to the plant.

You can use this method 3 times per season:

  1. after landing in the ground after 7 days;
  2. before flowering;
  3. when the first ovaries appeared on plants.

Alternatively, you can add a glass of tobacco dust. Apply carefully to avoid contact with eyes. To do this, wear protective goggles.


At the first signs of phytophthora and during the period when ovaries appear, yeast can be used:

  • 100 g yeast;
  • a bucket of warm water.

The tool should be infused a little and then it can be sprayed with the whole plant.

Hay for protection

For a bucket of water you need to take:

  • 1 kg of hay;
  • 100 grams of urea.

Dissolve everything in warm water and leave to infuse for 3 days. Each bush must be processed with the resulting mixture. Hay stick prevents the appearance and development of phytophthora bacteria.

Use of iodine

Iodine is a well-known antiseptic. It can be added to other mixtures (milk, kefir or ash) to enhance the effect.

  • on a bucket of water;
  • 20 drops of iodine.

Sometimes they hang open jars of iodine in greenhouses in order to increase the immunity of plants.

Watch the video! Super mixture against late blight. Means of control and prevention

Hydrogen peroxide


  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of peroxide;
  • in 1 liter of water.

It is necessary to process the entire bush and pay special attention to the lower part of the leaves. You can repeat it every 10 days.

The main properties are the oxidation and destruction of the bacterial flora.

Copper wire use

A good preventive measure is wrapping a bush with copper wire at the root. Sometimes part of the wire (4 cm) is pierced into the stem at the base, bending the edge to the ground.

Copper is a destroyer of phytophthora, will help prevent the spread of the disease and strengthen the immunity of tomatoes.

Potassium permanganate

It is a good antiseptic and will be useful in combating disease spores.

  • Potassium permanganate in the amount of 1 gram.
  • Dissolve in a bucket of water.
  • The product can be used in conjunction with milk spraying or garlic tincture.

Calcium chloride

This pharmaceutical product is used for spraying bushes with water in a 1: 3 ratio. This method helps to treat already infected fruits and prevents the disease from spreading further.

Copper sulfate

The main active ingredient is copper, which is afraid of late blight. It is a popular and active ingredient that will help fight disease.

The solution is made from:

  • 1 tbsp. spoons of copper sulfate;
  • 10 liters of water.
  • a few drops of liquid soap will help the product stick to the leaves of the plant.


Zelenka is also a good budget antiseptic, used for the prevention and treatment of tomatoes. Necessary:

  • 40 drops of the product;
  • 10 liters of water.

Boric acid

An antiseptic that prevents phytophthora from growing. Required:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boric acid;
  • a bucket of water.

Important! The alternation of boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate and brilliant green for the treatment of bushes will be especially effective.

Bordeaux mix

It is a mixture of copper sulfate and quicklime.

  • you should take 100 grams of copper sulfate;
  • stir in a bucket of water;
  • then add 150 grams of lime.

Advice! The substance is quite toxic, the sequence should be followed correctly and protective agents should be used during processing.

Main processing principles

  1. the weather during spraying should be without precipitation and gusts of wind;
  2. it is necessary to spray early in the morning or in the evening;
  3. toxic substances should be sprayed when using protective equipment and adhere to safety measures;
  4. for the preparation of solutions, plastic, glass or wooden containers are used, but not metal.

Varieties resistant to late blight infection

There are no tomato varieties that are not susceptible to disease at all. But there are some who can resist him more than others. They are often hybrid varieties. To reduce the defeat of late blight, it is worth planting tomatoes, which bear fruit at different times. Varieties that can withstand late blight:

, or ;

  • to grow early and resistant to infection varieties;
  • do not plant too densely;
  • with an excess of lime in the ground, pour peat into the holes, adding onion peels and sprinkling with sand on top;
  • monitor watering, do it at the root, without touching the shoots;
  • mulch the bushes in time;
  • mustard, calendula, onion or garlic would be a good neighborhood;
  • unnecessary shoots and leaves should be removed in time;
  • increase plant immunity, feed with potassium and phosphorus in time, spray with immunomodulators;
  • ventilate the greenhouse;
  • do not use nitrogen fertilizers in the second half of the growing season. A large amount of nitrogen can provoke the development of late blight.
  • These are simple rules, observing them, you can avoid contamination of tomatoes.

    Watering when infested

    If the tomatoes are infected and the weather is not hot, do not water the bushes, just loosen the mail around them.

    Is it possible to eat tomatoes with late blight

    Fruit that is already infected should not be eaten, even after removing the damaged parts. Phytophthora spores quickly penetrate the tomato pulp. If the fruits have suffered only superficially, you can eat a tomato only after heat treatment.

    How to save damaged fruits?

    Damaged but unripe fruits must be plucked and immersed in water at about 60 degrees for 15 seconds. After that, you should leave the tomatoes to ripen.

    Can plucked tomatoes be saved?

    They can be eaten immediately or preserved. You can also spin green fruits for the winter.


    As indicated in the article, the fight against fitftora is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right method. It is also worth using the correct prevention methods. However, even for non-chemical agents, the dosage and processing time should be chosen correctly so as not to harm the plants and fruits.

    Watch the video! Phytophthora on tomatoes, how to detect and how to fight!

    First, the leaves of potatoes and tomatoes are affected by dark spots, then they begin to brown, dry out and fall off. Black dots form on the stems of plants. Fruits darken over time. Almost every gardener has encountered a similar phenomenon. And its name is late blight.

    Phytophthora is one of the most common fungal infections of plants. Translated from Greek "phyto" means "plant", and "fluorosis" means "destruction". Most of all, the development of this disease is susceptible to crops belonging to the Solanaceae family: tomatoes, peppers, potatoes. However, the appearance of an ailment on buckwheat, strawberries, castor oil is not excluded. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus.

    No one will be happy with the emergence of this fungal misfortune. It greatly spoils the harvest of most summer residents. If late blight settled on tomatoes, not many people know how to deal with folk remedies, and they quickly buy chemicals, spending a lot of money on them. But today there is no definite way to deal with the disease. But people do not give up and continue to try and spray tomatoes from late blight with improvised means. And this often brings positive, albeit temporary, results.

    Infection occurs by the penetration of fungal spores into the plant through the most unprotected place, called the stomata. In order for the fungus to get into it, you need water.

    Spores have small tails that allow them to move around. With the appearance of water (during watering, during rain), the spores penetrate into the plant, take root there and multiply. As sad as it is, it becomes doomed to perish.

    Pathogenic organisms overwinter in the soil, infected tubers, tops. The spread of the disease occurs at a temperature of more than 10 degrees Celsius, and humidity above 75%. When it rains, the spores are washed off the foliage and stems into the soil. In this way, young potato tubers are infected. In addition, the disease can be carried by the wind.

    Phytophthora on potatoes begins to appear in the middle of summer, during heavy rainfall. In dry and hot air, the fungus dies within two hours.

    How to treat tomatoes from late blight? - this question is asked every year. In fact, a burning topic. After all, people are waiting for the harvest, and instead they have to watch the plant die. And, therefore, there can be no question of any harvest. Folk remedies will help in eliminating phytophthora on tomatoes. The drugs have been tested for centuries.

    We study the reasons for the appearance of late blight

    Phytophthora, also known as potato rot, is considered the most harmful disease of nightshades. The disease provokes damage not only to foliage, but also to tubers. The main danger of the disease is the enormous speed of its development. The appearance of potato rot is facilitated by:

    • a sharp change in weather;
    • thickened plantings;
    • dampness (abundant watering, rain);
    • cold dew.

    Favorable weather conditions provoke the defeat of all landings, and in a very short time - one to two weeks. If you do not take any measures to treat late blight, you risk losing more than 50% of your crop. You will learn how to deal with late blight on potatoes in this article. There are a considerable number of folk remedies that will help in eliminating the disease.

    Fighting late blight on tomatoes with folk remedies is also possible. However, before taking action, you need to find out the exact reason for the colonization of the fungus. Another name is brown rot of tomatoes. The attack infects all terrestrial parts of the plant. Warm, humid weather contributes to the spread of the disease. In most cases, tomatoes are infected with late blight from potatoes.

    Phytophthora, like any other fungus, is ubiquitous and, moreover, tenacious. Her "kids" can live not only in the ground, but also on seeds, plant remains, inventory.

    Before answering the question of how to deal with late blight, I would like to tell you that he loves ailment. So, the disease affects plants of the Solanaceae family if:

    1. The soil in which they grow is enriched with lime. Most gardeners are panicky afraid of soil "acidification", and in this regard, they oversaturate the earth with lime. However, few people know that it is the best bait for late blight.

    2. Treatment of late blight is difficult if the plantings are too thick. When a greenhouse with tomatoes becomes like a jungle, ventilation, as such, does not occur in it. And, as you already know, fungal spores love a humid environment.

    3. Plants are weakened. Here, like people, those who have a weakened immune system are susceptible to the development of the disease. If vegetables suffer from a lack of trace elements such as manganese, iodine, potassium and copper, it is possible that they will soon get sick.

    4. Temperature changes frequently. With sudden changes in temperature (especially at the end of the summer period, when it is warm during the day and chilly at night, in addition, cold dew falls), the risk of plants being affected by late blight automatically increases.

    All this can be prevented. For this it is enough:

    • follow the rules of crop rotation;
    • plant tomatoes after those vegetable crops that are considered good predecessors;
    • watering is carried out exclusively in the morning (so the water has time to be absorbed into the soil);
    • regularly ventilate greenhouses;
    • do not water the plants in rainy weather;
    • loosen the soil;
    • feed the plants on time;
    • periodically spraying and watering tomatoes from late blight with means from the people or biological products (how to spray - see the video and read on).

    Thus, the following is known about the prevention of late blight: the best way to combat the disease in question in cultures of the Solanaceae family is to prevent its development, that is, prevention.

    So, in order to prevent the development of adversity and reap the harvest:

    • avoid planting tomatoes next to potatoes;
    • do not flood the plants;
    • remove weeds;
    • when watering tomatoes, do not wet the leaves;
    • if growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, ventilate it and prevent condensation;
    • do not overuse fertilizer with manure;
    • After collecting the fruits, burn the remains of plants, and in greenhouses disinfect them with chloride lime.

    Home remedies can help preserve crops

    There are plenty of folk remedies to combat late blight today. All of them are effective and effective and are in no way inferior to drugs sold in stores. However, they must be used with caution. Overuse of recipes can harm plants. To avoid this, try to strictly observe the dosage.

    Treatment of late blight with salt. Dissolve in warm water - a bucket of salt - a glass. Mix thoroughly. Use a preparation for potatoes and tomatoes. This product will coat the leaves with a protective layer that will prevent spores from entering the plant. However, do not forget that this is a preventive measure, and before proceeding with the solution, it is necessary to remove all infected foliage.

    Ash against late blight. Mix ten liters of water with half a bucket of ash, stir. Set aside the container for three days. Remember to stir from time to time. After three days, combine the product with laundry soap - 30 g. Then bring the volume to 30 liters. It is suitable for all plants of the nightshade family. The procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a season. The first - after planting seedlings, the second - before flowering, the third - after the appearance of the first ovaries.

    Late blight is afraid of kefir. Dilute kefir in ten liters of water - about a liter. Kefir must ferment before use. The first time you need to spray the plant with the drug is 15 days after planting. Further processing is recommended to be carried out once a week.

    Garlic application. Grind the garlic with a meat grinder. To prepare the drug, you will need two glasses of raw materials. Combine it with water - ten liters. Leave it aside for a day. Mix the solution with potassium permanganate - two grams. Use a plant spray. The first procedure must be carried out before the appearance of ovaries, and the second after a week and a half.

    Milk and iodine against adversity. Combine low-fat milk - a liter with iodine - 20 drops and water - a bucket. It is an ideal remedy for late blight therapy. It is recommended to spray the plants twice a month.

    Copper piercing. This method is a preventive measure. When the stem of the tomato is firm, pierce it and insert a small piece of copper wire. Anneal the wire and clean it with sandpaper before the procedure. This method helps to stimulate the respiratory processes in the plant, as well as stabilize the level of chlorophyll. All this makes the culture more resistant to all kinds of infections.

    The use of milk whey. Mix equal proportions of water and whey. From the beginning of July, treat tomatoes with the drug every day.

    Infusion in the fight against late blight. Combine rotten hay - kilogram with water - 10 liters. Add a handful of urea there and set aside for three days. Use the filtered preparation for processing tomatoes twice a month.

    Copper sulfate against fungal infection. Mix two tablespoons of copper sulfate with 10 liters of water. It is necessary to process the composition of the plant before flowering.

    The use of yeast. Combine yeast - 100 grams with water - ten liters. At the first manifestations of the disease, pour the resulting composition over the affected culture.

    Manure in the fight against late blight. Dissolve half a liter of fresh mullein in a bucket of water. Process tomatoes, potatoes, and, if necessary, eggplants and peppers with the prepared solution. Spraying is recommended in early and mid June.

    Tinder fungus against fungus. Grind the tinder fungus and brew with boiled water in the ratio of a liter of water per 100 grams of raw material. Wait until it cools down and treat the plants with the filtered preparation. Perform the procedure every ten days.

    The use of calcium chloride. In case of severe disease damage to the tomato, it is recommended to use the following solution: dilute 200 ml of calcium chloride in water - two liters. With this composition, you need to process the fruits and stalks. Do not ignore the stalks, because they are the conductors of infection.

    This information may also be useful to you:.

    The use of the above drugs, adherence to recommendations regarding prevention, proper watering and care for potatoes and tomatoes - all this will help prevent such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as late blight.

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