home » Roof » Fat-free diet: diet options, goals, objectives, an approximate menu for a week, indications, contraindications, recommendations and reviews. Low Fat Diet for Weight Loss Low Fat Diet: Benefit or Harm

Fat-free diet: diet options, goals, objectives, an approximate menu for a week, indications, contraindications, recommendations and reviews. Low Fat Diet for Weight Loss Low Fat Diet: Benefit or Harm

It is logical to assume that by eliminating foods high in fat from the diet, you can easily get rid of a few "extra pounds and centimeters." Various versions of "low-fat diets" have been developed. Although we are not talking about the complete elimination of fat from the diet.

This method of losing weight is to reduce the fat content in the daily menu by up to five percent. For example - a teaspoon "fits" 5 ml. sunflower (or other vegetable) oil. It is easy to calculate how much fat you can eat depending on the required number of calories.

Such a diet is not considered "strict".

What is forbidden on a low-fat diet

  • fatty meats (pork, duck, goose, lamb);
  • smoked products;
  • sausages;
  • butter, spreads;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • yolks;
  • caviar;
  • seeds;
  • nuts, except walnuts;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • legumes;
  • bread and other flour products;
  • all kinds of "fast food";
  • jam, jam;
  • alcoholic and low alcohol drinks;
  • sweet sparkling water and commercial juices.

The list is not small and leads to sad thoughts. But there are many approved products.

What you can do on a low-fat diet

  • chicken breast, quail;
  • veal, beef;
  • a fish;
  • some walnuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables can be both raw and cooked;
  • fruits (except for bananas, grapes);
  • berries;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice (from unrefined rice), millet;
  • skimmed milk;
  • fermented milk products with a low fat content;
  • dried fruits;
  • from sweets - natural marmalade, marshmallows in small quantities;
  • yeast-free whole grain or black bread.

Important! Observe one rule - the maximum fat intake is 30-40 grams. per day.

You can compose the menu yourself by choosing your favorite products from the proposed list. It is easier to do this if you purchase tables for the composition and glycemic index of foods.

Although there are ready-made recipes for "low-fat" meals, designed for a day or a week of the diet.

Low fat recipes

Breakfast (7.30)

  • protein steam omelet from three eggs. It is allowed to use one whole egg. Tomato or tomato juice.
  • or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with berries. 120 ml of natural yoghurt.

Second breakfast (10.30)

  • an apple or other fruit;
  • replacement - 20 g of cheese with a slice of bread.

Lunch (13.00-13.30) will do

  • soup with vegetable broth;
  • 100-150 g of meat, baked, boiled or steamed;
  • buckwheat porridge (100 - 150 g);
  • or vinaigrette seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice - 2 tsp. 150 g of fish or chicken baked without oil. Slice of bread.

Snack (16.00)

  • tea with marshmallows (1 pc.) or a couple of gummies;
  • or one fruit;
  • or a glass of one percent kefir.

In the evening (19.00) for dinner

  • 200 g cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits;
  • even better - stewed vegetables (100 g) with fish (120 g).

During the day, it is allowed to drink tea, coffee, herbal teas, still water. Liquids must be consumed up to two liters.

Diets that use only one food are called "mono diets" and are considered rigid. This method of losing weight should last from one to three days. The best option is to do a fasting day once a week.

"Curd diets"

Within one day, you need to eat 800 grams of fat-free cottage cheese. Divide into 4-5 receptions. Wash down - tea, water, herbal decoction, rosehip drink.

Cottage cheese plus kefir. 0.5 kg of cottage cheese and two glasses of kefir per day. The drinks are the same as in the first option.

If you need a longer period of adherence to the diet (up to five days), then you can diversify it by adding greens, fruits, berries, bran

Add dill, parsley, green onion lettuce to a mixture of cottage cheese (300 g) and low-fat yogurt (200 g);

Mix the steamed bran (2 tbsp. L.) With cottage cheese (300 g) and add any berries, fruits. Forbidden - figs, bananas, pears, grapes.

Fat content of cottage cheese - no more than 5%. It is not recommended to use a product with "zero" fat content. It interferes with proper protein absorption on such a tight diet.

Supporters of the Maggi diet based on low-fat cottage cheese claim that up to 20 kilograms are "lost" in a month. This is a relatively balanced way of eating. Although the rules are strict.

If for some reason it was necessary to interrupt or an error was made in the sequence, then the diet must be started again.

Milk and cheese in a low fat diet

Nutritionists recommend drinking skim milk (2% -3.5%) for weight loss. On a "milk fasting day" you can drink a liter of milk, dividing it into four portions.
For a change, it is good to “season” the milk with cardamom or nutmeg.

Studies conducted by American scientists have shown that people lose weight faster by drinking two glasses of skim milk a day. The observations were carried out for two years.

88% of people consider cheese to be the most delicious and healthy of all dairy products. Almost 75% of them are forced to diet from time to time.

There are more than two thousand varieties and five hundred types of cheese in the world. Thanks to this, you can choose several options for a low-fat diet.

for instance

  • Oltermani cheese - 17%;
  • feta, feta cheese - from 5% to 15%;
  • Chechil - from 5% to 15%;
  • Gaudette - 7%;
  • tofu (soy cheese);
  • Ricotta - 13%;
  • Adyghe - 19%.

Plus, it's not hard to make cheese yourself. The Ducan diet uses ideally homemade cheese.

About the Ornish diet

The rules differ little from the standard diet with a minimum intake of fat and fatty foods.

Thirty years of experience of the doctor proves that the best cure for most heart diseases, as well as obesity, is to change lifestyle and eating habits.

This is not an "express weight loss method". The system is designed for at least a month. Although it is permissible to stick to it longer, adjusting it individually.

There are many exemplary diet menus for a week, for a month. In addition, by showing "culinary creativity", you can get your own recipes.

What people say

The controversy surrounding any way to lose weight quickly is ongoing. There are many pros and cons. The main thing is that dietary food has long been used for the treatment of various diseases or rehabilitation after severe operations and injuries.

The fact that a low-fat diet can be healthy and tasty is evidenced by many reviews.

Like this method of "losing weight" for those who love dairy products, meat, cheese and are not ready to sacrifice even for the sake of losing extra pounds.

It is possible to get rid of 4 kg in a couple of weeks, up to 20-25 kg per year using such techniques.

But not everyone is satisfied with the results. In such stories, we are talking about "toughness" without a fat diet. The fact that the results are insignificant, the state of health worsens. Constantly bad mood, everything is annoying.

Reasons for failures

  • the wrong diet is selected;
  • psychological unreadiness;
  • the number of calories needed is incorrectly calculated ...

For each person, the method of losing weight is selected individually. There is no panacea.

There are certain nuances that must be taken into account if a decision is made to get rid of excess weight.

Diet rules

  • consultations with the attending physician, nutritionist, psychologist (if necessary);
  • correct calculation of the calorie content of food;
  • choice of physical activity;
  • walks in the open air;
  • moral readiness;
  • support of loved ones.

No diet alone will give good results if there is not enough physical activity.

Classes in the fitness center, swimming, jogging, yoga or "home" sports - that will help in achieving the goal and will not give kilograms "return a hundredfold."

The lipid-lowering diet is a nutritional system specifically designed to lower cholesterol levels. Products containing easily digestible carbohydrates, cholesterol and animal fats are excluded from the diet of this diet. The main benefits of the diet are simplicity and effectiveness.

Nutrition principles

The principle of the diet is to consume less calories by eliminating foods high in animal fats. As such, there is no specific menu for this weight loss system, but simply there is a list of recommended products for use.

Those who decide to switch to a lipid-lowering diet are advised to eat at least five times during the day, while portions should be small. You should give up fried foods during the diet. It is better to have dinner before seven in the evening, but before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.

An hour before the main meal, it is better to drink a glass of purified water.

Lipid-lowering diet rules:

  • you should only cook boiled, stewed or baked dishes;
  • cut back on salt and sugar;
  • drink about one and a half liters of water per day;
  • it is recommended to take multivitamins and calcium preparations;
  • daily calorie intake - 1200, although with an active lifestyle you can increase this figure;
  • should go in for sports.

Recommended foods: vegetables with a low starch content, vegetable oil, berries and fruits, herbs, leafy vegetables, fish and seaweed, cereals, whole grain bread, fresh juices, mineral water, tea and coffee.

Foods that should not be eaten during the diet: fatty meat, sausages, lard, margarine, pork fat, offal, red meat, caviar, sturgeon, crayfish, crabs, canned and frozen foods, semi-finished products, grapes and bananas, confectionery, baked goods, flour products, beer, vodka and other alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks.


An approximate menu of a lipid-lowering diet.

The first day.

Second day.

The third day.

Fourth day.

The fifth day.

Sixth day.

Seventh day.

Pros and cons

You should follow a lipid-lowering diet for at least a month, only then you can see the results of this weight loss system. In general, in 30 days you can lose up to 10 kilograms. However, such results are achieved only with strict adherence to all dietary principles. Also, this nutritional system improves heart function, has a positive effect on mood and immunity.

This diet is contraindicated in case of calcium deficiency in the body, insulin dependence, diabetes mellitus and acute chronic diseases. It is worth refraining from such a nutritional system for adolescents, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers.

The lipid-lowering diet is based solely on a balanced diet. It is recommended by many nutritionists as a great way not only to lose weight, but also to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and lower cholesterol levels. Before you start eating on this system, you should consult your doctor.

Source: http://negoloday.net/diety/gipolipidemicheskaia-dieta.php

Fat-free food: harm and benefit

Fats are very different. Unfortunately, not all of them are useful for our body. There are those that cause obesity, provoke the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. But we cannot live without them.

Why? Because they give our body the necessary energy, supply vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to eat fats that are useful, not harmful to our body.

And a diet without fat should be said, solid NO, because it is dangerous to health.

Fat-free diet: benefits and harms

Many people in an effort to lose weight rush out of the fire and into the fire. They think that if they do not eat foods containing fats at all, they will lose weight quickly and without harm to themselves.

Click How wrong they are.

Of course, if the diet without fat will not last long, then the damage to the body will be insignificant. But if the diet lasts more than one week, then irreparable harm can be done.

The creators of a fat-free diet claim to lose weight quickly, but for some reason they are silent about the danger that such a situation poses.

Fat-free food: don't even think about it!

Fat is not just the subcutaneous layer. It is also a guarantee of the strength and reliability of cell membranes. That is why a complete rejection of its use harms not only the internal organs, but the entire body.

Thanks to fats, fat-soluble vitamins A and E are easily and quickly absorbed. Acute lack of fat will not allow them to be absorbed. These vitamins are known to have benefits for hair, skin and nails.

If they are not enough, the hair will become brittle and the skin dry and saggy.

Lack of fat can cause a sharp decrease in mental performance, since fat is a fundamental part of brain cells.


Thus, if the child's diet does not contain enough fat, then his psychological development will be slowed down, and his ability to learn will decrease. Also, fats are closely related to metabolic processes.

For example, thanks to cholesterol, different types of hormones are formed, including sex hormones. In other words, if a woman sticks to a fat-free diet for too long, it will lead to infertility.

Today, many diets have been developed that allow the use of vegetable fats while losing weight. It should be noted that animal fats can also be consumed, but only in reasonable amounts.

They enter the body along with dairy products and lean meats. Fats are indispensable in winter, as they make it possible to warm up faster and fill the body with energy.

This is why it is permissible to eat more fat-rich foods in cold weather.

Types of fats

Experts distinguish three types of fats:
1. Unsaturated. They should be eaten with caution, as excessive use can cause the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension. They are found in lard, butter, and peanut butter. These fats contain vitamins E, A and B. And fresh fat contains omega-9 acid.

2. Monounsaturated. They contain Omega-3 acid and linoleic acid. Thanks to their action, healthy skin, components of the vascular system, and brain tissue are formed. These fats are rich in: sardine, salmon, tuna, herring, corn oil, nuts, flaxseed oil, seeds, olive oil.

3. Polyunsaturated. They are present in almost all vegetable oils. It is recommended to eat only those oils that have been cold pressed.

Fat, as well as carbohydrates and proteins, are very important for our health. It performs the following important functions: heat-insulating, protective, energetic, shock-absorbing. Nutritionists recommend that an adult eat about 35% vegetable fats and 65% animal fats.

Source: http://www.divo-shop.info/1318-ira

Eating without fats is the prevention of heart attack!

Eating without fats is the prevention of heart attack!

Fat-free meals. How to eat without bad fats? Tips and tricks for a healthy diet without unhealthy fats! What difficulties can arise in a diet without fat.

Hello my dear! today I continue to talk about proper nutrition that will lead us to health. Overeating is bad, as many people know.

Do you know about bad fats? Today I will talk about the fat in our diet, and how to eat without fat. you will learn how to eat without vegetable fats! And we will eat vegetable fats!

Fats are necessary for the body, for example, for the synthesis of hormones, for the growth and reproduction of cells, etc. But sometimes they come in too much, and this immediately affects the figure and health.

You must be able to use fats! This article provides practical advice on how to effectively cut down on unhealthy fats. Precisely from harmful ones, because fats are different. Some lipids cannot be eliminated.

Fat-free diet

Fats are different. Good fats are found in plant foods, Omega-3 for example. And there are bad fats, these are fats of animal origin.

How can you eat without bad fats? I follow simple rules, you can easily give up bad fats, animal fats.

1. Review the amount of animal fat in the diet.

You need to rethink your regular menu and grocery bag. You will have to give up semi-finished products that are "rich" in fats and cook food from beginning to end yourself.

These foods will be lower in fat and easier to calculate. This is unhealthy meat that contains large amounts of animal, unhealthy fats. These are pies, pizza, pancakes and everything else. All of them, even if they do not contain animal fats, contain trans fats, are baked and fried on it.

It is noticed that having abandoned the usual purchases because of their harmfulness, a person comes to the supermarket and does not know what to buy. He was so used to walking along the beaten path to ordinary shelves that there was no other food for him. Those who have firmly embarked on the path of proper nutrition will find both new recipes and new products.

2. Gradually reduce the amount of fat

If you have not been able to get rid of a large amount of fat on the menu right away, then you should eat slowly. Fat slows down the digestion process and the satiety signal is given too late, when a person has already overeat.

If you eat slowly, then the person will not have time to overeat, the signal will come on time. For one meal - about 30 minutes is enough.

3. Read food labels!

Especially for the convenience of people, the label contains the amount of fat, calorie content, and composition. It is enough to find the desired product once, and you will not have to read any more.

4. Eat more plant foods!

Learn to eat raw vegetables. It's amazing that it is so hard for a person to get used to the taste of fresh food. However, he is not so bad.

The best option would be to switch to a Raw food diet as much as possible. At least increase the amount of plant-based natural food. Which will quickly affect your health, energy and mood. Verified!

5. Snack right

One of the important components of proper nutrition is the manner of eating. Take your time and chew your food thoroughly. Drink before or after meals, ideal.

In addition, take care of food at work, snack properly. Since it depends on how you eat how the food will be digested. And at work, this is especially true when very little time is allotted for a snack.

6. Go in for sports!

If you need to get rid of body fat, then it is recommended to engage not in short approaches, but long ones, up to a sweat. These are the approaches that burn fat.

Or maybe not, here the opinions of scientists differ. But everyone unanimously claims that physical education, activity helps to burn excess fat!

What difficulties can arise?

As already noted, the main difficulty lies in the habit of eating incorrectly. Even a raw food diet may not be beneficial in the fight against fat if you continue to eat convenience foods, fruit tarts, and other treats made with trans fats.

1. Ease of preparation

On the one hand, it seems that now, having given up store dishes, it will take a lot of time to prepare food. The opposite is true!

Healthy food either does not need to be cooked or requires minimal steam cooking. Explore Raw Food Cooking and you will be amazed at how easy it is to prepare healthy, unhealthy fats for yourself!

2. What to eat and how to cook?

Another "difficulty" - a person does not know what to cook. In fact, there are many delicious hearty recipes. It's amazing how fruits, vegetables and herbs can be combined to make delicious salads and soups.

On my blog there are a bunch of simple and very healthy recipes. There will be even more of them in the future. Read and do! You are guaranteed health and an excellent figure!

Proper handling of fats will have a positive effect on your health and well-being!
How do you feel about bad fats? Eating bad fats puts you at risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis. How do you feel about animal fats?

Eat right friends, and you will be healthy and happy. I wish you success in realizing the ways that will give you health. Proper nutrition- this is one of these paths!

Source: https://byuanov-ed.ru/pitanie-bez-zhirov/

Life without meat: how to stay healthy without animal protein

To lose weight quickly, you need to limit yourself in the consumption of certain "energy-intensive" foods. A low-calorie diet involves, in particular, avoiding fatty pork in favor of lean beef and veal.

Nutritionists do not support a complete rejection of meat, since a deficiency of natural animal protein can adversely affect human health.

At the same time, many people who practice a complete rejection of animal protein come across as healthy, energetic individuals. What's the trick?

People who give up meat are very happy with their lives and do not complain about their health. Such people are called vegetarians, and vegetarianism is one of the most popular types of food in the world. With the help of such a diet, vegetarians not only maintain their health, but also keep themselves in excellent shape.

Unfortunately, there are many unpleasant moments awaiting those vegetarians who completely abandoned meat products: for example, plant foods do not contain those vitamins that are found in meat - these are vitamin B12, B6, and vitamin D. Trace elements such as iron, zinc , calcium, selenium and copper are contained in plant food, but in a form that is difficult for the human body to access.

Plant protein is deficient and can cause protein imbalances in the body. Thus, the position "I do not eat animal food" has its pluses and minuses.

How to eat without meat and not lose health?

It is much easier for lacto-vegetarians (supporters of dairy-egg-vegetable vegetarians) and lacto-vegetarians (vegetarians who allow themselves dairy products): they do not eat meat, but they get complete protein and other missing elements from eggs and milk.

Semi-vegetarians simply choose the healthiest and most balanced diet, not paying attention to the attacks of real vegetarians. They replace meat with fatty varieties of sea fish. According to some indicators of nutritionists, fish is inferior to meat, and according to other indicators, fish is superior to meat in nutritional qualities.

Protein imbalance is one of the problems with vegetarianism. Fish protein is considered complete, well balanced in amino acid composition and is better absorbed than meat protein, since there is much less connective tissue in fish than in meat. There is a lot of protein in herring, pink salmon, tuna, chum salmon, salmon.

Replacing meat with fish also has its drawbacks. For example, iron in fish is absorbed much worse than iron in meat. But fish surpasses meat in the content of vitamins B, A and D, as well as in the content of trace elements.

Many people believe that there is less cholesterol in fish than in meat, but they are very mistaken, since fish is not inferior to meat in terms of cholesterol content. However, people with cardiovascular diseases are still advised to eat fish rather than meat, since the structure of fish oil is very different from meat fat.

When switching from meat to fish, the level of saturated fat decreases. Such a restriction in diet is useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis and liver diseases.

A dietary menu with a reduced and minimal fat content is usually used in the process of losing weight. Also, a fat-free diet can be prescribed on the eve of diagnostic tests of the body. In people over 55, lowering the amount of animal and trans fats in the diet helps control cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Genetics and fats

Determination of gene markers (ApoE, ApoA, ApoC, LRP1), which affect lipid metabolism, allows us to assess the individual risk of hyperlipidemia (increased levels of HDL and LDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides), which underlies coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. In addition, impaired absorption, distribution and mobilization of fatty acids from adipocytes (cells that specialize in storing fatty deposits) have an impact on the risk of being overweight and the need to limit fat to a certain class.

Fats are an essential part of the diet, they are the main components of the cell wall, are necessary for the synthesis of many hormones, and also perform many other important functions in the body. There are several types of fats: saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and hydrogenated fats (trans fats).

Variations in the intestinal wall fatty acid transporter (FABP2) gene that affect how well it works are in part responsible for the effectiveness of weight loss in low-fat diets.

The lack of MUFA in the body leads to a deterioration in brain activity, disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Monounsaturated fats can affect weight loss in people with a particular PPARG gene variant and can be especially beneficial for health. With an increased genetic risk of lipid abnormalities, careful monitoring should be done to limit the intake of trans fats in the diet.

Pros of a Fat Free Diet

Speaking of such a dietary regimen, they imply a reduction in the amount of fat, but not their complete exclusion. Fats make up the protective capsule of internal organs and are part of the structure of cell membranes; they are necessary for the normal functioning of the hormonal system and the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K, E).

However, low fat diet benefits health:

  • reduces the load on the liver and pancreas;
  • helps to lower the level of LDL in the blood ("bad" cholesterol);
  • allows you to reduce the total calorie content of the diet and get rid of excess weight.

Thus, a fat-free diet will be useful for people who control their weight (including athletes), people at risk for cardiovascular diseases, as well as everyone who wants to improve their health and well-being.

Allowed Foods in a Fat-Free Diet

  1. Vegetables. Raw, boiled, stewed and steamed.
  2. Seaweed.
  3. Fruits (apples, peaches, bananas, kiwi).
  4. Mushrooms (baked).
  5. Low-fat dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese).
  6. Lean meat (chicken breast, veal) baked or boiled.
  7. Fish (sea, river).
  8. Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat). Prepare on the water.

According to a low-fat diet, you need to minimize and consume rarely: chicken eggs, offal (liver, kidneys). You should also remove alcohol, soy sauce, honey.

Fat-free diet: prohibited foods

The most stringent version of a low-fat diet involves reducing the amount of fat to 10% of the daily diet.

A fat-free diet involves the elimination of the following foods:

  • fat meat;
  • fried food;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • sugar and sweet pastries;
  • fatty sauces;
  • condensed milk;
  • margarine, spread, back fat;
  • sausages, wieners, pork sausages;
  • fast food.

Sample Menu for a Fat-Free Diet


  • oatmeal, vegetable salad, coffee, or chicory;
  • boiled meat, cottage cheese with fruit;
  • vegetable soup, boiled meat, potatoes stewed with zucchini, dried fruit decoction;
  • kefir;
  • baked fish, mashed potatoes, fruit, weak tea, or chicory.
  • omelet, millet porridge, coffee or chicory;
  • vegetable salad (such as cabbage and cucumbers);
  • soup with vegetable broth with barley, steamed chicken cutlets, berry broth;
  • cottage cheese and fruit;
  • pumpkin porridge, boiled fish.
  • low-fat cottage cheese, apple or orange, coffee;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • vegetable soup with cheese, steamed meatballs, kelp salad, dried fruit decoction;
  • kefir;
  • boiled fish with mashed potatoes, carrot and garlic salad, tea.
  • pearl barley with tomato sauce, cucumber, weak tea;
  • cheese sandwich, tea;
  • borsch, steam cutlets, fresh vegetables, rosehip drink;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • pilaf, cabbage salad, a glass of kefir.
  • banana, a glass of tea;
  • yogurt, fresh apple;
  • cabbage soup, cabbage salad, boiled beets with butter, berry broth;
  • tea with dry cookies;
  • baked fish, vegetable salad, tea.
  • oatmeal, tea;
  • a sandwich with low-fat ham, a glass of kefir;
  • beetroot, vegetable salad, steam cutlets, fruit broth;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish balls, cabbage salad, kefir.


  • cottage cheese casserole, banana, chicory;
  • yogurt;
  • soup with low-fat chicken broth, pasta with steamed cutlets, dried fruit decoction;
  • kefir;
  • boiled potatoes, fish cakes, vegetable salad, tea.

According to a fat-free diet, a portion of food should not exceed 150-300 g, and no more than 200-250 g of bread can be consumed per day.

A lean diet is based on reducing or eliminating the amount of fat from the daily menu, thus avoiding serious diseases of the liver, heart, and pancreas. It is an effective method in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

What is a fat-free diet

This food system is especially suitable for people over the age of 55. During such a diet, you will have to exclude animal fats. Vegetable, in turn, are not prohibited, but only in limited quantities. The priority will be protein foods, all kinds of vegetables, fruits.

However, some experts recommend completely removing fats from the diet, while others are limited to more accurate figures (5-12 percent). But what can be the result of the complete exclusion of the necessary elements involved in many building functions? Most likely to disastrous results. Fats are a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6. They are also integral components of metabolism, and without them some vitamins cannot be absorbed in the body. In addition, it is difficult to imagine composing a diet without fats, since they, even in tiny amounts, are present in most foods.


For the duration of such a diet, you will have to forget about meat containing a large amount of fat (pork, lamb, wild animals). You can also not eat offal of animals and birds, as these products contain a large amount of cholesterol. All sausages, lard should also leave the diet of a person who is going to adhere to a low-fat diet. There are many more such principles.

Sea fish, which contains many useful substances, cannot be used in this food system, since fats that are harmful to the figure were found in it.

Dairy products containing a large proportion of fat, vegetable oils, seeds and nuts should be excluded from the diet.

The prohibited elements of the diet include flour and sweet delicacies, all fried foods, various sauces.

Already, foods with a high protein content should prevail in a fat-free diet for weight loss. Complex carbohydrates are included in the menu to maintain the body's energy.

Fiber is the main delicacy of this nutritional system, both soluble and not:

  • bran;
  • fruits and berries (but not bananas or grapes);
  • vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, spinach and many others);
  • all the greens.

Desserts will be all kinds of jams and preserves, but from drinks it is better to use green tea and very rarely black without sugar and milk.

It is advisable to eat 5 times a day. Food must be steamed or blanched. You need to eat no more than 500 grams at a time.

Menu options

Here is a menu for a week with a lean diet is possible with this food system:

  • barley porridge;
  • chicken eggs;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • boiled chicken;
  • vegetable salad of tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • green tea without sugar.
  • omelette;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • tomato juice.
  • vegetable soup without meat and potatoes;
  • boiled breast;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • a slice of bran bread.
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • green tea.
  • steamed turkey fillet;
  • steamed vegetables;
  • rosehip broth.
  • broccoli, cooked in the oven with cheese;
  • egg;
  • tea with mint.
  • oatmeal with apple and cinnamon;
  • fresh juice.
  • pumpkin soup with sesame seeds;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • green tea.
  • toast with cheese, egg and tomato;
  • Orange juice.
  • baked river fish;
  • boiled rice;
  • compote without sugar.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with unsweetened fruits;
  • green tea.
  • baked potatoes filled with cottage cheese;
  • fruit drink.
  • steamed veal;
  • vegetable salad;
  • green tea.
  • fish cakes;
  • steamed broccoli;
  • compote without sugar.
  • muesli seasoned with low-fat yogurt;
  • pear;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruit drink.

Indications for a low fat diet

With an increased content of harmful cholesterol in the body, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system are observed. Hypertension, the possible development of a heart attack, the detection of atherosclerotic plaques and many more diseases are indications for the use of such a technique as a fat-free diet. Being overweight is also a prerequisite for this nutritional system.


In addition to the positive results with this food system, you can also harm the body. Fats are one of the essential components of our diet. They are not only the subcutaneous layer, but also a component of the strength of cell membranes, and they are also part of the brain. Fat deficiency can negatively affect mental performance.

They play an important role in the metabolism of the human body. Well-known cholesterol helps in the formation of bile acids and hormones. In women, a lack of it can lead to infertility, prolapse of internal organs.

It turns out that long-term meals with low or no fat content are not recommended at all.

Purpose of the diet

The main thing that is supposed to be achieved by reducing fat is losing weight. But along with it is the prevention of the development of a disease such as atherosclerosis.

The Challenges of a Low Fat Nutrition System

This diet is aimed either at solving health problems, as mentioned above, or at tidying up the figure.

And the main goal of a fat-free diet is not to harm the body. It can affect a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in metabolism and cause other troubles. It is necessary to correctly draw up a menu for a week with a low-fat diet for weight loss. Compliance with the ratio of useful elements in the diet is very important for health.

Diet results

The effectiveness of the low-fat diet will only be complete with physical activity, if, of course, the goal is to lose weight, and not to eliminate the ailments of the body.

Bad consequences can be overtaken only when fats have been completely excluded from the diet.

It is worth adhering to this nutritional system for a short time, in the region of three weeks, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided.

V modern world there are a large number of diets with their own principles and foundations. Some recommendations can be seen on the example of one of them.

The founder of one of these diets is Dr. Dean Ornish. It offers an almost complete elimination of the presence of fat in the diet. Ornish divides food into subtypes:

  • those that can be consumed without any restrictions;
  • which should be present in the diet in small quantities;
  • strictly prohibited.

The first group includes all legumes, grains, vegetables and fruits. Among the foods that must be consumed in limited quantities, he classifies dairy products that have been fat-free, cornflakes, egg whites and crackers. The forbidden ones include meat, butter, mayonnaise and all kinds of sauces, cheeses, egg yolks, avocados, olives and olives. It is also categorically unacceptable to consume pure sugar and food that contains it in very large quantities. This also includes alcohol and hot spices.

That is, we can conclude that in his nutritional system, vegetarian products are the basis, but the rare use of egg whites and low-fat dairy products is permissible.

The ease of the diet is determined by an unlimited number of meals, as well as its volume, but you need to be careful and not forget about the balance of what the body takes: proteins, iron and vitamins should be normal, a deficiency of such components should not be allowed.

Protein in such a diet is replenished from legumes, and there is a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, and precisely those that are useful.

Dean Ornish in his recommendations indicates that, of course, adhering to such a nutritional system for constant maintenance of shape is necessary for life. The result of such a diet will not be achieved quickly, but it is stable. At first, there will be a slight decrease in weight, but soon everything will return to normal.

This nutritional system will benefit people with coronary heart disease and will be curative. According to Dr. Ornish, cholesterol and fat in food should be reduced immediately for these health problems. And there will be two methods of treatment: strict and a little loyal, the second will relate more to prevention.

The Ornish diet is also a prevention of diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes and gallstone disease;
  • breast and prostate cancer.

So, eating according to this system, you can not limit yourself in the amount of food you eat, since the body still gets the bulk of calories from consumed fats, and when they are excluded or reduced, they are replaced by proteins and carbohydrates.

The medical nutritional system of Dr. Ornish looks like this:

  • Consumption of foods with a minimum fat content, in which there should be a complete absence of cholesterol.
  • The calorie content is no more than 10 percent.
  • Oils and foods of animal origin are strictly prohibited, except for low-fat dairy products and egg whites.
  • The predominance of dietary fiber in food.
  • Avoiding the use of alcoholic beverages, coffee.

A preventive diet looks much the same, only with a more gentle diet, where the use of fats is allowed.


Everything is individual, and the same applies to the human body. Has a low fat diet reviews both positive and negative.

Some people say that they saved themselves from excess weight only by this method of losing weight.

In turn, there are those who are not enthusiastic about a low-fat diet for weight loss. It turned out to be not easy for them and did not bring much result.

In short, the reviews about a fat-free diet contradict each other.


Summing up whether a low-calorie nutritional system is so useful or is a low-fat diet the consequences are not so rosy, you need to again pay attention to the fact that our body cannot, losing the supply of significant elements for construction, processing and other functions, maintain the ability to heal ... Unless such a measure is temporary.

The categorical exclusion of fats from the diet still has a considerable number of disadvantages. However, being overweight has always been a significant problem. Moreover, both from the aesthetic side and for health. The development of many diseases is significantly affected by the appearance of extra pounds.

Studies show that a large amount of dietary fat is deposited primarily on the belly. This not only causes inconvenience in terms of appearance, but health also suffers from this, especially the cardiovascular system.

In any case, the body must have an order of receipt of all the elements necessary for its full-fledged work. And it is also necessary to look after the state of your appearance and forms, otherwise, as mentioned above, not only the figure, but also health will suffer.

  • Efficiency: weight loss
  • Timing: 1-2 weeks
  • Products cost: 1300-1400 rubles per week

General rules

One of the options for diets aimed at losing weight is the so-called "fat-free diet". The essence of the diet is clear from its name and consists in limiting fat in the diet. At the same time, the recommendations of various authors differ significantly: from the complete exclusion of fats from the diet to specific figures for fat consumption (5-10% of the diet). Unfortunately, for most people who want to lose weight, fat intake is associated only with the size of the subcutaneous fat layer. While fats are one of the main dietary nutrients that are involved in all reactions metabolism , participate in the construction of cell membranes, are one of the sources of energy and create conditions for the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins (A , E ).

Fats, being a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular, omega 3 and 6 are necessary for the synthesis of a number hormones , maintaining the normal function of the cardiovascular system, the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins ... A completely fat-free diet can only lead to negative consequences and harm your health. In addition, it is quite difficult to create a “no fat” diet menu, since most foods still contain some amount of vegetable / animal fats. Therefore, by the definition of a fat-free diet, it is more correct to mean a low-fat diet.

The basis of this type of diet is the question to what level should fat be limited? Some authors suggest that the amount of fat in the diet should be below 30 g / day. Others are convinced that the fat content cannot fall below 50 g / day. Most likely, the minimum allowable amount of fat must be determined individually, depending on a number of parameters: age, gender, level of physical activity, health status. It is necessary to proceed from the calculation that 1 g of lipids during oxidation releases 9.3 Kcal. Therefore, when forming a diet with a physiologically normal content of proteins (90 g) and carbohydrates (400 g), the energy component of which is 4.1 Kcal / gram, you can determine how much energy will be reduced your diet with a particular fat content in the diet ...

For a sufficiently effective process of losing weight, the energy component of the daily diet should be 1800-2000 kcal / day, which is achieved by reducing the consumption of fat to 40-50 g / day with a physiological norm of protein and carbohydrates. When limiting fats, trans fats are eliminated first, saturated fats are limited, and unsaturated fats are consumed in moderation.

However, in addition to controlling the quantitative content of fats in the diet, it is equally important to monitor the qualitative composition of fats. When limiting fat to 10-15% of the total calorie intake, achieved by including low-fat / low-fat foods in the diet, it is important to maintain the correct ratio between monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which should be 1: 1. Foods containing monounsaturated acids include olive, nut, sesame, rapeseed, sunflower oil, almonds, peanuts, cashews, avocados. And for products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids - soybean oil, corn oil, flax, salmon and other types of red fish, sesame seeds, walnuts.

The diet of a low-fat diet provides for the consumption of foods / dishes with a minimum content of animal / vegetable fats: lean meats (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit), lean fish (cod, pike, flounder perch, trout), various cereals, bread / rusks from wholemeal flour, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits, fat-free fermented milk products.

Excluded: fatty cottage cheese, fatty meat / fish, cheeses, sweet cheeses, milk, mayonnaise, cream, fermented baked milk, animal / cooking fat (lard, bacon). It is important to limit hidden fats in the diet, which are found in large quantities in ice cream, smoked meats, offal, cheeses, sausages, cookies, confectionery, egg yolks, fast food, canned fish and meat, chocolate, sweets. The duration of a diet with limited fat should not exceed 14 days.

A vegetarian diet means avoiding the use of meat and meat products. With such a diet, you can not only lose weight, but also lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the load on the digestive tract. Several studies show the positive effects of a vegetarian diet on performance and mental performance. Let's talk about the simple rules of a vegetarian diet.

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The essence of the diet is reflected in the name: products and dishes containing fats are removed from the menu to the maximum. But you should not completely abandon the fats coming from outside ("low-fat diet" does not mean "fat-free"). Insufficient fat intake "reverberates" in the body with a lack of vitamins, as well as a deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, it is contraindicated to sit on this diet for a long time.

You need to reduce your fat intake to 5%. Thanks to this, the body is rebuilt and begins to use its own fat reserves.

You need to eat often, but fractionally. Serving weight at one sitting - up to 250 g. It is advisable to draw up a clear daily schedule, eating at the same time.

The results of such a diet: loss of 4-6 kg per week.

But! It is worth sticking to a low-fat diet for up to 7, maximum - up to 10 days!

You will have to remove from the diet ...

  • Fat meat(any parts of pork, fatty parts of lamb and beef, goose and duck). This list also includes lard (bacon, internal fat), skin (including chicken).
  • Offal(tongue, liver, kidneys).
  • Sausages, including sausages.
  • Fatty fish(red fish, mackerel and herring, tuna, mackerel, eel, sardines). Fish caviar is also banned.
  • Dairy products with a fat content exceeding 1%... But switching to milk with 0% fat content is also not worth it - calcium is almost not absorbed from such products. Butter is prohibited, as is its "substitute" margarine. Hard cheese will also have to be discarded.
  • Sauces and fatty dressings, primarily mayonnaise.
  • Egg yolks.
  • Legumes: soybeans, beans.
  • Nuts(with no exceptions).
  • Products containing cocoa(chocolate, candy). Cocoa drink is also prohibited.
  • Food and drinks with sugar... Waffles, muffins, cakes, cookies during this diet are "on the other side of the barricades."
  • Canned food(meat, fish, homemade vegetable preparations).
  • Fast food and purchased snacks.
  • Highly carbonated beverages.
  • Alcohol(even dry red wine is prohibited).

Fatty foods are replaced by light ones (from this list)

Meat: Veal, lean beef, rabbit, chicken, and skinless turkey. Horse meat is also allowed.

A fish... Mainly river varieties are allowed: pike, perch, trout. From the sea, flounder, cod, pollock, navaga are suitable.

Milk, not greasy.

Cereals... Porridge (no butter) is a big part of this diet.

Mushrooms, vegetables, fruits can be consumed without restrictions. Leafy greens should also be part of the diet.

Oils are prohibited. But so that the body is not depleted, nutritionists recommend once a day to take a teaspoon of fish oil or rosehip oil (or 1 capsule). Pour a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil into salads.

Bread: only with wholemeal flour (grain bread), and even then - a slice a day.

Beverages... The diet requires "making friends" with water (drink 1.5 liters a day, better - even more). Unsweetened coffee and tea are also allowed, but without fanaticism. Finally, prepare compotes from dried fruits or fresh berries, fruits (no sugar).

Sweets... Sometimes morning tea can be sweetened with honey, but no more than 1 teaspoon per day.

During cooking, products are boiled (in water and steamed), stewed in water or their own juice, baked without fat. Grilling is also permitted.

The Benefits of a Low-Fat Diet

  • You don't need to count calories. Schedule a menu for the week, buy the products you need, and don't get frustrated.
  • Different dishes are allowed, their volume is sufficient for saturation. The diet does not prohibit snacks and snacks. There will be no hunger strike.
  • The diet is affordable. Some foods can be replaced with others - say, in winter, when cucumbers and tomatoes are not seasonal, use cabbage and carrots instead.
  • With this weight loss, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.
  • The menu is balanced, thanks to which the body receives most of the necessary beneficial nutrients. But, being carried away by a low-fat diet seriously, you should pay attention to vitamin-mineral complexes.
  • Reviews about this diet are mostly positive. Moreover, it is not only women who are losing weight who praise her. Doctors assure that by reasonably reducing the consumption of fats, people reduce the risk of "meeting" with cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and heart attack.
  • The diet works! With its help, they lose weight, sometimes losing up to a kilogram per day.

Seeing the rapidly changing numbers on the scales, losing weight does not stop, refusing to leave the low-fat diet after the prescribed 7 days. So the pros and cons of such a diet are reversed. Yes, a person continues to lose those hateful kilograms. But in addition, he gets problems with the body as a whole (lack of fat can "hit" any organ), loose skin. In some, there is a lowering of the internal organs - for example, the kidneys, which “echoes” with pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is important to use this diet correctly.


If your diet was fatty before losing weight and your portions were huge, the diet will make you suffer. Food without oil will seem tasteless, "none"; 250g servings will not completely saturate the body. And you can't take the additive! But, getting used to such a diet, you will be surprised to notice that you have begun to gorge on.

Low-fat diets sometimes have side effects in the form of brittle nails, dull hair color, constant feeling cold. This is a sign that the diet is not suitable for you personally and needs to be stopped urgently. Also, the “stop signal” should be the appearance of dizziness, nausea, weakness - in this case, you need not only return to the old diet, but also make an appointment with a therapist.

Contraindications for such nutrition

  • Pancreatitis (with this disease, it is better to stick to a purine diet, created not so much for weight loss as for health).
  • Anemia.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Endocrine system problems.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Other chronic diseases (but - during an exacerbation).
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Too young age (low-fat food is prohibited not only for children, but also for adolescents).
  • Advanced age (critical point - 65 years).

It is also believed that a low-fat diet is more dangerous for women than for men. Therefore, "listen" to the body. Even with a strong desire to lose weight, do not ignore the advice of doctors about introducing oils into the diet.

Weekly (classic) low fat diet menu

Important! You need to repeat such a diet no more than 2, maximum 3 times a year.

Monday Friday

  • Breakfast... Omelet with 2 egg whites (steamed or fried without fat) + cereal loaf + 200 ml fresh.
  • Snack... A couple of baked apples (small).
  • Dinner... Up to 150 ml of cream soup with low-fat fish + 100 g of buckwheat with mushrooms.
  • Afternoon snack... 0.5 pomelo or grapefruit.
  • Dinner... Chopped fruit + a couple of spoons of cottage cheese + a glass of yogurt, kefir or milk. From the listed ingredients, you can make a cocktail.

Tuesday, Saturday

  • Z... "Salad" of cottage cheese and apple, poured with kefir.
  • P... Rice casserole with fruit + a cup of green tea.
  • O... A portion of lean vegetable soup + 2 tablespoons of boiled buckwheat + a salad of boiled (baked) rabbit and vegetables.
  • P... One fresh pear.
  • Have... Chicken fillet baked with vegetables + herbal tea (especially useful for losing weight, drinking rosehip broth or drinks with chicory).

Wednesday, Sunday

  • Z... Grain bread toast, greased with curd (the bread can be black) + fresh fruit juice. Of course, it should only be fresh - purchased juices contain a large amount of sugar. If you can't drink fresh juice, make coffee or tea.
  • P... Light pudding (be careful, the recipe should not contain yolks, cream, sugar).
  • O... Cream soup with rye bread croutons + 2-3 tablespoons of boiled rice with tomatoes.
  • P... Pumpkin porridge (without oil).
  • Have... Vegetable stew with meat (from the list above) + tea.


  • Z... Fruit (not starchy, that is, not a banana) + tea or coffee.
  • P... Vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of unrefined oil.
  • O... Baked fish fillet (100-150 g) + 1 boiled potato + 1 light vegetable (fresh tomato, cucumber, carrot or a couple of lettuce leaves).
  • P... Mushrooms stewed with vegetables.
  • Have... Unsweetened vegetable pudding.


It must be smooth, otherwise what was thrown off by "overwork" will quickly return.

Increase the amount of fat in your diet gradually. Let's say you can start by introducing fried soups.

Make sure that the volume of food at one time still does not exceed 250 g. Do not rush to "meet" with snacks (crackers, chips), as well as sweets.

Ginzburg's diet: differences and advantages

Director of the Research Institute of Diet Therapy and Dietetics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Ginzburg believes that you can lose weight without hunger strikes and training until you drop.

The essence of such a diet is also to replace fatty foods and low-fat foods (and in order not to suffer from a lack of vitamins, Mikhail Moiseevich advises to include fish in the diet more often). Moreover, fasting days should be done twice a week, for one such day, eating 350 g of fruit and 550 g of vegetables (boiled or fresh).

The weekly menu should be built with foods that are low in fat and calories, and at the same time high in fiber. Sugar and sugary foods with such weight loss are prohibited.

Drinking according to the Ginzburg diet is only green tea, as well as water (clean, without gas).

The diet is not considered dangerous, you can stick to it for months. On average, 1-1.5 kg are consumed per month. Those who are losing weight do not feel hunger, since the portions are large.

Day menu: option one

  • Breakfast... Broccoli with carrots, stewed with vegetable oil (portion 150 g) + a cup of green tea (150 ml) + a slice of black bread.
  • Dinner... Vinaigrette (portion 150 g) + 1 each fresh banana, apple, pear, orange + 0.5 grapefruit + 150 ml of water (mineral water is allowed, but without gas).
  • Afternoon snack... Same fruit as recommended for lunch + a cup of green tea.
  • Dinner... Stew of non-starchy vegetables with vegetable oil (portion 100 g) + stewed cabbage (100 g) + the above fruits + a slice of black bread + water.

By the way! Other diets strictly regulate the time of the last meal (for example, it is forbidden to eat dinner later than 3 hours before bedtime). According to Ginzburg, you can have dinner when it is convenient.

Day menu: option two

  • Breakfast... Apple salad, raw cabbage and carrots (150 g) + green tea.
  • Snack... Half grapefruit, orange, banana, apple and pear.
  • Dinner... Boiled rice without oil (100 g) + boiled or steamed low-fat fish (90 g) + green salad (100 g) + a slice of bran bread + green tea + the same fruits, citrus fruits as for a snack.
  • Dinner... Vinaigrette (portion 100 g) + non-carbonated mineral water + the above fruits.

As an option: lunch can be prepared, as indicated above, and for breakfast and dinner, eat only a portion of fruits or vegetables, as in the unloading day.

Food according to Seluyanov

Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov - Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Candidate of Biological Sciences.

A detailed interview, during which Dr. Seluyanov provides answers to questions, primarily related to strength training, is available in this video. Gaining muscle mass, the benefits or harms of carbohydrate-free or ketogenic diets, fat burning under various loads, including local (that is, in the right places) ... Watching the video will be useful not only for the jocks:

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